I appreciate you taking on what I see as the most difficult topic as it can be confronting and you have done a good job.
People can be quite cruel, I think you know what I mean considering what you wrote about being dealt by the kids and all...but it builds character and it's that which carries us through life more confidently and more at one with our true selves.
What can seem (or be) insecurities can also inspire great things within a person, as can adversity and hardship, and I think you've done a good job.
It has been quite a journey, with its ups and downs and what is missing. But I wouldn't want it any other way, it has made me who I am and for that I am grateful.
I have learned to love myself as I am and to understand that there are people who love me for the same thing. Thank you for those words and I'm glad you liked what I wrote here 💕
I look forward to seeing what you have for us next weekend 🤗