Lol...Mad dash home huh? I know people who didn't make it and yep, quarantine for them. My sister is in Sydney and I'll give her a call later to see how it is on the ground. I'm afraid that 2021 hasn't brought about any changes as far as the bastard-virus goes.
I think we were fools to think it wouldn't come back, to be honest.
The gift that keeps on giving.
Ah, mate. I think we need to be careful of paying attention to it much. There was a lot of fluff on top of this one - panic that it was on Mornington Peninsual turned out to be negative test..and then they were carrying on about that couple who 'absconded' and they were going to be fined 19k but their response was pretty much 'no one could tell us for sure what was going on so we got sick of waiting and left' lol. The worst of it was all those people who had to hightail it home and getting mixed messages. The kids who'd been partying in the bush just over the border out of wifi range and coming back to a ton of missed calls off his Mum 'get home now' - and not being able to. They hadn't even SEEN anyone from NSW let alone get in spitting distance of them, now they're stuck too. Bloody debacle. AND Nsw - Jesus, Gladys, masks might be good eh?
South Australia is fairly clear so that's good news for me...That doesn't mean the Victorian and New South Wales shenanigans won't happen here in SA.
Yeah exactly the pandemic virus is now panic20 not covid19.
So much conflicting info from 1 page to another on the same website too.
True, but we're still so much more lucky than most of our mates around the globe...
Yes, Australia is the lucky country for sure and I feel blessed to have been born and raised here. So thankful.
Me too. For sure!