Generally a human can only survive for three days without water; Not long at all. Having said that there are several factors that can affect that period being environmental conditions, age, activity-level and what one eats to name a few. But on average if one was not to drink for three days it's lights out and not a very pleasant way to go at all.
It was drinks I asked you about in week 54 of the #weekend-engagement topic - I decided to do an easy topic as last week was a bit heavy and required some thinking. Well done to all of you who joined, your support of this concept is greatly appreciated.
If you missed it follow this link 👉 weekend-engagement topic week 54 to the post and a few comments from people in the community telling us what they link to drink.

Thanks to the sponsors this week
I throw in a little hive each week and get help from a few hive-fellows who this week have once again thrown something into the pool. Nice work @bigtom13, @dandays and @tarazkp for adding to the prize pool. I really appreciate your support and generosity.
This week the 50 hive split goes to

This is an engagement concept and it's really great to see you folks taking your hive-futures into your own hands and building relationships. You are all putting yourselves on the radar of other users and the relationships you build today will pay dividends in the future. Well done to you all, keep up the great work!
Come back for week 55
That's another week done. I hope also that you'll be back for next week's topic in week 55 which will land on my post feed on Friday. I will also pin it to the THE WEEKEND community.
Feel free to post in THE WEEKEND community all weekTHE WEEKEND Community y'all folks...I'm always looking for good posts to vote and curate for @ocd and @curangel so post your weekend-related content in there anytime you like, there's no need to wait for the weekend. - Get on it so I can curate you! You can expand on the #weekend-engagement topic in there if you like too...I'd love to throw some votes at your content!
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
Image is mine
Haa well after a HUGE weekend at work in Sydney Rd, Bruns, I got home last night and decided I needed- nay- DESERVED a Bourbon- Wild Turkey American Honey with Vanilla Coke for me and end the end I had 2- for the first time in about 2-3 months and I'm feeling it today....Just give me water pls- and about 5 ltrs thanks! lol....
Lol, yeah it always seems like a good plan until later and then, yep, pass me the water! 🤪
Yeah and 'get out of my fucking way' and where the fuck did you get your license from you fuckwit' and ...yeah.....hmmm...
tokens.I didn't really expect this. Cause I just like engaging with other users and I have never really been rewarded on weekend engagement before lol and I don't try to win so I am really surprised.
I met some friends here that's why I like it and I stop by when I can. And again I get to learn about one or two things like I learned about mate and sting drinks lol.
Thank you again, I really appreciate.Oh! Thank you @galenkp
You're welcome for the hive; It's just a small thank you to some of those who get involved. Maybe we'll see you again in the future. Have a good week.
Thank you so much @galenkp, I was thinking that I haven't engaged enough in that topic due to busy schedule and earning HIVES is another surprise and happiness 😅
Thanks for getting involved again. I hope you're engaging with some of the others and opening up some relationships; It's that which will help you grow your account.
Yes I have made few friends here but in last week my activities were not up to mark so I hope I will get things going well in this week.
It's an easy topic again this week, and a chance for you to get generous, in the digital world. You'll see Friday.
I can't wait to see. I am sure it will be interesting again as always it has been.
Congratulations @abdulwahab4004
Thank you @nadirali for taking some time to congratulate me, I hope you will be able to win some HIVEs in next weekend topic
Yes Friend I will try to catch attention of some of Hivers.
I so enjoy seeing peoples reactions, the fun and camaraderie in comments in #weekend-engagement, sometimes only see some folks here, almost like Saturday Morning Coffee Shop stop off to chat!
Big surprise in earning thanks G-Dog AKA @galenkp, @tarazkp, @bigtom13, @dandays wishing you all a wonderful new week!
Same time same place....
It's really cool how people come together here and I'm glad people keep coming back; I think a few have opened up some really good relationships which exactly what it's all about. :)
A bit of chatting letting ones hair down, always a good experience on ad-hoc topics. Thanks for running them!
Could you imagine the topic question being asked in a room full of all those who get involved? That'd be cool I think. I have arranged what I hope is a bit of a fun topic this week so let's see how it goes. :)
Always game to see what questions are posed, we all calculate life so differently 😄
Another excellent topic for the engagement activity! It's awesome to see so many people interacting in #weekend-engagement
Thanks mate, always good to have you along.
Sorry for missing it. I have been in a rut for the past couple of weeks or so and can barely keep up with reading posts, much less commenting. My job has consumed me once again.
So, Friday evening, late, when I finally shut down my computer I got myself a nice, dry Martini (Hendricks Gin) and started relaxing, mostly, for the rest of the weekend with drawing, cooking and gaming.
Not enough brain left to write a post. But I'll get there, maybe even sooner than I thought - I had quick peek at my work email inbox before coming here over breakfast, and it does not seem to be overflowing - fingers crossed 🤞
It's all good, I know people get busy and that sometimes one needs to chill out and not get engaged. I hope you had a nice weekend and that the working week isn't too complicated for you. :)
Thank you very much, what a thrill to receive this surprise, I hope to continue interacting with you, I really enjoyed the activity... have a great week everyone.
Thanks for another week and topic! As the football is on tonight (Go Orange!) I will have me a nice cold beer!
I hope you enjoyed the football and beer!
Hey, thanks for the Hive, it was quite a refreshing topic hahaha!
And it's so true what you say, last week there was a topic that made us think about ourselves, but it was really good, as you say, people participated quite a bit and opened up to that week's topic. Personally I love this community and these topics like the weekend engagement, these give room for more personal things that wouldn't have room elsewhere. That's why I like to post in this community here every week.
Best regards!
Another successful engagement weekend... I read to you while drinking my first (but not last) tea of the day ❤️.
Yep, it was a good week. This week's is already written so I hope you'll stop by. An easy one this week too.,