WITHOUT. A Word That Has More Of A Negative Resonance For Me.

In and of itself the word 'WITHOUT', could be taken as a positive just as easily as a negative.

However the second I see it, ponder it, become affected by it, loss, lack and melancholy are conjured in my (over-active) minds eye.

Who would I be, what would I do, without my family?
How would I find a life without music?
without love, how would I survive?
How was I affected as I became used to life without my Nana when she died?

I realise of course that I could equally have said:

Imagine a world without war, disease and suffering.
without poverty, how limitless could mankind become?

There are a myriad of other options on this side of the argument but like I say, the word without simply conjures up scarcity and lack for me, I guess I'm just weird that way...


I am currently in a spell that sees me, largely experiencing life without writing, which has become somewhat of an emotional crutch and vital outlet for me over the last few years. Catharsis, connection, fun, fulfilment and a chance to use my voice and air the views that are important to me, have been chief among the myriad of almost immeasurable benefits for I have experienced.

If you know me, have stumbled across my musings and insane ramblings before today, you will know I am not going to be winning any literary awards anytime soon but that I do explore those things I deem worthy to the fullest, no stone is left unturned, no metaphor left unused and no cliché avoided, (no matter how many times I say I will avoid that particular trap!).

You could indeed say I would feel a deep sense of sadness and I don't think loss, is too strong a word, if my Hive were taken away from me, of course, I mean my blog and ability to connect with the plethora of downright bloody cool people from every corner of the globe, I have crossed paths with, and of course a few not quite so cool too, but as they say 'accentuate the positive', right? and not my monetary Hive.

There are many times when I have been angry, incredibly sad, downright depressed (maybe more than I've ever let on), when I have hopped online and struck the keys with anger, excitement or just pure old purpose and I have felt the negative feelings simply melt away, this 'outlet' has been invaluable to me, many, many times!

Why am I telling you all of this?

Well I am writing this in response to an engagement/posting topic prompt set by a dude who I have an enormous amount of time and a great respect for, somebody who I am utterly bloody proud to know, if you know me, you likely know who he is as I have often waxed lyrical about this amazing guy (who I'm convinced, bloody hates people referring to him in this fashion!!!).

A man who as far as I have observed, has always gone out of his way in encouraging, noticing and engaging with the un-noticed majority. By this, I mean the new users here, those who toil in relative obscurity and who yearn for somebody to leave them a comment, maybe strike up a little rapport, so often the difference when it comes to retention here and often the 'one small thing' that makes all the difference and promotes a feeling of fulfilment.

I am of course referring to the Aussie enigma himself, @galenkp and especially to his weekend engagement posting and engagement topic. I know he is all of the things I just claimed above, as I remember him reaching out to me many moons ago and saying something along the lines of...

"I see you put a lot of effort in to your posts with little in the way of engagement or reward, keep on keeping on, people WILL find you."

I was a little bit thrilled if I am gonna' be completely honest. That message meant more to me than you can imagine. That's why I occasionally sound like a bit of a G-dog fangirl and I make no apology.

This weeks weekend engagement posting topic as always, had several prompt options revolving around the word/concept 'without'.

I chose the option:

Imagine that Hive ceased to exist. Which Hive accounts (people not communities) would you miss and why?

As you can see, I didn't fully stick to the prompt and I'm certain he will not be remotely surprised as I am a rebel... A renegade... A bloody crazy-assed, long winded British dude who is old enough to know better and cease being an idiot but who quite clearly never will!

This wasn't the prompt that most resonated with me, but I have to be honest I finished a 12 hour shift a short while ago and leave the house 10 hours after getting in to start another one and fancied something light, bright and breezy and it also lets me share with you something that is very cool to me...

I've been here for 4 frikkin' years. I can scarcely believe that much time has passed!


If you were to click on my profile, check my stats you would realise how utterly unremarkable my journey has been. Many arrived way after me and left me for dust. Many grabbed the stunning opportunity with both hands and have made pretty substantial financial rewards. Many latched on to a whale and surfed their way to bigger things and more expansive waters and built a huge profile.

Me? Oh I confess that I do wish life afforded me a little more time for my blockchain ambitions, but on the whole, I came here and acted as nothing other than the Steven Wood dude that I have spent almost half a century being.

it's a pretty unremarkable story, but the central character is real.


I've never turned any of my rewards back in to fiat and have no plans to do so any time soon. I have spent much of what has come to me for my efforts supporting some cool initiatives on Hive, gave some delegations to new users who impressed me, given away a little in prizes, sent some to a blockchain charity or 2 and even supported some real life causes that touched me deeply when I heard about them.

I would hate to think that my efforts here ever became focussed on anything other than just enjoying the interaction, connection and fun that this amazing place affords, while expanding the parameters of who I am as a dude who shares this space with so, so many others.

Truthfully, I did think of a number of people who I have been incredibly happy, thankful, fortunate to cross paths with, many of whom, have 'genuinely' enriched my life with but I didn't want this post to turn in to a gratuitous tag-fest.

Being even more truthful though, I was terrified of missing names off that list, there, I said it 😁

Lest to say that to anyone who has taken time to engage with me, comment on my rambling epics, share encouragement or become a friend, YOU have been a part of and important to my journey and instrumental in me still being here 4 years later.

It's easy to only ever notice the downside of this community and lord knows they exist, we all know people here who ONLY see such things, but I can tell you something, when it is at it's best this community is nothing short of BLOODY MAGNIFICENT!!

Thanks for the memories Hive, here's to the next year and many, many more of them.

Thank YOU for taking the time to read my post and if you're one of those amazing people who like to hit the comments section... Then I doubly thank YOU!

Either way I want you to know that you are appreciated!

Keep taking the time to connect with each-other both here and in the 'so-called' real world and try and look after each-other, because as you already know...

Together We're Just Better.png


I am an incredibly proud member of #TeamUK I love the global community immensely, but it is nice to have a home-team banner to add to my posts. The banner was made by the inimitable RoastMaster General himself @c0ff33a If you are an active UK member and would like to be added to the teamUK community on Discord, just let me know 😎


Hi @stevenwood, Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content. For more information visit our discord https://discord.gg/8CVx2Am

Happy fourth anniversary, enjoy them a lot.
You are very right, if one does not like the interaction with other people, there is no reason to be here.
have a beautiful sundayHow are you dear friend @stevenwood good night

Thank you so much, my friend. It is massively appreciated, even if I am a little late in saying it!

It is the people I have met here who have made the journey so interesting, engaging and FUN. Without them, it would just be like writing my thoughts in a journal.

Looking so forward to the next year and to see where we can go with this great experiment. Take good care, thanks for stopping by and for your kind wishes. 😎


I hope your next 4 years on Hive are even more fulfilling and better than the first 4.

Thanks ever so much my friend. I am incredibly intrigued to see how the grand Hive experiment moves forward, one thing is in no doubt whatsoever, I will be here with front row seats to see it.

I've met so many cool people over my time here and even though I have always been far more tortoise than hare (just look how long it takes me to respond to a bloody comment!!!) I'm going nowhere!

Thanks again man, take good care 😎


Four years is a big effort and whilst there's always ups and downs I think you've experienced a generally upward trend right? Well done on making four years Steven.

You've had personal challenges in those four years, most you've not spoken about, and yet have always managed to turn up, write with passion and vigour and generally bring it on the blockchain. It's been a pleasure to have you around mate, and your support for my #weekend-engagement concept has been very appreciated.

Thanks for your kind words which I feel undeserving of, but happy to receive. I just do what I feel is right and hope it actually is.

Also, with fangirls like you, one could want for no more in life. 🙂

Oh yes, it's always felt like an upward trend, despite the occasional frustration at maintaining a human existence and finding time for my Hive life too of course.

I mention often, my great interest at seeing where the Hive experiment shall take us but being completely honest it really has rewarded me in so many intangible ways I can't even begin to list them for I may never end, ((we both know that is a credible threat!!!))

Before my arrival here, I had obviously not made your acquaintance Galen, or that of many other incredibly cool, interesting and engaging people I now know, for that I am so grateful I can't tell you how much.

Maybe my journey will be more consistent, maybe it will stutter along spasmodically, however it goes, I will be around for many, many years to come. As for my support for weekend-engagement, it has always been a no-brainer, I love it! It epitomises exactly what we should all aspire to here if we place any value on the words community and connection.

One thing I can say with almost 100% conviction is just when you think a conversation has been left hanging because so much time has lapsed that Steven dude will turn up when you least expect it and respond to a conversation from the past, declaring that he has been meaning to get around to responding.

Thanks for the wishes, thanks for your friendship and connection, it's massively appreciated, never taken for granted and something I am very thankful for.

Take good care G-dog, you're one in a million mate. 😎

It's been a good place for both of us I think and in more ways than one. The friendship, personal growth, ability to gain differing perspectives and arms-length from our own thoughts...So many reasons.

Thanks for your kind words. I don't feel like one in a million though, I just do what I think is right.

Happy 4th birthhiveday? Hivebirthday? Whatever the nomenclature, happy being around here for 4 years day Steven 😉 🍰 🎆

I realise of course that I could equally have said:
Imagine a world without war, disease and suffering.
without poverty, how limitless could mankind become?

I like what you were saying about the word without. It is a constant source of wonderment to me that many things in this world function in the way you pointed out, they can be a reflection of the positive or the negative; it is so often a matter of perception.

And this defiantly can be the case with writing as well. I get creative blocks at least 2-3 times a year and they're depressing AF 😂 Not least because I have to knuckle down and focus on only the writing commissions that pay my rent, and it kinda saps all the fun out of the creative process of writing. But it is a double edged sword... as when the ideas are flowing and the creativity is running like a river it’s invigorating.

Keep on keeping on, and know that if you're pushing through a bit of a creative drought the rains will surely fall soon enough.

All the best 🙂

Hey Rowan... Did I get that right? Ya know those moments were you begin to doubt yourself???

Thank YOU so much my friend, it is so much more than appreciated. I wouldn't trade the time I have spent here for anything, except a journey that was better served by my learning the oh-so elusive skill of time management and controlling my growth a little more, but it is what it is, right? I accept it all exactly as it is.

It's funny that you specifically focussed on the function of words as the etymology, sound, feeling and functional use of words is a huge passion of mine. Language can be mundane or profound depending on the choice and breadth of words used.

As for the idea of droughts, for any that have read your wonderful work, it is amazing to hear that you are affected by such. I usually write about the things that burrow in to mind/consciousness for one reason or another as I believe that if something has become important to me or worthy of investigation or dissection then it has value and utility.

I hope one day to write in the vein that you do and actually in at least a semi-professional capacity, although I fully understand how writing to a brief that likely kindles nothing within can be a drag, your experience certainly tells when you write about the things that do stoke your fire.

I know you have pushed through some tremendously difficult times man, this makes the quality that you send out in to the universe all the more extraordinary, kudos to you Sir!

Thanks ever so much for stopping by and for the wonderful message. Take good care 😎

Hey Rowan... Did I get that right?

ha ha, I have those senior moments (where I forget names, dates... even sometimes how old I am 😂) all the time. But you remembered right m8, that's my name like the tree.

I wouldn't trade the time I have spent here for anything, except a journey that was better served by my learning the oh-so elusive skill of time management and controlling my growth a little more, but it is what it is, right?

Yes, I know this one as I burnt myself out on steem yonks ago... it is kinda why I just stick to making my own content now rather than trying to build communities and take on silly amounts of stuff that I wouldn't be able to live up to.

Am I remembering right that we used to chat a lot on the whaleshares server b4 they forked from hive? I know we've had many imteresting convos about literary type stuff in the past but I can't quite remember for sure where it was in the great discord-o-sphere 😂 Anyway, like you say it is what it is, no regrets is the best way I find.

Nice to hear that you have aims to write for a profession. It is a wonderful thing when you're doing what you love for sure. I came a little unstuck by taking on too much web copy work and that kinda made me fall out of love with writing. It is great when it is something that you're interested in, but apart from the research side (which I enjoy no matter the subject) writing about stuff that bores the pants off ya is pretty crap tbh.

But don't let me put you off. I think it's entirely possible to be part time freelance writing and mainly do interesting work.

Nice chatting Steven, take care and it is nice to see you're still around here blogging 🙂

You remembered exactly where we met perfectly... I wasn't even sure I remembered your name correctly...Jeez!

I hosted the cringingly embarrassing 'Sausage roll curation show' 😂

The idea of me ever truly having the time to pursue writing seriously is almost ludicrous tbh, just look at how long it took me to respond to your awesome comment, 14 days...

Two bloody weeks!!!

Life sucks up vast swathes of our irreplaceable time at an almost inconceivable rate, I was 20, now I am almost 50, when the hell did that happen?

We can both agree that a guy who uses 3 exclamation marks maybe has some kind of problem going on that needs serious remedial treatment!!!

Finding the time to learn the rules will probably elude me for the foreseeable, but at least I get to lay my thoughts bare, here on Hive, where people are incredibly forgiving. I enjoy doing so when life, family, health and work allow me a brief interlude to do so.

Oh yeah, research and learning in general are amazing pastimes, assuming there is some affinity for such things. Thank you so much for stopping by Rowan, I hear that distinctive accent even as I read your words.

Take great care man, I hope your health is playing ball lately, have a fab week 😎

Never worry about taking a while to respond to my comments m8. I've gone through whole 8 month periods on hive where I've hardly engaged with anyone and have been woefully slow to respond to comments. Sometimes it's been because of health issues, others irl stuff like when my mum got cancer; we all have things going on that people on here have no idea about. That's just life, no need to feel guilty or bad about it!

I hosted the cringingly embarrassing 'Sausage roll curation show' 😂

Yes, I remember it well. I thought it was great and very funny and light hearted.

D'you remember my 'litetary corner show' where I interviewed some of the best creative writers I'd found on my curie curation wanderings? I enjoyed doing that show, but I was doing a bunch of other stuff at the time on other discord groups that caused major burn out, and that's part of why I pulled back from discord a lot.

I've recently rediscovered the joy of engaging more through comments, partly because I joined listnerds and @thisismylife's dream team. I can see you're a member and it would be great to see you in there more often, but no pressure. As I said before, discord is the biggest time sink in the whole hive ecosystem.

We can both agree that a guy who uses 3 exclamation marks maybe has some kind of problem going on that needs serious remedial treatment!!!

😂😂🤣 I regularly use two or three exclamation marks in my comedy open mic posts. Did you know that the late gr8 Terry Pratchett said anyone who uses more than 2 exclamation marks dances the line between genius and madness... And here I am writing a comment on my phone at 6am in the morning. I think I'm probably dancing firmly on the madness side of the line 🤪

Oh yeah, and we were talking about creative block... I recently wrote this post The Ideas Factory - 10 Ways to Dispel Writers’ Block that might be of some help if you ever get the dreaded creative block.

All the best 👍

Hi Steven.

What a really cool, kickass post. I think it's really cool that you're shouting it out there and saying thank you for an awesome 4 years, quite a milestone. Much respect.

I think it takes some balls to stick it out through the first while when you're a noob and I know that I probably wouldn't have kept on keeping on without encouragement from @galenkp ... Don't worry I think he has a number of fangirls who appreciate him, it's not just you & me lol.

Have a great Sunday.

Thank you for supporting the #weekend-engagement posting topics concept WE91


original im src

Thank YOU so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave such a kind, supportive and thoughtful message, it is massively appreciated.

It is the people more than anything else that are responsible for my being around 4 years in, the sense of genuine wonder, friendship and connection is second to none and the community this spirit cultivates (for those who choose to see it and plug in to it) is nothing short of magnificent.

I couldn't leave if I tried.

Thank you for adding to that sense of connection, for bringing your own unique sense of awesomeness to the Hive party and for leaving such a bloody wonderful comment to make me smile. Oh and thanks especially for waiting 8 bloody days for a response from a crazy, random English dude who has no sense of work-life-Hive balance, and thinks time-management is something that will accidentally happen one day!!!

Take great care of you and yours, thanks again, hope the shiny new week is a fab one! 😎

Hey Steven

Aww that's the coolest message! I've gotta admit that I feel the same way and have found a large handful of pretty special people on here that are spread all over the world, yet when here feel like we should all be in the same room.

I never mind if replies are 8 days or 5 weeks overdue, I appreciate them all equally 🙂

To be honest, I feel that I joined Hive many years later than I should have, but I'm super glad to be here now. Have a fabulous Monday.

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