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RE: Weekend-engagement week 66: Teleport anywhere

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

I often yearn to get back to more simpler days where working with ones hands didn't mean playing Playstation or ones thumbs on a phone-game. I was raised in a small town where walking to get places was a thing, where sleepy Sundays were spent on the verandah with doggo beside me, or finding mischief in the fields and woodland, vineyards or by the creek. I wish I could go back there, so I understand your comment and the feelings behind it.


We grew up under similar to your life, I would love to go back that little further, experience the slightly earlier period, even more rustic.

One or two photographs doesn't tell the story, small snippets told indicated in chat sounded good fun, although many duties had to be performed, it wasn't all work.

It would be good to go back to earlier times for sure. No computers.

Heck no computers, no telephones, not so many cars or people, what is there not to like?

Sounds bloody glorious!