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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 36: Generous and charitable - A nice combination

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

This is a tough topic, one I have been thinking about since I can remember. I have always been affected/moved by poverty and what it does to people, especially when we consider the huge gap that separate some extremely rich people from the extremely poor. Without sounding socialist, by now you should know how much I detest that ideology, I believe that humanity must find a balance so that those whose lives have not been so successful as others' becasue of exceptional circumstances or particular contingencies, can find solutions to their inmediate problems and ideally solutions to their long-term issues.

I recently joined a charity campaign started by a friend of mine who is now living in Spain and who wanted desperately to help save the life of Fernando, a homeless man he was very fond of. The gofundme goal was 2,500 $ (the exact amount he needed to have a tumor removed from his stomach and cover treatment). The poor man died a couple of days ago. We had barely collected $100+

If I had a consdierable amount of money, I would find a way to establish a hopital or foundation to help poor people cover their medical expenses. Ideally, this foundation would involve a structure that would allow it to invest part of that money in some kind of health-related business that would generate an income significant enough to keep it running beyond the in fund donated for its establishment.

This foundation would also address issues of preventive medicine, nutrition and unemployment so that destitute people can find a way to avoid falling into life-or-death emergency situations. If they can have jobs and take better care of their health, they would not get sick so easily, but even if they did, they would be in a better possition to face that kind of adversity.

No charity will do enough if the roots of the problems are never addressed. In the meantime, I guess the dream of providing free surgeries for people like Fernando,just in time to save their lives and give them a second chance, will do.


Even in countries like mine the divide between rich and poor is widening. I was chatting with someone recently here about the disappearance of the middle class, some slip backwards and some climb upwards but it's more often not the former.

With that gap most often comes healthcare and education issues. It's interesting to note that here those in the lower socioeconomic demographic have more unhealthy diets and more nutrition-related health issues.

I can only imagine what what it must be like in less-affluent countries.

I'm not surprised to hear that sufficient funds were not raised as I think many don't rate the well-being of people like Fernando very highly. Maybe it's way cooler for people to support other more socially-accepted concepts that can be bragged about on Facebook by those donating. It's good for credibility after all right?

Most charities don't do nearly enough to help those in need preferring to spend funds on themselves, big incomes, cars and junkets. Administrative expenses. For this reason people are beginning to mistrust them, myself included.

I support a few but see the funds directly reach those in need with my own eyes.

I like your concepts and feel quite confident that you'd do food things with a bucket of funds given to you for charity use. No one should be without basic health care.


What can I say?
When I read shit like this, I feel like throwing up on their heads

Fundraiser for woman who used Gorilla Glue on hair raises more than $16.4K

And there it is Henrry, exactly the fuckassery I referred to.

I say, fuck you, deal with your own issue...But maybe because it's cool to say I donated $1 to someone who used superglue on her hair on Facebook has some fun-factor they go ahead and do it...Assholes mate. This is a joke...But then, the joke's on the human race I guess, and that shit ain't funny.

I could not agree more

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