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RE: [WE116] Weekend-Engagement concept

G-dawg for president!

But seriously. I don't know if you know this but there was a collection of inventors, scientists and philosophers (big heads) who all in the 1800's during the time of the industrial revolution and after who explained quite nicely how in the future of humanity, we would need to work LESS and LESS.

But the opposite seems to be the norm now.

I could literally write a whole article about this... Oh wait... 🤔


This is why I want to go back to caveman days....They never worked this hard. We became slaves when we started growing things rather than moving about hunting and gathering like the Neanderthals.


And then I need to consider that this is not even just a linear process.

Yeah the hunter-gatherers needed to "work" for 15 hours a week and hunting is NOW considered a sport of leisure.

But they also did not have 9 billion humans who divide the earth into little blocks of land that have pieces of paper denoting ownership etc etc etc

There is just too much competition for most people to laze about that long.

I still hunt. #legitcaveman

The only thing I hunt for is socks... and braai leftovers... there are NO leftovers... except for a little piece of garlic bread that I let @matthew-williams have. Told the little scavenger to go eat it in the garden. 😂

There's not a lot I wouldn't do for the last piece of garlic all true cavemen.

Hehehe, I am sure @clairemobey will kill anyone who steals her leftovers as well.

I'll bring my tac-vest and plates then.