in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)


Posting in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES COMMUNITY can be done on any day of the week of course, as long as the content is strongly focused on weekend experiences.


  • Content must revolve around your weekend (Saturday and Sunday) but can be posted any day of the week:

What you did, what you're going to do or what you would like to do. Any subject is welcome provided it happened, or is going to happen on the weekend, with reference made to the weekend. Simply mentioning the word weekend isn't sufficient.

  • Show personality, passion and effort:

This is my posting standard in any community to be honest. Every post you do is a showcase of what you can do and who you are and people will be attracted to posts that show effort and personality.

  • Add interesting and in-focus images:

You don't need to be a photographer but using blurry, dim photos won't help catch people's eye. Think about the image you use as the main and reconsider using poor photographs in your post. Also, there's no need to load fifty images of the same thing, that's repellant.

  • Write interesting text:

Your first paragraph should capture and interest the reader so make it the best you can write. Set up the rest of the post, offer a hint as to what the reader may expect as they work through the post. Think beginning, middle and conclusion when crafting the text and don't jump around too much - Write so that the reader can easily follow the flow of it. Use paragraphs and punctuation to the best of your ability also - None of us are professional writers, but make a little effort.

  • Text length matters:

Posts of under 250 words won't generally get curated by me for additional votes from curation initiatives, or probably maximum votes from me. You don't need to write massive posts but short-content posting will be treated accordingly as far as votes go. Give readers a little more to work with, you might be surprised how well that goes.

  • Respond to comments:

When people leave comments on your posts it's usually because they liked what they read and would like to engage with you a little. Ignoring that comment is a good way to ensure they ignore you in the future so make sure you respond. Your replies should be interesting, polite and respectful. A simple thank you is ok, but doesn't help to open up relationships so try adding a little more substance.


  • I'll punish abusive behaviour
  • Original content - No recycling
  • No plagiarism of words or theft of images
  • Use only your own photos (no stock images)
  • No cross posts - I mute them - Don't cry about it
  • Non-community-related content will be muted - Don't cry about it
  • Post in English only - No bilingual posts or titles
  • Don't spam-post - one per day is sufficient
  • No political or religious posting
  • No single-image or no-word posts

You may also see the #weekend-engagement concept hosted in this community. It is a writing prompt in response to a set of topics I release each Friday - There a set of guidelines to follow for that concept which are outlined in the topics post on Friday's - It is the only time the #weekend-engagement tag should be used in this community.

I've tried to keep the guidelines to a minimum as I don't want people to get too bogged down with a large set of rules. The topics and subjects welcomed are endless, provided they are strongly weekend-related of course. It's designed to be a fun place for people to showcase their weekend activities, travels, events or thoughts so feel free to do so.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image is mine and is not for your use

There are 3 pages

First post I have read on this platform. I just joined and i think i will be posting my weekend very soon

 3 years ago (edited) 

Great! It's a guide to posting in my community, THE WEEKEND, but can be applied to all I think. I look forward to seeing you around.

Ok, thanks for giving me my first upvote 😀.

You're welcome...Here's another.

I'm sure you're getting your intro post ready

yeah bro, but i am confused on where to drop my introduction post

You could drop it in Ocd, #introducetion, #introduce yourself, if your country has a community you could drop it there. Also, it's advisable you update your dp so it's easy to recognize you

Hi. I have joined this community a while ago. Will definitely post in this community soon. 🤎🤎

Sounds great, thanks for reading the posting guidelines in this post too.

Interesante y retador las posibles publicaciones a realiza en esta comunidad. Me gusta el reto y tratare de hacer alguna dedicada a este fin de semana que voy a Valencia, ciudad que queda a 250Km de Caracas.

Hello Gloria, I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish which is why this community only accepts posts in English.

I hope you have a good weekend. (Bueno weekendo) 😁

hello @galenkp , i am new here and i see this post is about two years ago but i still find it very interesting as you segment all the words for we newbie so we can understand it better...i will be dropping about my weekend very soon.

No worries, it's a guide designed to help people understand what's expected in this community and how to post better generally. I hope it's helped and that you'll be able to post in this community under the guidelines and contribute to the community.

Yes, i understand the assignment very well.Thank you so much

Hello, thank you for clarifying the information, I am Spanish speaking but I also publish in English.
I want to ask you how I can participate in Weekend-Engagement Week and what day should I post to participate?

 10 months ago (edited) 

As long as your post and title is completely in English (no dual language) it's acceptable.

With the #weekend-engagememt topics: I release them on a Friday around 06:30UTC and end it on Monday 06:30UTC (which is 5pm Monday my time here in Australia.)

If you use peakd there is a countdown timer on my topics post and also a link to a UTC time converter so you can work it out in your own time zone. So, you can post any time prior to the topics for that week closing off as above.

I do a highlights post on Monday and give away 200 Ecency points each to three posts and showcase several others.

All community rules must be followed and, of course, the post must be relevant to the topics I've set.

If you have any other questions please ask.

So I have time to participate today, thank you

You sure do and I see you have. ✅

How tasty and satisfying to be able to consume what one harvests.

That soup looks like it is going to be very tasty.
I have grown tomatoes, oregano, Chinese garlic and I got some blessed snails or guacaras as we call them.
This is the snail that arrives to my plants


That's a huge looking guacaras, although that is probably because the photo was taken close up. 🤣

I wonder...do you think this guacaras could fly?

I feel it's about time to write my first post in your community. Not sure why I never did. Probably because I am a stubborn creative who tries not to get stuck in routines ( no matter how helpful they can be ). To Be Convinued...

Lol, you know there's so many that have never posted here and that's ok. It'll happen when it happens, or won't. Life will continue for me either way.

But, it would be great to see you around should you decide to relax your stubborn creativeness just a little. You've read the posting guide so you're good to go. 😊

Interesting would be one word, sober is another. After a week of overindulgence in Cornwall with some mates. A couple of us decided to do Stoptober. Harder than you think with @scubahead in the house.
Still first hurdle over Sunday lunch with Dad and @millycf1976. with a zero alcohol Cider.


Only another 28 days to go not that I’m counting.

I've never tried drink that emulates an alcoholic beverage but with no alcohol in it and have wondered what they're like.

The cider was a bit sweet for my taste. One that I have been presently surprised at is Free Damm that I had for my #beersaturday it was a very plesesnt better than Philippines San Mig if I’m honest

It's going to be my first time posting in this community.
Thank you for the guidelines.

No worries, thanks for reading and following them.

For the last year, everyday has been same for me.

Wake up. Do some shit on computer. Sleep.

Sometimes, I even forget what day of the week it is.

As it's your community, I am sure it will be fun. So, I have subsribed to it.

Will read a few posts to see what type of content goes in there(might feel sad about my boring life later😓)

After that, I will try to be creative and post some relevant content there😃

Sometimes, I even forget what day of the week it is.
this is quite true, i believe its good for many of us

It'll be good to see you in the community if you decide it's worthy of your time. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 😀

Great post to show us the path may be towards success for our posts, I am sure few tips will help for over all posts like length of the posts and content. Thank you @galenkp you are doing a wonderful.
By the way, you have mentioned about community name how can I get it?

I did indeed mention community names, well spotted as you scanned my text.

As you would also have seen, I mentioned that a person needs to be seen to be posting in the community regularly before one can earn member status and when they attain that much-desired accolade then they will qualify to earn a community name given by me or, as per the text above, they have a chance to select their own also - A new invention I came up with today.

Maybe you missed this in the text above that I wrote the first time. No worries though, I took the time out of my day to write it out once again, just for you.

Actual I read all but didn't understand because I thought I am member of the community, there was the confusion that's why I asked. Thank you once again 😊

That's ok, you'll have to excuse my sarcasm; You see, I was born in Australia and am quintessentially Australian so sarcasm comes with that. I can't help it. 😎

See below where it says member next to krazzytrukker's user name His community name is road warrior - That member status gets done by me. Once one is a member then a name can be allocated. You are a subscriber at this stage. Once you've put a few regular posts into the community you'll be made a member, I can assure you of that. The name will follow.


I got it totally now thank you for help once again.

No worries, I'm hear to help, like my last comment a few second ago. I'm a reward for effort guy meaning I don't respect those who expect rewards for something they haven't done or put effort into - This is in real life and on the blockchain. I'm here to help those who want to be helped and do the right thing. Of course, many do not, and they're on their own...Or get attracted to the wrong behaviours. It's a choice. Seemingly you're making the choice to take the high road and do the right thing.

Indeed your efforts can not be forgotten, as long as I am on HIVE block chain I will remember the name GalenKP.

From this weekend I am going to start my Weekend journey of posts hope this will earn me some reputation in the community 😁.
Posts will be about how I spent my weekend days. This will help me not only my engagement in the community but also it will motivate me to do something interesting and new on weekends.
Is it a good idea? @galenkp your advices always help me to understand things better.

hope this will earn me some reputation in the community

It will...Post weekend stuff though, any topic, but weekend-focused.

will motivate me to do something interesting and new on weekends.

This is a good idea. When I started posting on the blockchain I began heading out a little more, looking for interesting photos or things to write about and so I ended up doing more things, being more active. I mean, I was anyway, but it gave me more reason to immerse myself in different things. Good motivation.

Keep in mind it doesn't have to be something you have done, it could be something you want to do: A weekend trip or some sort of weekend activity with your friends or family, your girlfriend. You know? Just have fun with it, get creative.

Also, get engaged. You know I delegated HP to you right? I checked your commenting today as it turns out and was pleased to see you're still doing so. Make sure you outbound-comment though, meaning comment on other people's posts. Say hello, ask questions, tell them what their post meant to you, what you liked about it. That will help the relate to you, draw them to your own posts, and put you on the radar. It takes time and effort, but nothing worth doing is ever easy right? (Sometimes it actually is, that's when that thing is something that becomes enjoyable.)

Avoid one or two word comments like thank you etc. They are relevant of course, but don't leave you much opportunity to open relationships. Your initial comment on someone's post should be engaging, interesting, and open for them to reply. Some will, some will not - But keep doing it either way.

I hope this helps.

Yes I shall keep in mind the topic. And yes I will look for new things and activities to do hope these will motivate me.
Yes I am trying my best to keep engage myself in different types of posts and get engage with new people, I do remember what you have done for me so far and I am thankful for that till I am using HIVE.
Yes I read your view on not replying with Thank you only. I shall do it from now 😊.
Thank you once again

That's a lot of yesses!

I think you've got it. 😀

oopppss these yesses 😅 but the point is that I understood all..... I wanted to say 😊

I have to try it . Very good guides. Good work

Thank you, I appreciate your comment and maybe will set you around if indeed you do try it.

This guide is very clear so that everyone understands what it is about. I love weekends and this community 😍.

I was aiming for clarity so it seems I hit my mark.

You're a regular at THE WEEKEND community and always post something interesting and community-content specific. I'm grateful to have you around. 🙂

Aww thanks Galenkp, I like to share a bit of my weekend here ❤️.

It is appreciated.

Excellent guide, it is simple information and that perhaps everyone should already know, but it is likely that some users are condusse 😉

...simple information and that perhaps everyone should already know

Yes I agree, but most do not. I'm hoping some people who need to see this post actually do as it will help them with their general posting I think. It's just my opinion of course, but as tomorrow marks the beginning of my fifth year on the blockchain I figure I'm entitled to it - In respect of the community, well it's mine and so the guidelines are relevant.


Si, sono d'accordo.


Ahahhaha bad T9 😁 confused not condusse

Lol...Figured that.

I may surprise you and do a weekend post one of theses weekends. I do sometimes run across other peoples weekend post, and I have been trying to post more often, maybe just to get that secret weekend moniker. I just am not consistent enough, I like to share of course, it is just I run out of time with all the reading of content. Which makes my morning pass pretty quick sometimes, and my before bed come to soon.

I think you did a bang up job on the do's and don'ts. Simple rules and it makes it a lot easier for content searchers to find weekend content.

I may surprise you and do a weekend post one of theses weekends

I do not have a weak heart but some warning would be welcomed! 😂

maybe just to get that secret weekend moniker

Yours will be difficult to come up with - I'm always mindful of not offending people hence the make up your own name thing introduced today.

Thanks for your nice comments on the guidelines I wrote, I took some time to think them through and wanted to make them generic so that they are relevant to all communities. I see so many posts I want to hit up with a 100% upvote and more importantly promote to my network for their upvotes...If only they wrote some more words, expended out a little, on their post rather than throw a picture up with little else. I'm not the man who rewards lack of effort - Here or in real life.

You'll post in THE WEEKEND community when you can and I understand the time constraints - We can all only do what we can and when. It'll be a nice surprise to have you post in the community.

It summer now, but that means crowds, but we do still go out on photo excursions and road explores in the summer. Roads less traveled can be very rewarding photo excursions too. last year we found a nice little pingo pond for dramatic sky pictures reflections.

The community content guidelines are pretty loose so find a picture of a river and write 250 words about how you don't like crowds on the weekend and you're gtg. 😆

I don't like them either. Crowds. People generally. Lol.

Hi mister @galenkp, I'm from Indonesia, more precisely in Aceh 👋

I really involve myself for this very useful community, I have read the rules in this post, for me it is quite interesting to share my weekends here, moreover being a professional Photographer to display beautiful pictures on weekends.

It would be so nice to have you in the community and I'm sure you'll bring us some good stories and images from Indonesia. We're neighbours you know, I'm in Australia. :)

Thanks for reading the guidelines - I look forward to seeing some posts.

Yes, of course mister, we are closer neighbors hehehe, and I also have a desire to vacation in Australia after this pandemic ends, thank you for the warm welcome. !

I'll possibly make up a name for you also.

😨 If you can't handle the name, don't post in the weekend! Most of my weekends consist of house cleaning and baths, so I'm not sure I want to know what kind of name you'd conjure for me. 😉

Lol...Get some posts in there and you'll find out what's in store for you. Something respectful of course...But I'm an Aussie and so it could be irreverentish. Not a word I know, but you get the drift. Lol.

I added in the decide your own name thing today as I figured I'd let people have some input but you've lived in Australia long enough that a nickname only works when someone else gives it. Making up your own is bad juju.

So, let's see...A couple posts should be enough to get your member status and then it's name time!

It's the same in Britain, it's not a nickname if you choose it yourself, it's just cringy. A nickname needs to be earnt and if I'm entirely honest I've never earnt one. Mind you, I don't think girls give them out unless it's behind one another's backs, so it's probably not a bad thing. 🤔

...it's just cringy.

Perfectly described.

Haha, yeah you're probably best not having one as girls make up some terrible things, usually uttered only behind ones back. Best not to know. At least blokes are more direct. I love those nicknames that are the complete opposite of what the person actually is. I've made up a few of those over the years. Gold!

Oh, yes, I like them too. They seem to be an Australian speciality, like "blue" for redheads. I'd never heard that before I came here. Although I rather like Ranga too. 😁

Ranga is a good one! I have a mate we call Fat Jesus. He's thin. The Jesus part is not for the blockchain though so I can't elaborate. 😁

This was due I guess, but they are fair rules and suggestions. Great job on this G-dog! By the way, love the hat in the profile picture. Greeting from this side of the world!

Hey mate, thanks for commenting.

Yeah, I should have done a posting guide a while ago but it's done now and I hope it helps people post better here and in other communities also.

The hat? Well, I'm a country boy at heart my bro, so if the hat fits...Wear it. 😁

It looks like a reminder to everyone that this community is not just throw post and go. Good thing to have this guidelines.

Ha, ha, ha. I need a straw hat since I'm a coast boy. Might get one or make one for that matter. 😄

People can post as they please wherever they like I guess but if they're looking to build their brand some effort is required. The guidelines post hopefully provides a framework for people to work off and possibly state to create better value for themselves as simply writing rubbish and tagging a bunch of users to fish for votes will not do so. I know you get it.

Make the straw hat man, it'll suit you! ✅

Well, it certainly help to have some help when trying to grow a blog around here.

Make the straw hat man, it'll suit you! ✅

I'll do as soon as I learn how to.


Don't make this one. Just saying.

My, my... that requires a lot of skill. 🤣

Fair enough, I have been wanting to post here , I'll do that soon enough. I don't like twitter or Fb , I'll takes this ;D

I'll look out for your posts and yeah, I'm not on Facebook or Twitter. Can't stand them. 😉

Nice initiative. Very reasonable, and clear guidelines. 😊

Thank you for taking the time to read and respond, I appreciate it.

You are welcome!

Thank you very much for these guidelines are very important to publish valuable content for this community, greetings.

Hi there. I'm glad you had a read of this post and hope there were some aspects of it that may come in handy for you.

Thanks for your comment.

Thanks this has been a good overview. I'm really enjoying this community. It's active and shows a lot of different ways of spending the weekend. A good place to get some inspiration when at a loss for what to do next weekend!

Thanks @plint, I'm glad you enjoy the community and liked my guidelines post which I did to help people along a little and to give me more to curate. I hope to see you around some more. 😀

Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful community. I have just published my first in this community and hope to do it every weekend. Thanks a lot for providing this oppornuty.

Already seen it, commented and voted.

Thank you. I believe it worth been here. I am very much impressed to be here.

Thank you and I'll look forward to seeing you around.

Since I am new to the community, I think it is excellent to make the rules known.
As they say around here, clear accounts preserve friendships...

Thanks for taking the time to read; it'll ensure you gain the best experience from posting here and I think the guidelines could also work in general on hive.

Nice initiative, the rules are crystal clear.
I would love to be a member of this community, can you give me a name?

Thanks, follow this link.


Thanks so much for this great post, for while l have not been able to do a post, here but after going through post l will, thanks for the guide

You're welcome. I'll look out for it.

Thank you so much for this enlightenment.
I hope to participate as frequent as possible here on the weekend community.

All good, follow the posting guidelines and you'll be good to go.

@galenkp, Nice to meet you. right I just met and admired you. Now I just found out you have a community. I'm very happy, may I join you. May this request be a joy to you. Thank you.

@galenkp, Thanks Admin, I will join this Community. Hopefully my post can be useful, greetings.

No worries. Keep your content focused on the weekend and you'll be fine.

It's a lovely community to subscribe to at least it'll make me remember that the weekend is up and I Should do something to feel like yeah! It's weekend and just have fun all the way after all weekends are meant for fun.

Thank you and should you feel inclined drop a relevant post in here, I'd be happy to see it.

Oh yeah! I will😁

I like a lot this community philosophy!!! I'll start posting as soon as I can possible write an interesting post of my weekends!!!untitled.gif

Cool, I'm looking forward to seeing your weekend posts!

Congratulations @galenkp for having created a new community dedicated especially to short-term trips, those trips that we usually make discovering new beauties within the city that we inhabit almost without realizing it. Or visiting nearby places.

In my country it is a very common practice in the so-called "long weekends" that coincide with the celebration of some holiday that is added to the two days of the weekend.

I have just published my first post in this community and I hope I can continue to do so in the future with a certain frequency.


That's great. Any weekend-related content is permitted so feel free to get creative.

I have so been in love with this community, due to my frequent weekend experience but for a long while now i could not actually put together an interesting post, some time ago i could do a few but was not really capturing, i believe that very soon, i will be able to put together something interesting. thanks for having me


Just joined this community. I hope I can contribute after reading this guide post.

Hi there, you're welcome to post here, just follow the fairly simple guidelines and it'll all work out.

I just joined this community and posted my weekend blog last night. Thank you for the guidelines, @galenkp!

That's great, welcome to the community. 😊

Wow very lovely. It's cool to know that weekend can be celebrated here too.
I'll be writing my first weekend post here soon..
Thanks @galenkp for the guide and instructions 🙌

The idea is great, I had not seen the community before, of course I want to be part of it too:)

Great, I hope you'll get some content into the community. As long as it's weekend-focused it's welcome. Take a read of the community guidelines also I guess. (No self cross posting etc.)

I also run a little posting concept each Friday with the latest topic coming out this Friday. It runs over the weekend and gives posting topics one must choose from. I hand out a few rewards.

I hope to see you around.

What if we have post signatures in the article with personal and affiliate links and pics and such. Is that okay or no?

It's your post so you can do what you please as long as you follow the guidelines of the community. This is not the place to advertise stuff though. It's designed as a place to post fun weekend stuff. Make sense?

Yeah that's right but I have such a signature so was wondering if that would disqualify me from winning or getting upvoted or something. Some curators don't like those while other curators don't mind it as long as the content (above the signature) is good.

I'm not a fan of a long series of footers/signatures to be honest but I'm not here to dictate about your post...It's yours and so you are free to do it. It's just not something I respond to personally. I think there's a time and place. I tend not to do so on my own posts as I write them for me, for posterity and enjoyment rather than gaining something.

It's a choice we all need to make.

OK then.

I have always enjoyed interacting through comments and it has helped me a lot. I believe this would help the newbies and others here to understand how effective commenting to other people can go a long way to bring connection and relationship with others.

Indeed, this is why I do these posts.

Thank you dear for this information about posting in your community. Today I am going to post about my weekend what I have done on previous weekend ( Sunday)

No worries...But can you please not call me dear. In my country a man calling another man dear is considered quite creepy and strange. The only person who can call me dear is my aunt so if you are her then no worries, but you're not.

Hahaha no worries Sir

Awesome. It's probably best not to call anyone on Hive dear, I guess you just don't know who you're talking to huh?

Awww good thing I read this before cross posting a weekend post. Forgot to post it in this community instead. Oh well... 😅

Oh yeah, cool. I'm not a fan of self-cross-posting so made it a rule. I'm always happy to see weekend-related content posted directly into THE WEEKEND community though.

Well noted with thanks...will be post uploading my first post today @ife28.

Cool. I'll look out for it.

Here is my first participation https://hive.blog/hive-168869/@ife28/we84-post-topics-music-is-an-emotion-a-way-of-expressing-me-to-others... thanks sir, looking forward to your likes and comments

I just joined in. Thank you for this community.

This community is very interesting. I will join after i read the guidlines and right away i will post my first weekend blog.


I was struck by requesting the community name, I don't understand what it is.

It happens to me that I feel that the community is wonderful but since I don't usually go out much I think that my activities will not be interesting, now I see that it can be equally useful to stay home for the weekend.

There's interest to be found in most things we do, one just needs to look until they see it.

And sometimes clear the mind a bit, refresh thoughts or idioologies.

I have doubts about the name or nickname that can be placed

I don't understand your doubts comment.

I will make a small copy and paste of your comment: "community names, well spotted as you scanned my text."

"As you would also have seen, I mentioned that a person needs to be seen to be posting in the community regularly before one can earn member status and when they attain that much-desired accolade then they will qualify to earn a community name given by me or, as per the text above, they have a chance to select their own also - A new invention I came up with today."

I had doubts about this topic, I think I understand that one must publish regularly to be an official member of the community and then they can be given an official name or nickname within the community.

I think I understand that one must publish regularly to be an official member of the community and then they can be given an official name or nickname within the community.


Waiting for the next subject for the weekend! 😀


It's released. ✅


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@lobaobh(4/5) tipped @galenkp (x1)

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I just joined the community.... I'll enjoy it here


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