Hello hivers and welcome to Friday and another #weekend-engagement topic. This week I'd like to bring attention to a concept on hive that I support and could use your help.
weekly hive charity giveaway@combination the
this post.The concept supports the charitable work of @papilloncharity; Zac and Marian do a lot, with only a little, for children in need; Here's an example in
The weekly hive giveaway raises much-needed funds and gives participants a chance to share 50% of the funds gathered leaving the other 50% for the charitable endeavours of @papilloncharity.
How to enter the draw
wallet to wallet, for a chance at the prize. 1HBD is one entry, 2 is two and so on.One simply transfers one, or more, HBD to @combination,
This post will show you how to get involved with the draw if you're feeling charitable. I also urge you to contact Zac at @papilloncharity to learn more about what the charity does. It's quite remarkable and a nice display of generosity and human kindness.
Each week there's two winners drawn randomly with 35% of the prize pool of for 1st place and 15% for 2nd. Here's the results post from last week.
Anyway, with charity in mind here's the topic for this week. I hope y'all get into it.
weekend-engagement topic week 36
You are given $100,000USD and you have to spend every cent on charitable endeavours. What do you do?
Do you hand it all to a single charity, take the time to find individuals and spread it out, do you support people through training and assistance or do you simply drop it in their laps to do with as they please? Do you help out family and friends, or strangers? Do you set up a charity to help on an ongoing basis?
How would you deploy that money in a charitable way?
Comment below with what you would do with the money and why and then stay around to engage with others to help build relationships for the future.
I'll transfer HIVE on Monday to a few who comment below and give comment-upvotes also. Remember, you have to comment below, not drop links to external posts. If you want to do a post about the topic please do so in THE WEEKEND community and use #weekend-engagement as your first tag. Don't drop the link here in this post though, make a comment!
My commitment this week
For every unique-user top-level comment left below, answering the topic-question,every comment placed below, just the first from each unique user answering the topic-question above. I will donate 1 HIVE to @combination. I don't mean
For example 30 unique-user-comments in answer to the question above equals 30 HIVE donated and so on. It's my small way of helping out the charity just a little. I'll donate up to 100 HIVE. This is on top of what I send to those commenting here as always.
My thanks also to Aussie champ
here.@melbourneswest who has announced he'll be dropping @ecency points randomly on comments in the #weekend-engagement topic post this week - A really nice gesture. Thank you good sir. Please see his announcement post
weekly hive charity giveaway and send HBD for the draw if and when you can spare it. Don't forget you can also send hive as a donation. Every little bit helps, and will be greatly appreciated by the little tackers the charity supports.That's it folks. I hope y'all take the time to check out the @combination
“He who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own.”
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
Beautiful Topic Galen. 😊
On my travel to the in the northern mountainous regions of Vietnam last year, I witnessed many poor children with pitiful situations. They are less likely to attend school, lack of foods to eat or even parental care; and many of them are left behind or forced to to live on the streets.
If I had $100.000 to spend on charity, I would fund it all to build school for remote and ethnic minority children in Viet Nam. I understand that they have been received support and contributions from many charitable individuals and organisations. We do provide financial support to cover basic needs such as food, clothing or life expenses however I prefer building on the long-term development of education as well as teaching strategies and resources that all chirdren are offered free school attendance. 😊
A little education now can make some big differences later right? Schools for the poor children is a great idea and I'm sure would be well-received.
I think that little boy on the left of this photo heard about your plan to build schools and is like, what? I have to go to school now? Dang it Trangbaby!
Thank you Galen. Yea haha "what? I have to go to school now?" looks like he is not interested huh 😄 Education is vital and some other things that @gvkanten mentioned above are definitely necessary for kids 🙂 I even still need to learn about these things atm. Thanks for great topic so I can some other ideas from other people here !!!
Thanks for your nice comments about the topic. Some have made some very lengthy and in-depth comments which I guess I didn't expect. In hindsight I should have made a 150 word limit as long comments can be daunting for some to read...Oh well, live and learn.
Thanks for being a supporter.
tokens.Thank you @misterengagement 😊
Teach them to fish... this is so awesome and the idea is not a new one, however, it is one of the best, in my opinion. Education is key.
Hello @dswigle thanks for commenting here, much appreciated it. Yea this idea not new and a dozen of schools have been built in many provinces in Viet Nam so far. 😊 I hope I can do something for them 😊
Yay! 🤗
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Yay thanks @ecency Love it ☺️
Education is the key, that's what I also have in mind. I hope you get the money to achieve it, the real money not the virtual $100k
Hey @jizzyjoe, how are you? Thanks for engaging here. Few of us here have similar idea huh 😊 I don't know if I can achieve that amount of money but if I don't even get it...I'm thinking of being a teacher or a volunteer in the future or when retirement 😊
That's a nice one to look up to but I pray you have the money even if its not up to that amount, so you could build something profitable for those kids. !wine
0.100 WINECongratulations, @jizzyjoe You Successfully Shared With @trangbaby.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.
WINE Current Market Price : 2.000 HIVE
Thank you @jizzyjoe 😍, much appreciated it ❤️
You welcome and happy valentine
Aveces sin dinero podemos hacer mucho mas,. Porque la idea se debe multiplicar para que muchas personas se unan y entre todos se conforme una red de apoyo... Lograr un millos de amigos interesados y conprometidos que den un poquito de lo que tienen se lograra algo grande, unidos llegamos mas lejos. Y la vocacion de servicio Llega el corazon
Maybe if bitcoin goes further we can cash in when the price of hive sky rockets!
Yea I don't own any bitcoin but start collecting some HIVE now on, hopefully someday HIVE GO TO MOON 😍🤪😆😄🙂
Creo que la inversión mas segura es en educación para el futuro, sociedades mas. Inclusivas... Y niñod felices que creen un mundo mejor cada dia
Gracias por participar aquí, much agradecer ❤️Hola @jennynas,
La educación será un propicio regalo para esos niños.
That's a great one here! I definitely would be apt to help you on this one, the poor and people in rural areas don't get the opportunity to learn and do things that others do so we can't forget them! Excellent choice here!
Hey @cmplxty, hope you are doing well. Thanks for engaging and your kind words 🙂 Yes these kids in mountainous regions don't get as much as good things like kids in other areas. I hope they will get more attention from Govt and charitable organisations. to help them to build a better life and future ☺️
Oh ;(
So many places in the world with this situation, unfortunately. Everyone should help those ethnic minority groups that face extreme poverty around their place.
Your plan is right on place!
Education is a fine investment that always continues on giving. There's always room for helping those who are in need and prepare them to keep going on their own.
Hey @bertrayo thanks for commenting here and your nice words 😊
No problem, @trangbaby. I liked your ideas for charity. 😄
Free, quality education should be the cornerstone of every civilisation and culture everywhere on the globe. Children are a resource that we can invest in or mismanage, as a culture I am sure we would all reach agreement, the leaders should accordingly as they represent us, they are 'supposed to be' public servants.
One day we will hand those who are infants now the keys to the planet (wait... Do planet's have keys???) I would hope they are well educated and have the very best start in life. If we educated the kids in some of the poorest nations on Earth to a high standard maybe they would cease to be the poorest nations on Earth, right?
I am on board with your plan, education can do more than just inform, it can inspire and can reap many fruits both for the individual and the nation for generations to come. 😎👍💖
Education is an important initiative and the greatest weapon in advancing human wellbeing. It has been our key driver of success and still to this day many miss out on learning such vital information that is able to transform the world.
Thank you for your entry
I've actually thought about this before and already know what one if my wishes would be if i were to suddenly have 100k to give to charity.
Children are special to me. Back in the day i used to sit in this one park and dream of ways to make the playground more fun and educational to children. Improvements i would make and why.
To me all kids need a safe fun place to play, to grow and enrich themselves by interacting with other kids. For some kids other than at school the park is the only place where they can reach out to other kids and bond and share the innocence of simply being a child. It aso serves as a place for parents and caregivers without the means to shower their kids with toys a meaningful place to bond, explore, be entertained and grow. Often together.
If i suddenly won the lotto or had that kinda money i would get permission from the council to hire a contractor or architect to draft and install or vastly improve a park playground and recreational center for young kids.
In fact if i die with a little bit of money i actually plan on giving a sizeable donation for just that cause.
Children and the time we spend with them helping them to grow and feel genuinely loved is precious.
Giving children the opportunity to grow, learn and develop in a safe and engaging environment is paramount to their futures as adults. I had an amazing youth; Was able to find my own way but learn from parents that game me a solid grounding in right and wrong and the value of exploration. Many don't have that chance these days and so your playground idea is a good one...A safe place for them to interact, develop social skills, see poor behaviour and learn from it, to fall, get hurt and stand back up...Nice work Dave. I hope you can make something happen as I know how important children are to you.
It's good to have you back and I hope you'll stay around mate...People miss you brah.
This is so lovely, I know it would be cherished and loved by all. I hope you get to achieve it before you die so you could witness the joy in their faces while they enjoy the playground
Wow that's great idea..!!! I just reckon that we don't have many park playground for kids here in many countrysides in my country. I wish I could buid some here as well 😊
Lots of good ones for kids this topic! I love it. Playgrounds for kids are vital for them in their growth and development. It lets them be social and have fun doing exercise, what more could you ask for?!
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I agree completely with your assessment. It'd be a great project and worth every bit of money and even more importantly, time.
Children are the future, or so they say. I agree with you. A nice way to have better people for this world is starting early and let children have the best childhoods possible and also learn as much as they can. This way when they grow up, they will have the drive to keep helping others and the environment.
This is a great plan!
There is so much more to playing that just playing.
It's social, they get to use more creativity, it's like a whole new world opens up!
Love the idea
Children are tomorrows future and I really think it is important to invest in ensuring they have the right tools available to help them grow and achieve greatness.
Thank you for your contribution
Hola feliz fin de semana... Cada vez que paso por aqui me doy cuenta De la sencibilidad presente en las personas que compartimos estas lineas, no cabe duda que el tema educativo es de vital importancia, educar y asegurar un futuro de posibilidades.
Y pues para alla tambien, va mi inquietud y si lograra tener un millón de dolares, para asegurar el futuro de la población pues los donaría o mejor aun invertiria en la salud, fisica, mental y emocional de las familias cuyos hijos poseen alguna condición.
Son docente en educación especial y en los ultimos años me he vinculado con dos fundaciones destinadas a mejorar la localidad de vida de Joves y niños con autismo y discapacidad intelectual.
Las familias cuando se preparan para tener un hijo se llenan de mucha ilusión, sin querer forzar las cosas se hacen un video mental de como sera su hijo, como lo verán crecer, en quien se convertirá, en fin la espera de un hijo Es de gran felicidad. Sin embargo, ocurren eventos ambientales o biológicos que hacen que ese bebe tenga características poco esperadas, complicaciones en el parto, enfermedades de la madre. Pueden causar un daño en el desarrollo neurológico de ese nuevo ser y al nacer la familia se sume en un gran duelo, muchas familias niegan la condición del niño y tienen a rechazarlo. Otras, asumen el reto he inician una vida de cambios bruscos inimaginados. Es alli, donde inicia el apoyo.
Desde la fundación especialmente uno, apoyamos a la familia en su largo proceso de aceptación de la condicióN de autismo. El duelo debe pasar y la familia apoyar al niño en su proceso. Como docente, doy mi granito de arena como especialista, en la evaluación y tratamiento de la condición. Sin embargo un niño con alguna condición, requiere muchas terapias, medicinas, evaluaciones periodicas con especialistas, tratamientos, una dieta, una educación que requiere mucha inversión, pues invertiria en un centro especializado donde las familias reciban una atencion integral, de salud, entrenamiento físico, educacion y escuela para Padres. No todos los padres estan preparados para asumir este reto.
La segunda fundación es vencamina conmigo, aqui de igual forma apoyo con mi especialidad docente, a las familias y niños con discapacidad intelectual que a su vez padecen de episodios epilépticos asi como otras enfermedades asociadas.... De igual forma requieren cubrir costosos tratamientos y terapias..
Asi que crearia ese centro integral para la atencion de estas familiaslias e hijos.
Donde a su vez trabajaría un personal de salud y educacion de calidad. Este grupo de profesionales cono yo seria el benificiado. Porque con ese dinero pagaria las terapias de los niños asi como los docentes y médicos de mi pais Venezuela tendriamos una mejor calidad de vida, haciendo lo que amamos y para lo que estamos formados. Sin necesidad de hacer mil cosas para sobrevivir..
Asi que si este sueño es realidad muchos seran los beneficios, muchas las sonrisas, muchos casos resueltos, muchos sonrisas y alegrías.... Gracias por esta oportunidad.
Wow, this is a long comment with no paragraphs! It broke my translator...Which I hate using in the first place. Anyway, thanks for joining in this week.
So...A specialist-centre for medical treatment and education for children and their parents right? That's a good idea. So many parents are ill-equipped to deal with the most basic medical issues so a little education would go a long way I think.
From what my translator said it seems you're in the medical field and work with children? I guess you'd know what's required and that shows in your response.
Thanks for joining in this week. I'm wondering...Do you speak, write or read any English at all?
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I was thinking about that given 100k, what would I do as charity.
I hope it will not sound selfish, but first I would ask friends and family do they have :
Big health issues that the healthcare system doesn't cover. Is it cancer, a tumor, surgery... anything that this money could help?
Children that can not pay their education that is important for their future
Unpaid debts, bills that would help move one step forward and start to focus on other things
After that I would think about a centre for acquisition of knowledge and skills such as sustainable agriculture, natural medicine, handicrafts, art, music, dance... As we should go back a bit to basics. The generations of the last few decades missed or received less this kind of preparation for life.
I believe helping family is an important thing. I have three brothers and a sister, and would help them (and their children) out if required before I helped anyone else, that's just how I am. Of course, they'd never ask for the help as they are like me, but I'd help regardless. I do not think it's a selfish thing Gabrielle, it is just as charitable as helping a stranger.
Your other three dot points are worthy recipients of your assistance also though and hopefully someone makes an error with the $100,000 and it ends up being $1,000,000 as I think you'd make good use of it.
Three brothers and a sister? This is exciting!!
Family and friends are important, yes. As we love them, we just want all the best them, so it was a natural thing to me to have them first in my mind..
Although, giving an opportunity to learn basic things is equally important. So, wouldn't mind, if the amount of money for charity is higher 😁
Claro que si la familia es super importantes, mis hermanos buscando mejores condiciones de vida emigraros y ellos apoyan nuestra vida aqui, donde estoy con mi madre y mi hija. Y todos los dias hago mas cosas y sigo optimista para sobrevivir.
Yes, I agree with you, it's important to make sure family is ok.
Sí, es importante. yo como niña tenía un poco de ayuda de mi tía.
Hay que seguir optimistam simpre. Aunque es difícil a veces, hay que tirar para adelante.
Gracias por tu comntario jennynas.
Padding it with an extra zero would certainly help get those bills and healthcare costs covered!
Just one? Might as well make it two.
Three extra zeros, please :D
Lol...Three works nicely doesn't it!
Now, after reading bigtom's response, those three extra zeros can be easily achieved... investing it first to btc :D So no worries, I would accept even that small amount of 100k... invest it, but if the investment fails, that would hurt. A lot
Hopefully, but to be sure, some more extra zeros would be fine :)
tokens.It doesn't sound selfish as long as it's been put to good use, charity cases doesn't talk only on education, health also come to play. Nice thought out plan you have
Thank you @jizzyjoe
Health is super important,we don't realize sometimes that the health condition in general can affect the quality of living.
That's right, taking good care of our health should be the priority of all
Yay! 🤗
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Oh, thank you @ecency 🤗
"The generations of the last few decades missed or received less this kind of preparation for life" even my generation 😄 missed so many things that I wish I could learn but it's not late for me now.So many great ideas here @mipiano that I could not think of. Helping family is not selfish, sure everyone wants to do it 😊 Oh yeah, right
All good things to do to help people! Unpaid bills can really destroy some families. It would be nice to ease that burden with some money!
Back in time, I had my aunt who helped me financially with my studies. It would not be possible without her, so I know how that kind of help within a family can change lives.
I am afraid more and more unpaid bills with come for some families with this situation what is happening right now everywhere...
Well, well, well. It isn't a surprise that I'm astonished by something Gabriela posted. This is a display of kindness.
I love the last bit. It's true that a back to basics could help people understand their connection with history and the past and the planet.
Actually, I am astonished with the instruments you make. So that kind of work, not just making instruments, but you know, if something is broken in the house we should know how to make it work again without calling a technician. Or do some whole projects by ourselves.
I try. A lot of learning about these things is actually breaking stuff. Ha, ha, ha. Well, I have learned how to fix many of the little things that tend to bother in the house.
That is the way.
A lot of learning about playing the piano is actually hitting wrong keys... and then trying to hit less wrong keys :D
That's how one learns to play an instrument in a nutshell.
I don't think it's selfish at all. We really can't help everybody... . You do your part to help those around you and family are the closest once around you.
I didn't think of the natural medicine part, but that's a great skill that sadly gets overlooked in these modern times.
Maybe there are places that natural medicine is still very well represented. But we are starting to forget about it and we just eliminate the symptoms with conventional medicine. Not always with success...
Fully support @papilloncharity in what they do, two fold feeding and education.
First area I would like to see growth/education, supporting hydroponic growth farming education,taught to our youth, getting back to the land not requiring massive farming facilities. This is sustainable in communities by installing rain tanks, using vertical planting within confined structure.
Second would be toward wildlife conservation by giving back more to animals, enhancing equilibrium between land, wetlands, rivers, sea and man.
If sustainable farming on land can be achieved, less land will be needed for farming, freeing up more and allowing animals to enjoy more.
A few good concepts there, a mix of animal welfare and sustainable initiatives for people. Balanced and well thought out.
Thanks for joining in this week.
It would be amazing to witness food shortages become a thing of the past, no longer raping the land, use technology on offer, in return sparing environment for all.
There's lots of food and room for growing it. The problem is lots of places just throw it away or companies heavily modify it so it dies every year and they have to buy seeds all over again. Out of control companies are ruining lots of aspects of life i think!
tokens.Being a fellow citizen in South Africa, it is great that you and a few other South Africans here on Hive support our work, as it speaks volumes for the trust that people have in us.
We don't talk, as we rather do and that makes all of the difference.Thank you Lady @joanstewart and thank you also for your longstanding support.
Btw. Imibala, one of our partner NPO's in the coding project has just sent a bunch of students off to the agriculture college in Graaff Reinette.
Their studies are fully paid up and it should make you happy with your farming hopes.
Good to hear they are directing youth into agriculture, hopefully using new technology that does not require as much water as old methods did.
Small steps take us in the right direction I have heard of such success stories from ladies going into agriculture, in many regions ladies traditionally have done farming for many years in rural areas.
Keep up the good work and thanks for news on what is happening.
Thank you and we will keep our ear to the ground regarding their performance.
It will be indeed the last methods that they will be taught.
My dream is still alive to buy a farm where we can rehabilitate short term prisoners. The ones that are convicted for petty crime, as to teach them farming will open many new doors at self sufficiency for them.
But time will tell.
Blessings and !WINE
Yay! 🤗
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This is nice, encouraging farming and education. Our president have been saying we should go back into agriculture but not everyone is interested but its a good call
Definitely some good points here! Hydroponic farming is huge, my brother is really good at it and eats food that grows out if his fish tank. It's such a crazy system to understand, how efficient it is!
If I could get people motivated in my own garden this is exactly what I would do, glad your brother has organized food using this system.
A neighbor down the street had a yard sale this weekend. The only problem with that is some old dickhead drove over the upright of the cable company in front of the yard. I was entirely out of innerwebs much of Friday and have had some lingering problems into today. Old people. Make me nervous.
First would be $12,000 for the Humane Society of Yuma disbursed at the rate of one thousand per month to help with the care and feeding of the animals that are waiting for adoption.
Next would be $12,000 to Foothills Helping Hands, a very local charity that looks out for seniors that need help with most anything. Their volunteer network is seriously impressive and they mostly pay their own way with two monster 'yard sales' per year from donated stuff. They REALLY help the local population.
With the rest I believe I'd buy Bitcoin. I think it is the most likely to make 33% return in the next year that would allow the same level of giving next year. Any thing in excess of the $24k would be split in half. One half to bolster the fund and one half to @papilloncharity. I know that Zac does incredibly good work day in and day out.
Pretty easy for me. I'm your basic simple man.
A well-measured strategy Tom. I like the feed the animals thing, $1K per month and having BTC income would also make the $100K work for longer, more sustainably.
I hope your internet issues solve themselves. As if it needs help from people breaking it to make it run any worse!
hmmmm love the bitcoin idea, I'll revise my earlier comment and adjust figures to incorporate a similar strategy. Good thinking bro
Yay! 🤗
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That bitcoin idea is the best strategy...we hope ;D
Old people also make me nervous Sir Tom.
This is one of the best comments that I have seen here, as it is anchored on a re-imbursement plan.
Per example, so many of the new Lotto millionairs over here are broke after a year or two, simply because of their love for spending.
A simple and solid plan that includes income generation is an absolute imperative.
That's why we have lasted at Papillon for 20 years while hundreds of other non profits closed down.
A very sad thing when a charity has to close it's doors as it leaves so many in the lurch.
Quality skills training and education form a very important part of charity work to empower the communities.
Ah, the self-charity is always important! I mean who would look after you if it isn't yourself! Besides, having some Bitcoin would help giving to more charities in the future. You, my friend, are a visionary.
Hello, sorry for the mess of my previous writing, I just did it from my cell phone and I was inspired to write.
Today I sit down at my computer and I write more calmly and with pauses, then I will pass it through a translator. I only have instrumental English, which I learn to read and interpret some documents and research.
Well, my intention of the previous comment is to give those earnings to the communities where I participate voluntarily.
I am a teacher specializing in special education, I assist children and young people with diverse physical, intellectual and emotional conditions and their families.
From my role as a teacher I support two foundations that serve this population, one is called especially one who focus on the care of families with children from the autism spectrum.
The other foundation is ven camina conmigo, which also supports families and their children with intellectual disabilities and other associated illnesses.
with a contribution of one million dollars, would form an institution to support the family and children, young people with disabilities.
As a teacher I witness how families make many sacrifices to pay for therapies, doctors, medicines and education for their children. It is also a physical, mental and spiritual wear and tear on the families in the acceptance of the condition.
That center of integral attention that I would like to conform would pay the therapies and medicines, as well as, it would have an excellent group of specialists to whom I would pay very well for their services, in my country the consultations in specialized centers are very expensive and the families do not manage with so many to achieve the evolution of their children.
On the other hand, I would invest in the promotion of inclusion in the labor, family and school spaces for people with disabilities. That even the discrimination of society in general is evident. Even many people with disabilities are hidden and little included in the activities of society.
Thank you for reading me and in my next interventions I will take into account the language, it is also a way to include us in this world of hive, the diversity of language, and although there is a translator who does what he can to carry the message. And I love that we can communicate, and expand the communication networks, I never imagined that it would be read and understood in turn valued and supported by people in such distant places.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
I completely understood you last comment, only that I got the impression you were in the medical field. Clearly you're not though.
Being a teacher for intellectually and mentally handicapped children must be so challenging. I think people who do that sort of work must be very special themselves. Patient and giving. I'll be honest, I do not think I could do it myself, so I greatly respect people that can.
Don't worry about your language, it's not too difficult to use a translator at my end, only that if I am not at my laptop it is so difficult to do on my phone so I tend not to. I often have a lot of comments to reply to and work hard to get to them all, but when translation is required it take a lot longer.
I agree that it is good we can converse in different languages and whilst there are obvious errors in translation I'm happy to overlook them for the benefits of chatting with people like you.
Hoy en Venezuela es el dia del amor y la amistad... No se si es una celebracion mundial pero sinceramente, aqui he encontrado muchos motivos para celebrar la amistad y el amor por la vida. Feliz dia para todos
Valentines Day is celebrated around the world...I hope you have a good one.
Happy weekend galenkp, this is a nice question for this week and when you said $100k, I had to convert it to naira to see what its worth. Approximately 50million naira, that's a huge amount. This is what I would do with it:
As the cash is a one time offer and I'm aware that there are charity organizations around but I don't want to fall into the cases of some organizations that spend 30% of your donation and give a display on TV, so I will do my research into the areas where these families that can't afford to feed and send their children to school are located in majority.
After that, I will build a school which will be standard as other schools but also teach them a skill, so they could get free education and be skillful in other to be self employed. You know they can't be coming to school with an empty stomach, in this case, their parents have to say what they can do if given some amount to establish a business.
When that is settled, I know education business is a good one here in Nigeria as long as it meet with the criteria. I will build another school but this will be situated in the area where the wealthy and well to do people are, so they could afford the fees but it will be of same standard as the other school.
The purpose of the second school is to take care of the expenses of the other school and there will be an audit manager who will keep check of the businesses created for the parents of the poor children to make sure its all working fine. This circle continues to as much people that it can help
That sounds like a nice system there! There needs to be more legitimate audits of things to make sure it matches up with what needs to happen. Good choices here!
You get that right, audit is really important if you want people to meet up to expectation
This sound like a nicely thought-out plan and I'm not surprised to see it focus on education. It seems to be a popular thing as a few others have also commented about it. I believe it's better to educate than simply hand over money; The old teach a man to fish scenario.
Helping people to support themselves through business development is also smart and if those people assist others in turn the whole scenario ripples outwards...Like throwing a pebble in a pond I guess.
Thanks for your thoughtful response.
The teach a man to fish scenario is not advice for kids who don't know how the world works, its better to hand over money to their parents who knows how to use it wisely, I know some parents don't know how but that's where the regular check up comes to play, to make sure they are using the money wisely in terms of business and providing for their family.
I know most times here in Nigeria, it seems like a waste of time to be educated because after wards one joins the unemployed graduate. That's where the skills learning come to play, if while schooling, you are taught either how to make dresses or cut hair for guys in terms of barber shop or make hair, in terms of hair saloon or baking, catering and stuff like that. After high school one can easily be self employed and pay his or her fees in the university without falling back to their parent for support
Oh ok, I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm talking about.
Lol, that's funny. The way you interpret it is different from how I did
tokens.Yay! 🤗
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Education, all of it. Because the new generation needs to know how to do things, how to change what does not work for them.
The sum would be enough for an educational centre. Enough...in some countries, in some regions. The thing is, you need education that works long-term. The type that stays. The type that is not included in the regular programs by the respective ministries.
Financial education; Ecological education; more Physical Education; Creativity; Motivation...things like that.
A good plan...It seems what's taught to children in schools these days is...Well, let's just say less than adequate. Although I suppose the government is getting what it wants, good little robots to obey without question. The good thing is, for those governments around the world, is that the covid debacle allows them to attitude adjust everyone to the new normal and getting everyone to thinkj what they want people to think. Next they'll be burning books in the style of Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451.
Anyway, I got off topic. Yes, education is important, the right education.
Ah, the rest of the education is not quite obsolete or unnecessary...but perhaps at some stage children should be able to choose their focus. No need for everybody to be an engineer, etc. Some would love to be. Let them.
No need to burn books. People don't read them anyway. Few do. And others think they are weird ;) Been so in my school years.
Yeah, they get all their information fed to them by Facebook.
It's free choice. The truth is, even when you setup the proper education system, it would still be very few to take advantage of it. It's how people are. You can't have everybody be a leader or an inventor, or something. Most would do ass less as possible. Others would do a lot of what they love and that would be great if...if it could be like that for everybody all the time. But it can't. It's a balance between what you love and what you need. The thing is...balance is not easy, either. Nor does everybody think of it.
But there should be the opportunity for those who would lead to be educated to become good leaders. No matter their background, as long as the potential and the desire are there.
Funny thing is...sometimes a person would create something exceptional but the heirs would not be interested in developing/creating/maintaining. Just drinking and fast cars, for example. And it's a personal responsibility, after a certain age.
I don't need for the government to educate me on everything. I am interested in stuff myself. And I can see a path to a future where I would be able to spend perhaps not 100 k but 10 k per year for some charity projects. It's mostly my responsibility to hodl my chances and make it happen.
Btw, I worked with a robot yesterday. It's the opposite of tiny — it's huge ;) They'll get tinier and tinier in the future, I guess. It's logical. Until my nanobot fiction becomes reality...
tokens.I would like to stop some things I consider to be disgusting, barbaric and inhumane-bullfighting and dog meat festival. But I think that to achieve these goals I would need much bigger sum than what I have at my disposal in this topic. So I would probably just give that money to multiple dog shelters. Multiple because I believe that with less money people working at those shelters would be less tempted to use it for themselves and not the dogs.
An animal charity huh? Nice work; It's probably what my wife Faith would do with it also. She'd probably not be so specific to just dogs though. I think its a good use of the funds to be honest as animal shelters often get neglected as far as government funding goes and rely solely on donations or fund raising. This is a legit use of the hypothetical money and the whole comment in general shows your caring nature.
this might be a bit of exaggeration. But I find that connecting and interacting with animals(especially dogs) is way easier than connecting with people. My dog is really my best friend.
I like my cat better than most people I know, so nope, it doesn't sound strange or unreasonable to me at all.
tokens.This is a tough topic, one I have been thinking about since I can remember. I have always been affected/moved by poverty and what it does to people, especially when we consider the huge gap that separate some extremely rich people from the extremely poor. Without sounding socialist, by now you should know how much I detest that ideology, I believe that humanity must find a balance so that those whose lives have not been so successful as others' becasue of exceptional circumstances or particular contingencies, can find solutions to their inmediate problems and ideally solutions to their long-term issues.
I recently joined a charity campaign started by a friend of mine who is now living in Spain and who wanted desperately to help save the life of Fernando, a homeless man he was very fond of. The gofundme goal was 2,500 $ (the exact amount he needed to have a tumor removed from his stomach and cover treatment). The poor man died a couple of days ago. We had barely collected $100+
If I had a consdierable amount of money, I would find a way to establish a hopital or foundation to help poor people cover their medical expenses. Ideally, this foundation would involve a structure that would allow it to invest part of that money in some kind of health-related business that would generate an income significant enough to keep it running beyond the in fund donated for its establishment.
This foundation would also address issues of preventive medicine, nutrition and unemployment so that destitute people can find a way to avoid falling into life-or-death emergency situations. If they can have jobs and take better care of their health, they would not get sick so easily, but even if they did, they would be in a better possition to face that kind of adversity.
No charity will do enough if the roots of the problems are never addressed. In the meantime, I guess the dream of providing free surgeries for people like Fernando,just in time to save their lives and give them a second chance, will do.
Even in countries like mine the divide between rich and poor is widening. I was chatting with someone recently here about the disappearance of the middle class, some slip backwards and some climb upwards but it's more often not the former.
With that gap most often comes healthcare and education issues. It's interesting to note that here those in the lower socioeconomic demographic have more unhealthy diets and more nutrition-related health issues.
I can only imagine what what it must be like in less-affluent countries.
I'm not surprised to hear that sufficient funds were not raised as I think many don't rate the well-being of people like Fernando very highly. Maybe it's way cooler for people to support other more socially-accepted concepts that can be bragged about on Facebook by those donating. It's good for credibility after all right?
Most charities don't do nearly enough to help those in need preferring to spend funds on themselves, big incomes, cars and junkets. Administrative expenses. For this reason people are beginning to mistrust them, myself included.
I support a few but see the funds directly reach those in need with my own eyes.
I like your concepts and feel quite confident that you'd do food things with a bucket of funds given to you for charity use. No one should be without basic health care.
What can I say?
When I read shit like this, I feel like throwing up on their heads
And there it is Henrry, exactly the fuckassery I referred to.
I say, fuck you, deal with your own issue...But maybe because it's cool to say I donated $1 to someone who used superglue on her hair on Facebook has some fun-factor they go ahead and do it...Assholes mate. This is a joke...But then, the joke's on the human race I guess, and that shit ain't funny.
I could not agree more
tokens.Recently the husband of my secretary had to return from his job overseas in Saudi Arabia due to the covid situation. Unrelated to his job, and because he was away from his family, he used his time to train in Karate and has achieved a level where he can now teach. Since returning he has set up a Dojo and has wasted no time in teaching the local kids for free as their families would never be able to afford to send them otherwise. He does charge the expat family kids parents and those that can afford it.
Now in all the years I have been here I've never seen such a positive impact on the kids here. Learning respect and earning respect. Understanding the rewards for hard work and discipline has had a profound effect on these children and you can see them carry themselves differently and these traits, I believe, will stand them in good stead throughout their lives as those traits can be applied in other areas of their lives.
So if someone were to give me $100k right now I'd use it to fund a few of the same kind of martial art training schools aimed at disadvantaged kids to instill some focus, discipline and self esteem into the core of those neighbourhoods ( meaning the youth and the future of them).
I just wrote a comment to someone else about the power to sport to empower kids and bring self-esteem, vital to give them the right attitude to avoid all the pitfalls that can appear in their young lives...The kids in the Favelas in Brazil come to mind, I'm sure you know what I mean...Crime etc.
I think that'd be a good use of the funds...Get those kids on the right track, martial-arting each other but doing it with respect. I've seen the amazing affect a little self-esteem can have on a person, I deploy this in my office with my team everyday, some of which I have written about here...It works. Nice answer.
I am donating my punchbag to them this week as we are leaving and plan to do a specific post about Rhon and what he's doing there. It's pretty cool :)
You better give it the last few smacks though, show it who's boss and then deploy a hug and send it. I look forward to that post.
I will miss my punchbag :( won't be able to have one on the next adventure as there won't be room
Hmm, you keep dropping little hints...No room...Are you doing a stint on the International Space Station?
Elons sending me to Mars ;)
tokens.I decided I was going to comment with out reading, then read the rest without commenting and come back to comment this afternoon and tomorrow.
Your idea touched me. Seriously. Cool thing. Great idea, possibly as good as mine and just possibly a teeny bit better.
We have one of the big dogs from USBA living here and he's got a more or less free gym with a couple of senior type guys training all the locals that want to learn to box Olympic Style. You can see the difference in how those kids hold themselves, too.
yes its noticeable. Has been really cool to watch. Rhons a nice guy and his wife has been my right arm at the dive shop for years. Really good people so donating my punchbag to them and 2 sets of gloves before we leave. Need to scroll through and find your comment bro :)
Nice topic this week man! I also love the work of Zac and combination. I haven’t entered their giveaways but I always give em some votes to help keep what they do going in what little way I can!
This is a really interesting one to have. I have a hundred different things I could think of but which one do I choose?
Let’s go with two options here. I can’t figure out which one I would want to do more so let’s do both :D
Growing up, I lived in a bigger city with lots of crime and all that. It wasn’t anything like Compton or anything but it was definitely a city with some bad stuff in it. I would want to have a youth center in one of the big cities that let me give kids right up to the age of 21, and maybe older, a place to come and spend time to get away from the other crap they deal with. I would certainly partner with local groups but my plan for the place is to teach kids the basic skills they should know like carpentry, plumbing, painting and basic home things. There’s way too much focus on getting into the books and just doing the school curriculum that it leaves so much room for people to fail at basic life. I would love to have the place be outfitted with the basic tools and lots of them. One of the ways I would help as well is be a recycling center for old tools. A lot of that stuff gets thrown away in the trash or just donates and turned to scrap. It would be great to help them learn to fix them, keep them in good shape and maintain a nice environment. We would also recycle lots of wood from the area. So many businesses that use shipping palettes throw them away, donate or burn them. They give them away literally for free so we could have ample supplies of free wood to do all kinds of stuff with. It would be great to host a fair to sell the things they build on their own and the money would go to buying them some basic things for their own home so they can keep the stuff going.
The youth center we had was important to a few of my friends to keep them away from drugs and gangs. I would love to be able to do the same here and help out as many as I could.
The other thing I would like to do along a similar line as that above is open a youth center that focuses on learning outdoor skills and survival. I’m not one to do a lot of it myself but I have the desire to learn how to do it and I would love to have a place in a city that has a large empty lot behind it so I could fence it off and have our own yard where we learn about different trees, plants, preparing a space to camp, how to build a shelter, make fires, boiling water and so many of the other things that are important to know but kids don’t get to learn much of it because it’s not too common nowadays.
The best would be able to do both of these in the same budget and space! They are both pretty lofty ideas though, so maybe someday I could do it even in a smaller scale!
You know we have a trades shortage here in Australia right? No one wants to do the job, get their hands dirty or seemingly work so hard for their money. This is a good one you mention here as starting this at a young age will probably open them to it as an ongoing vocation later in life.
At your hypothetical centre the stuff they make, upcycle and restore could be sold and the funds reinvested...This opens up another avenue of learning, business and marketing.
I like the second idea too...Although Adolf Hitler did this and it seemed to work quite effectively. Maybe not the best example, but makes a point. Don't do a Hitler Youth style training camp mate, it won't be a good look. Seriously though, it's a great idea...Having kids think that milk comes from a carton and meat is made in white plastic trays is simply untenable. Some survival skills and understanding of the world around them would do kids some good.
Thanks for thinking about it, for joining in and supporting the #weekend-engagement topic.
tokens.I am an elementary school educator, and if I had that $100,000 (which I have wanted more than once for this) I would create a scholarship plan so that the neediest children would not have to drop out of school just because they do not have the resources to attend.
This breaks my heart when I see that some of my students don't even have enough to eat during recess hours.
Invito a @alucar55 a participar.
You raise an interesting point about not eating at school. Here there are school programs to feed kids before class because their parents do not do it. The teachers all put in $5 a week from their own funds to buy cereal, milk and some fruit to feed those kids. It's not always due to lack of funds on the parent's part either, sometimes it's lack of care-factor.
This would be a good use of the funds and I'm not surprised as a teacher you would choose this use.
Thanks for dropping in.
tokens.Well, I would make a calculation of how much do I need to spend to get a lot of great people I know out of this sorry excuse of a country and have them placed in modes comfort in other countries. Some names you already know, but maybe I'd go the extra mile and have others that aren't HIVERs but members of my narrow circle of friends.
I don't trust too much in charities. I see them doing some good work and I know a lot of them are truly trustworthy, but doing all the research required for me to be in tune with any charity around the world would be a hassle.
I understand what you mean about the lack of trust in charities. I actually spoke with @papilloncharity about this some time ago and he actually agrees, many are simply raising funds that go to the CEO and other executive salaries and never reach the people in need. Funds are used in expensive advertising campaigns to raise yet more funds and more revenue that is misappropriated. It's an issue, and one reason I' am incredibly careful about how I support charities.
I htink looking after your people, those immediately around you is a good plan. Charity starts at home right? I'm a big supported of helping those who help themselves and whilst some cannot, a little boost is often all it takes to get things moving.
Indeed. That's always my problem with charities. There have countless examples of charities to help Venezuelans in need that have never been truly put to their actual purpose. I like the idea of helping in my own accord. And it has to be like that. Helping those I know will beget help to those they know and the chain continues.
My thoughts exactly. ✅
tokens.Which country would you like to move to? Or move your friends to... If you don't mind me asking?
I think I would ask them about that. However, I'd like to place them out of Latin America. We seemed to be doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
I am quite literally sitting here on a hot Thai Sunday working of the summary of an investment proposal for my Thai business, pure Thai Natural Co Ltd. My dream is to locate my natural products production to an eco-sustainable center based out of Mae Sariang where we can cluster other micro organic businesses around us and share resources such as UV light sterilizers, solar dehydrators etc. Undocumented people can't export or sell thigns legally here, but WE can do it with and for them. Part of my proposal is to link this centre-space with niche level eco-tourism - yoga training, skills sharing etc etc. On the job English, Burmese and Thai language training - so people chat and learn languages together while they process wild honey or dried herbs, for example, rather than sit in a classroom to which they are not accustomed (and intimidated by).
The final plank of my proposal is asking our investor (and we have 2 lined up!!) to commit 10% of profit share, for ever, towards a micro credit scheme for refugee and marginalized people in Thailand, with an emphasis on women who are widowed through the Burmese conflict and supporting children or elderly parents.
My USD $100,000 would go towards the legal establishment of this structure (not more than $20,000), creating promotional video & information/guidelines and establishing credit evaluation processes (maybe $30,000), and getting the first 25 families on board with loans of around $2,000 each.
I'm excited by these questions and the chance to contribute - working hard to ensure my business is a giver on the global scheme and an agent for change. Grateful everyday and striving practically to Be The Change.
I don't have any liquid HBD this moment (being a committed power-upperer!)but will happily send the equivalent in Hive to @combination
Well then, it was all meant to be hypothetical but here you are actively working towards your goals with that proposal.
I like how passionate you get and clearly you have the business acumen to kick things off correctly giving you a better chance at success. Nice work! It's great also to hear you've secured an investor, two in fact, and have some targeted areas to work towards, the widows I mean.
I'm glad you've shared this comment and taken the time to be so specific. All of the people who have commented have suggested such great initiatives...If only I was Elon Musk and could splash around 20 or so $100,000 grants to make them a reality.
Somehow, something has snuggled into my heart these last 15 years working in Asia - and helped me see that my gifts are there to be used. My business experience combined with vision and passion might just be enough to change countless lives.
I read Branson's book, Screw Business As Usual, and it made me understand that part of the change in global consciousness is the way we choose to make and spend our money. I didn't come out of 10 years in oncology to fritter away that life that I regained.
Appreciating your encouragement... stay tuned as we sidestep this annoying little phenomenon named Covid and prepare to kick arse.
Hope you've had an amazing Sunday.
Kicking ass sounds like a good plan...We could start with covid!
Sunday was ok...IKEA...Yep, flat-pack hell coming in the upcoming week for me.
tokens.I had to go enter myself in the Combination drawing first. Thanks for the heads up.
When I first started here, I did a 3-piece article cuz I found some money in the street, broke it up, and gave it away $1 at a time in Long Beach. Learned a couple things dude.
• The homeless community in Long Beach is really sick. A lot of mental illness and I'm not making this up, at least 1/2 have some sort of debilitating disease—missing fingers, missing a hand, can't speak, something.
• Multiple featured articles ain't a good idea here, the community doesn't like that. They like the whole sandwich when they sit down, not bits and pieces.
And now that read this weekends engagement, I'd do the exact same thing just maybe not $1 at a time. At least a grand a shot.
I've done six-piece posts, it was about Tobruk and Australia's involvement in that conflict with a nice piece on Erwin Rommel also. I did it for me so got value from it. I did another on the bombing of Darwin in WW2 also...Also rewarding from a personal perspective. That's how I do it you know, remove the ability for the community to give it value and attach it to my personal reward. Works for me.
Nice work on joining the @combination draw mate. I go in each week, helps them out, and what's 1HBD in the grand scheme of things right?
For sure. And I got a new follower out of it!
Psh! Bargain at twice the price.
Nothing like a two-for-one deal.
tokens.Woooo 100000USD! I would take it to create a non-profit association to help those who are hospitalized and have no way to cover medications, medical procedures or treatments that would be of great help to restore their health. I am more affected by children, however the need is in children as well as adults, so I would leave it to contribute to anyone who needs it.
This seems like a good idea...The $100,000 wouldn't last long though, how would you make the NFP organisation self-sustaining? I think that's one of the issues they face...Making sure they have ongoing funds to distribute. I think @papilloncharity have some plans in place but I wonder if you have any thoughts on it?
Self generation should be one of the survival plans for most charities.
Quality skills training can fill this gap to wit. In 2001 we started with nothing, no income and we all worked for free. Donations of goods streamed in and Papillon's name was established in trust, as we delivered the goods to needy families for free.Thank you @galenkp and we do indeed have a solid plan.
The following year we listened to the community's needs and I wrote an English language protect. I contacted a major university and they agreed to partner in the empowerment effort with us. Our mistake was to offer the courses for free, as class attendances was a great problem. So we established a fee, 10% of the of the market fee and it was such a big success, that after 5 years we had enough to buy the property that papillon was working in.
Papillon also ran other income generating projects such as PC basic training and any others that the community leaders required. 20% of each project was free for those that did not have the means to pay the small fees.
I mention this in the hope that others that are considering to start a non-profit should have a self generation plan in place. It must have 2 focusses namely; qualty, accredited community empowerment and minimum costs.
I could write books about our experiences, both good and bad, but suffice it to say that charity work is a calling (NOT A JOB) and not for the faint hearted.
Wow, that's really great, in fact on a small scale we medical students have done it with the support of small locals but it's not enough to carry it out freely, there always comes a time when it's out of our hands to be able to help. A book would be of great help coming from such a wide experience.
Oh I know that helpless feeling very well, as we often experience it. Even now, as we are not a rich charity and I am the only that gets a small stipend from it.
We do have some big and very well off charity's here and they pay all of their staff market relayed salaries. But we don't do that.
Maybe one day a book will appear.
Blessings and !WINE
I can imagine there have been many ups and downs along the way and I'm sure it's not an easy journey, although is rewarding as you have said previously. It must take constant effort right? I mean you'd always have some aspect to work on, to hone and develop,. It's a credit to you that you've been at it so long and so successfully.
Thank you Galen and one can only attribute that to learning the lessons in life. You know exactly what I am talking about, as you have also conquered all of your ups and downs. The issue is never to fear a problem and rather to regard it as a challenge. The solving of some problems require sacrifices, but in the end it always works out. I am talking here about your recent move in order to solve a bigger problem. As long as love and care are involved in the solving stage it will always work out.
Credit is not always an issue, as the satisfaction of success is so much better.
tokens.I would create a big virtual library with free access for everybody to thousands and thousands of ebooks. Education is so important and it's a pity that so many people can't afford buying a book.
An eLibrary sounds like a good idea! I hope my book makes it into the library. It's called days of the week and I wrote it when I was five. I'll do a post on it someday.
Really!? So so cute! You keep on revealing stuff about you G., you are a treasure chest
Yes, it was my first foray into book writing and was rather successful. It was put in the school library and someone even borrowed it...I think it may have been a pity-borrow though. Still, I wrote and illustrated it myself and it came out quite well...More of a reference book I guess, but I added some flair and interest.
Wowwie wow. What a great idea!
I don't know what it would cost from Bezos and Amazon, but their selection is pretty profound. Maybe you could convince them to get on board. Wouldn't that be cool?
Really great idea.
It would be amazing actually, I am sure that in the future someone will do this. Only through education the world can change
I live in Argentina, a country that for as long as I can remember has always been poorly managed, we are always in bad financial shape, a country with very high infusions and high cost of living. This means that there are more and more poor and indigent people, there are many children wandering in the street at the mercy of anything.hello @galenkp good afternoon
If I had the opportunity to have that money, I would like to create a soccer school for street children; Well-managed sport changes the mentality of children, in addition, here we are soccer lovers, and seedbeds of many talented players, such as Maradona Messi, Tevez and many others.
The school will work in two shifts, in each of them the classes will be accompanied by breakfast or snack as the case may be.
Excellent this week's initiative. I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend. Enjoy it a lot
Sport is a nice way to empower underprivileged children who typically have low self-esteem and are easily lead astray and into trouble. The focus and benefit they get through training, team-work, winning and losing at sport is huge. It's a good use of these hypothetical funds.
Thanks for joining in sir, I appreciate it.
tokens.This is a beautiful weekend challenge.
There are many charitable endeavors you could spend the money with and you always question yourself if you are giving it to the right charity so I would choose to support someone I know and purchase some caritative art from Uplift Art for three reasons.
First, I know Michael and he is a great guy running this amazing project to build a school in Haiti.
Second the project focuses on children which I love
And third, Michael does an incredible job mixing the crypto NFT art world with a caritative cause.
that have a viable financial aspect but also help others who need it through charitable endeavours. I support a few initiatives here that do this for military veterans who have battlefield disabilities, PTSD issues and the families of those killed in the line of duty, the children. Viable businesses that give back in a major way.This is a cool idea @santigs. I like to see concepts/businesses
Nice work sir, a great use of the hypothetical $100K.
tokens.Thanks for mentioning Ecency. 🙏 Learn more about Ecency, don't miss our amazing updates.
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You're welcome. :)
A great thank you for this valiant effort @galenkp
Trust is a big matter concerning charities as some have really given it a bad name.
Many have mistrusted us at Papillon's beginning 20 years ago, but when an unemployed young guy walked into a job after training at Papillon, the communities adopted us.
I have repeated this a hundred times and will now again say here that one will pour money down a drain if they try to take their own ideas into a community.
If the community does not own it, then it will fail, no matter the amount of funds that are poured into it.
Trust is the anchor and the communities own Papillon. They bring their ideas to us and we help them to establish it. Then they take ownership and the miracles start to happen.
Feeding is good short term fix, but quality education is the top long term focus.
Papillon has a long history of successes over the past 20 years solely because we regard our work not as a job, but rather as a calling and so do our volunteer board members.
I have high expectations for our new free coding training project for the children at poor schools and it is good step up after the basic PC training.
Our partner Npo's in the education fields are also engaged in the project and thankfully we don't have to re-invent the wheel, as all of the infrastructure is in place.
We have always struggled, but that did not stop us from doing our work.
You do great work Zac and this is my small way of bringing a little more attention to your charity. I hope it works.
Not many guys will dare to call the G-dog a darling and I think that Faith will be impressed to hear that I call you as such.
It could score you some points if you tell her and with our wives any points scored can maybe have a nice bonus 😉
Thank you for the nice surprise my friend.
Hello; @galenkp
Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!
We appreciate your work and your post was manually shared on Twitter by @papilloncharity from the DNA team! Please also visit the @combination account and participate in the weekly giveaway numbers draw to get this badge and to stand a chance to win some Hive!