If you're looking for something to write about over the weekend take a look below for the options and if you feel like doing a post use my community, WEEKEND EXPERIENCES. Please ensure you follow the guidelines below.
The concept guidelines to follow
- The first tag must be #weekend-engagement
- Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (no cross-posting)
- Follow community rules - ENGLISH only (not bilingual)
- Closes 07:30 UTC Monday 29 August (google UTC)
Select something from below to write about
Three day weekend
Traditionally the weekend is Saturday and Sunday, but what if you could have a three day weekend every week? Would you work longer hours for a three day weekend and if so why? If you prefer the two day weekend format and shorter work days, explain why.
Weekend deadline
You're behind on a project at work and it could seriously affect your career but you can make up the time on the weekend. The problem is you committed to a family function and cannot do both. Which do you do and why? Remember, doing both is not an option.
The weekend stranger
You are asked to accommodate a homeless stranger for a weekend to house, feed and entertain. Would you do it, and if so, what does your weekend look like and why?
Finish the sentence
- This weekend I found out I only have one year to live and I...
First date weekend
You have the first date with someone you met only last week on Saturday night. How do you prepare and plan for it and what outcomes are you looking for? Explain your answers.
Be creative - Show effort - Be interesting
Curation may happen, but only on quality original content that meets the concept guidelines above, and the community rules. This is a chance to showcase yourself to the entire community and to find and build new relationships.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Any image(s) in this post are my own and are not for your use
For years I was clamoring for weekends to have 3 days hahaha, two days was not enough for recreation, home and rest activities. 😁
I prefer the 1 day working week and 6 day weekend format. 🤣
I support this comment... But I think in that one day of work would be with a 12 hrs shift . Something like this
Hmm, what about a 6 day weekend with a 1 day working week but that day starts at 9am with lunch from 10am to 2pm, then back to work until 3pm then home. Seems fair right?
It seems very fair to me! I think we should be masters of our own time and how we produce the money to live. They say that if you work at what you love you won't feel bad at any job.
I still wish that at least once a month there was a 6 day weekend and 1 day of work.
I knew you'd agree as we seem to think alike in many things.
. I totally agree with your thinking, Mr. Galenkp.
G-dawg for president!
But seriously. I don't know if you know this but there was a collection of inventors, scientists and philosophers (big heads) who all in the 1800's during the time of the industrial revolution and after who explained quite nicely how in the future of humanity, we would need to work LESS and LESS.
But the opposite seems to be the norm now.
I could literally write a whole article about this... Oh wait... 🤔
This is why I want to go back to caveman days....They never worked this hard. We became slaves when we started growing things rather than moving about hunting and gathering like the Neanderthals.
And then I need to consider that this is not even just a linear process.
Yeah the hunter-gatherers needed to "work" for 15 hours a week and hunting is NOW considered a sport of leisure.
But they also did not have 9 billion humans who divide the earth into little blocks of land that have pieces of paper denoting ownership etc etc etc
There is just too much competition for most people to laze about that long.
I still hunt. #legitcaveman
The only thing I hunt for is socks... and braai leftovers... there are NO leftovers... except for a little piece of garlic bread that I let @matthew-williams have. Told the little scavenger to go eat it in the garden. 😂
Some really cool ideas and all related to the weekend. I see we went full meta of these topics. I love it!
I hope to get some good entries; there usually is so I don't think I'll be disappointed.
I'm thinking about how much I can stretch one of these concepts to do something. Could I use the 3-day weekend to talk about how being your own boss means you have a full working week or a full weekend? 😂
After completing a well written article on Monday, I was about to post it here only to realise I've missed the deadline by about 48 minutes - last week was my first attempt. I still stare at the article now not knowing what to do with it.
So, I will try as much as possible not to miss this deadline.
One question, can I write on more than one topic?
You can still post it if you miss the deadline as I will still read it and curate it as I would any other post. It just means it won't be considered for my favourites list as that post would already have been written and posted.
You can, although I suggest all your focus on one topic rather than splitting it over two. If you feel confident to bring your best over two topics combined it's your choice though. Just follow the guidelines in this post and the general community rules also.
All right. I will consider posting the written article.
As for writing on two topics, I'll rather stick to one then. Hopefully, that will help get the best out of me.
Make sure you still tag it #weekend-engagement as per the concept guidelines though.
And yeah, I think one topic is the best way to ensure your post is the best possible that you can do.
My my! Is it just me, or these topics seem to be hard? Well, that is what I always say, I guess. I sure will find something to come up with, I am sure. I have my eyes on "the weekend stranger", though.
I know that I will find interesting posts to enjoy this week, as usual. I might as well head on to them early for ideas.
This time, I looked at the instructions very well.
I used to set some really challenging topics back in the day, these days I don't think they are so difficult...so I decided to up the ante this week. Challenge is good for the brain right?
Excellent! 😂
Challenge accepted then.
Sometimes, I don't know what part of the week is my weekend. The work that I currently have need to provide 24x7 support and sometimes, we also need to work on Saturdays and Sundays and just move our rest days on Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday. Good thing is that we are still in a work at home basis. :)
People with mixed up rosters take their weekend where they can. I define it by, Saturday and Sunday, for the purpose of this community though. Days off are days off though huh? It's what we do with them that counts.
Yaaaaaay. Just right on time. Happy weekend sir. My fluffy greetings to Cleo.
Let me get right to it... 😍😍😍
I make it my life's goal to post just on time so I'm glad to have hit the mark.
😂😂🤣🤣😂😂 you never disappoint.
I wish you were around to tell that to the people I disappoint.
What?? 😂😂
🤣🤣😂🤣😂 he knows the perfect response to give... ALWAYS.
😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣 always with a banger to reply me with. Nice one pal 🤣🤣😂😂 ( I copied the guy that said that earlier... I'm the second to say it today sir) 😂😂🤣
Let me get right into your feed. I only hope there will be no Lion beards this weekend.
🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂😂 no Lion beards
Happy weekend to everyone and @gakenkp. Nice topics as usual again.
Lol, I'm not sure who gakenkp is, but nonetheless, I hope you have a good weekend too.
🤣🤣😂😂 keypad malfunction.
Lol, yeah...of maybe it's some other account on Hive? Maybe a whale account no one knows about.
Maybe somewhere out there, there is an alternate version of galenkp in the multiverse and he had a bad L key and used K instead. Who nose??
Maybe, he might even be the better version huh?
I highly doubt the better version of you would have incomplete keys.🤣🤣
Reminds of Dr strange multiverse of madness.
It is exactly why I brought it up. I had a feeling you might relate.
Typo error. I meant @galenkp
I figured, I'm just having some laughs.
No doubt about that. I hope you have a great weekend.
I think I might go for it this weekend :) ... I still have to write for The Inkwell prompt, and grade wotw, but the weekend is still young 🙌
18:14 here, Friday night...The weekend is here and all is right in the world.
Definitely :) Are you heading out camping this weekend?
Nah, not this weekend, but I'll be out and about all day Saturday taking photos of stuff so that'll be fun. I'm hoping to take a little time in September to go camping but it depends on work. In the meantime I'll have to be content with Hiking day trips.
I hope you have a good weekend.
You have a good one too :) Sounds like you have things well planned 🙌
A little planning and some freestyling, it should be a goodie.
The weekend is very young. Go for it! If you write for The Inkwell, you sure have something up your sleeve to give us.
Thanks :) I haven't missed a prompt in a long time for The Inkwell
A stranger? May be.
Completing the statement.
Let's see how it goes..Good morning from Western Nigeria all you weekenders. This weekend is another grace to explore #WeekendExperiences posting topics.
I'll wait patiently to see which it is you choose.
I will patiently take the opportunity, sire.
I am considering "the weekend stranger". It may actually take an interesting spin. Who knows? I could actually make a lifelong friend out of it.
It is only that in this part of the world we belong, helping strangers might as well be a bad idea.
Ahaha. That's where the problem lie. Just do you thing, looking beyond your vicinity.
Great job pal, I will like to go for this but am kinda busy, am surely gonna check some entries🗡️
Lol, it's been a long time since the last time I was called this. 😂
Must have sprung up nostalgic feelings of the good ol' days.
Well, it's not really a term used much here in Australia, the guy who called me that was Scottish. A good bloke, but I didn't like being called pal very much. I wonder now, on the etymology of the word. I'll have to look it up as I'm interested now.
Oh, it isn't a common word?
I have no idea on what the word may have meant in those days, but I know now it means "friend".
Yeah, it means friend or mate.
😂😂 can't stop laughing I gotta pal
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Woah! Some Best topics for the weekend.
So many options this time and hehe already excited to write on it!
Happy Friday tho and looking forward to see creative entries!
Have a great weekend. 😊
Thanks sir 🥰
Not missing this like the last week's engagement post not at all. Happy blessed weekend sir @galenkp how is the family?
Am gonna have to start right away😁
All the best for a good weekend.
Yeah, just dropped the bomb😁🤣
Sir Will there be any problem if I want to write on this topic?
Sir I don't understand that's why I put this question to you
If you would like to enter the #weekend-engagement concept this week you are free to do so. The writing prompts are outlined in this post you have responded to and the entry guidelines also. Please also follow the rules of the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community.
Happy weekend to everyone here . Amazing topics for the weekend.
Hey, I hope you have a good weekend also.
Great and awesome topics. Let me work on my entry right away
I consider that the format would be better equitably... Half Weekend and half working... but how are 7 days, it should be 4 Weekend and 3 working!!!! Who agrees with me?🤣😂🤔🤭
Maybe...14 day weekend and 1 day working week? Seems legit.
as you surprise us with these themes, the weekend for three days is still little hahaha one always wants more, but you can still enjoy, I'll see which theme to choose, greetings and happy weekend.😍
I said it to someone olelse, but I'll say it again. I like the 1 day working week and 6 day weekend scenario. It just feels right.
always with fabulous ideas, I know you already know this but I have always wanted to spend the weekend with a stranger...
Happy weekend!
Lol, 50 shades of Daimar.
Excellent proposals friend @galenkp, I will get to work. Happy weekend.
Hey mate, have a good weekend too huh?
Hi @galenkp, that sounds interesting and gives an opportunity to create something.
You have used my image which is called image theft. Please change it immediately.
Hi, I am sorry for that I will remove it
Please do. Taking a person's image will land you in a lot of strife here on Hive. I know you're fairly new so thought I'd let you know rather than simply dealing with it in the ways I usually would.
If you would like to use someone's image it is common courtesy to ask first and comply with the owners wishes from there. I have allowed people to use my images in the past, if credited correctly, but only after they have asked.
Absolutely agree and thank you for notifying, there are always some rules and it is of course, good to know them. Actually, your message made me really scared, my heart is still beating like I attempted a criminal act.
Lol, there's nothing to worry about. You changed it, apologised and accepted your mistake like an adult. I didn't mean to scare you.
I'm glad you came by and hope you will again. I'm not actually a scary dude, I just don't like people using my images.
Who knows, I may write about that a post maybe people also will find it funny :)
Post Link
Good topics to enjoy, happy weekend to all.
Thanks Joan, have a good weekend also.
Will be up to mischief doing something, enjoy whatever you get upto 🙃
The weekend took over this weekend commitment section.
It looks like a tongue twister hehehehe.
The themes are very good.
I'm going to sign up for one of them @galenkp.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend fun.
I invite you to read my participation in WE116:
More choices this time. All are interesting. Thanks and happy weekend..
Thank you, and a happy weekend to you also.
Hi there! Hey quick question for you: How do you pronounce your username? I think I'm going to talk about this post in my next podcast episode, particularly the "You have 1 year left to live" prompt. :)
You know the fluid measurement gallon? Well, it's like that but with with the E at the end. The rest should be simple enough. K and then P. Said like that.
Okay, so like "gaylen"? Or more like "ga'leen"?
lol Sorry, just want to make sure I don't say it wrong on the mic!
You know how to say the name Allen? Put a G at the front.
Got it. ;) The "e at the end" bit confused me for a moment.
E at the end...then the N. 😂
Right on time yaay....🎊🎊
I would cross check all prompts again to find a suitable one I would relate to wholly..
Thanks sir galenkp
You're welcome, enjoy.
thank you so much for the contest here is my entry
Cool, I'm heading to my community now so will see it.
Hello, here is my entry https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@zuyimar/mystery-woman
hi sir, my entry post
Here's my entry https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@yen1503/we116-it-was-a-simple
Great prompts as always @galenkp. I have most certainly missed participating but family duties called which inevitably included the weekends. I am looking forward to thinking out of the box again because that has certainly been my experience with writing for the Weekend Experiences.
I understand, I never expect anyone to enter, if they do, then it's a bonus. Your real life needs to come first.
Yes indeed - it has been busy but no complaints - it has been lots of fun and some new experiences. Your prompts are so engaging - I think people will write and keep coming back and as a result miss it like I do.
I must share this with you. My children read 2 of my Weekend experiences post and remarked - "Mommy how did you come up with these stories".
I would love to know as well - the prompts prompted me. 😀
Haha, that's cool! I like that you let your kids take a read as it might inspire them into more creativity and maybe to write themselves.
Post link
Great discussion and I am glad I could partake in it, thou my entry might have been a little bit different from the theme.
Here is my link below.
A lot of topic to choose from but I only choose one and it is the weekend stranger as it relates to our feelings right now. Thanks for these wonderful ideas about a weekend topics @galenkp.
A lot of topic to choose from but I only choose one and it is the weekend stranger as it relates to our feelings right now. Thanks for these wonderful ideas about a weekend topics @galenkp.
Hello! I'm happy to be part of weekend experiences :)
Hey guys
It's my first entry here
And I'm pleased to put in my entry
Hi sorry for an oversight I did not address the post of my participation [116]weekend-engagement in the community weekend, I remain in blog, but if with the first tag addressed to the community. I hope this is not a reason for sanction 🙈
Here is my story
Here is my entry
Stuck in between the weekend stranger and three day weekend. Hmmmmmmm🤔🤔🤔🤔
Here's my entry 🙌 Thanks for the great prompt :)
Just snuck in.
I'm getting a little better with time 🙌
This is my entry to the weekend prompts...amazing selection of topics...https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@cescajove/weekend-date-with-paul