Splendid answer!
I often yearn for those simple times and places that I probably took for granted at the time. Life is so, hectic these days, and more to the point, we're so distracted.
You paint a nice picture in words here and I feel that you really want to be there, that it means something. I get it.
I suppose at worst you have a load of memories to enjoy, at worst, the understanding and hope you'll get back there again.
Thanks for joining in.
You know, the irony of it is that, when I left Calgary, I honestly felt I would never look back. My final year in college was very rough for me personally and I was really looking forward to a fresh start not only out of town, but on the other side of the country.
Of course one should never say never. I've only ever been back to visit once since then, but you're spot on that the good memories are there and by far outweigh the negative. I enjoy that.
Sorry to hear about your final college year being a little rough - I guess with age comes perspective, new perspective and so I'm not surprised you have a yearning to return. I think it'll be a nice moment to do so, to relive some of those moments. I hope you can make it happen.
It sucked at the time, but looking back now, it's our history that makes us who we are today. It's all good, and if it hadn't happened the way it did, who knows what butterfly effect would have occurred as a result.
What I really ought to do first is renew my passport(s). Maybe that'll lite a fire under my butt. 😀
That's an excellent way to look at it, and is exactly how I see my own past. I've had some stuff happen and without it I'd not be me right now.
Get that passport mate...I keep my up to date at all times!