Four years is a big effort and whilst there's always ups and downs I think you've experienced a generally upward trend right? Well done on making four years Steven.
You've had personal challenges in those four years, most you've not spoken about, and yet have always managed to turn up, write with passion and vigour and generally bring it on the blockchain. It's been a pleasure to have you around mate, and your support for my #weekend-engagement concept has been very appreciated.
Thanks for your kind words which I feel undeserving of, but happy to receive. I just do what I feel is right and hope it actually is.
Also, with fangirls like you, one could want for no more in life. 🙂
Oh yes, it's always felt like an upward trend, despite the occasional frustration at maintaining a human existence and finding time for my Hive life too of course.
I mention often, my great interest at seeing where the Hive experiment shall take us but being completely honest it really has rewarded me in so many intangible ways I can't even begin to list them for I may never end, ((we both know that is a credible threat!!!))
Before my arrival here, I had obviously not made your acquaintance Galen, or that of many other incredibly cool, interesting and engaging people I now know, for that I am so grateful I can't tell you how much.
Maybe my journey will be more consistent, maybe it will stutter along spasmodically, however it goes, I will be around for many, many years to come. As for my support for weekend-engagement, it has always been a no-brainer, I love it! It epitomises exactly what we should all aspire to here if we place any value on the words community and connection.
One thing I can say with almost 100% conviction is just when you think a conversation has been left hanging because so much time has lapsed that Steven dude will turn up when you least expect it and respond to a conversation from the past, declaring that he has been meaning to get around to responding.
Thanks for the wishes, thanks for your friendship and connection, it's massively appreciated, never taken for granted and something I am very thankful for.
Take good care G-dog, you're one in a million mate. 😎
It's been a good place for both of us I think and in more ways than one. The friendship, personal growth, ability to gain differing perspectives and arms-length from our own thoughts...So many reasons.
Thanks for your kind words. I don't feel like one in a million though, I just do what I think is right.