My brother and sister in law are pretty tired out so will be mostly relaxing but that gives me more time with my nephew. We'll spend the time together of course but it's all going to be quite casual and relaxed.
I think today we're going to be watching the "Duke Boys" after my nephew and I go on a "secret mission" to the mall to buy Lego.
He's a really good kid and I'm very proud of him. Not having kads myself makes it more special to have this little kid around who idolises me. We are similar in character (I was just like him as a kid as were most of my brothers) so I see so much of myself in him... mischievous little bugger, but good at heart, caring, humourous etc.
Oh ho...A secret mission! That's all very hush-hush and spy-like. Right up a young boy's alley.
Yep, the mission went well, no problems at all and the Lego was purchased. He's pretty pleased...and has bugged me since to start building it with him. One of tomorrow's activities.
Outstanding, I can imagine, his enthusiasm probably has an iron fisted grip on him 😂.
The secret mission had memgiggling as I could imagine you sending a message home:
Eagle One: Eagle One to Eagle Two, come in Eagle
Eagle Two: Come in Eagle One
Eagle One: The Bird is in the nest..I repeat, The Bird is in the nest.. over
I have no idea why that popped into my head 😂😂
Lolled at, *the bird is in the nest! It was something like that. He's such a funny kid, his mannerisms aslnd all, it's difficult not to get swept up in the enthusiasm. He's a good nephew.
I'm glad you got a kick out of that, it was sounding right in my head but looked dorky on the screen lol
Nope, pretty much that's what military comms sounds like. Not dorky.
(Haven't said dorky for a long time.) ☺️
P.S. I used the radio comms idea for my post about the mission, changed it slightly but the idea was yours. Thank you, and I hope you don't mind. Posting in a few days.
I don't mind at all, it will be a pleasure to read!