Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 176

in Weekend Experienceslast year

I heard a definition once: Happiness is health and a short memory! I wish I'd invented it, because it is very true.

- Audrey Hepburn -


Hi folks, what a momentous week it's been for me...I won't say much on here for privacy reasons, but it's been huge and the week flew past in a flash and has ended with...well, I can't say...but it's certainly ended with today, Friday! I hope you've had a great week also feel free to share something about it in the comments if you can or would like to.

If you've got some weekend plans worked out and want to share them the comments section below is where to do that...and now, here's this weekend's #weekend-engagement topics.

𝟞𝟘𝟘 𝔼𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕪 𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕘𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕪

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔

Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community - and follow all community rules found here

Posts must consist of 250+ words and you must use your own photos - no stock images

Use images you took yourself

𝑾𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

  • Many people enjoy cooking for enjoyment over the weekend as there's more time for it. Do you cook/prepare food more on the weekends due to more time or do you choose more take-out/pre-prepared food? Explain your weekend food situation and feel free to share some of your cooking. Remember to use your own photos.

  • Share one or two images from your weekend, (this one or last weekend) and tell us about what you did and why. Remember to use your own photos.

  • No matter if you're coming into winter or summer weather will alter what you do with your weekend. Give us a snapshot of the things you do (or have done) over a weekend in the heat of summer or the cold of winter. Remember to use your own photos.


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Comply with the guidelines if you want your post to be eligible

Only original content is acceptable and no AI-generated text or images. Curation is based on quality, effort and personality and and all photos must be ones you own, not stock images.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Any images in this post are my own.


It's the weekend again! How you doing G-dawg? Cool writing prompts again. what you got planned for the weekend?

Heli there, I've got no solid plans really. I'll go to the range tomorrow, clean some guns in the afternoon and Sunday is a bit of a mystery at this stage. I'll work something out though. And you?

The boss is sick today, so we see how it goes - she threw up this morning but also didn't want to go to school. She seems fine now! I think I got set up! Other than that, I have an appointment in the morning and a date with my girls in the evening. Would like to squeeze in another run and a hike, weather permitting!

It seems you've got a lot going on and I had to laugh about the boss setting you up...I did that a few times when I was a kid. I think my parents always knew though.

I think we all did this. She is 4, though! A bit too soon! but I think she is a bit sick, and even opted for a nap by herself. no fight.

Early starter at four. Gets her mischievous side from somewhere I guess. Not pointing any fingers...(ok, maybe a little bit.)

Lol ... My mom says the same thing. Basically said it's payback time! She has a wicked sense of humour though. Circle of life I guess!

This week has been a busy week, I had to go out quite a lot, meeting with a friend, family day yesterday. It wasn't bad at all.

Today it's time to do the weekly shopping and plan the food for the weekend, I love to cook. On Sunday I plan to go out, I don't know where yet hahaha.

By the way I have already chosen the theme but I won't tell you hahahaha

Have a great weekend Galen!

A busy week huh? I hope you have a good weekend! 😊

A lot!!!! And it's not over yet, I have a tremendous Friday ufff, I'm already looking forward to a more relaxed Saturday! hahaha

Friday is over for me...bed time now and then it's into Saturday...going to the range. Anyway, I'm off.

Have a good rest and an excellent morning ... tomorrow!

This way my publication, I have to stop this feeding I do on weekends. Christmas is coming and I want to finish this year on a high note. A big hug to all my friends who meet every weekend in this community:


Thank you, I hope you have a good week.

You weekend post is like an announcement @galenkp that we have got the weekend here finally. I usually cook one day and second day to go out. I will try to cook something nice this weekend and share here. Hope your week was good and the photo you shared is awesome. Have a nice weekend

I'll look out for your cooking post...and try not to get too hungry when I see that tasty food!

Have a good weekend.

I don't know if I can meet your expectations or not but I will be trying my best. Have a nice weekend.

Attempting your best is all you can ask if yourself.

Oh yeah.
New topics are out.

Have a great weekend, mate.🎉

Yeo, as always...Friday is the day.

Have a good weekend.

share some of your cooking

Oh... I don't want to ruin your community with that disaster...


Happy weekend 🍸

Happy weekend to you too, hopefully you make it a good one.

One thing is granted - it will be the best weekend this week ;)

That's the way to do it.

We won't mind seeing the disaster 😄
Bring it on

I love Audrey Hepburn, elegance and beauty, but the saying you chose for today that belongs to her disappointed me a bit. How could she not know that the quote belonged to a great predecessor, Charlie Chaplin? Maybe she knew once but her short memory has confused her... although I don't think she was happy.

Once again very good suggestions and now I feel I really have to participate but I find it hard to choose. I remember asking you a long time ago if I could do more than one post on the same weekend and I think you said yes... but, thankfully, I understand you don't recommend it.

Thanks again!

Hi there, all the best for the weekend, I hope you've got something good planned. If you want to do more than one post this weekend just make sure they're on different days, or just the one over the weekend. Your choice.

Thank you, the same for you! Otherwise, I saw in a previous comment what your plans are and it caught my eye that you will be cleaning some guns. I remember from the military when this was a daily routine. In fact, I don't remember exactly if it was a daily or weekly activity when we were cleaning the old Kalashnikov. I didn't like it very much. It was 50 years ago.

For you, it's obviously a hobby and you enjoy doing it. I guess so, pleasure and necessity!
I'd like to have a gun myself, but it's forbidden here. As I get older and my strength leaves me I feel that a gun in the house would be necessary. I also understand the reason for being forbidden. In old age, the ability to understand and act correctly can diminish.

Of course, if I make two posts they will be on different days at the extremes of the allocated time frame.

I shoot a lot...and I have a lot of guns, so I'm always cleaning something...I like my equipment to be in top shape at all times. Anyway, all the best for the weekend.

Happy Friday Galen, on the way to this week 176, with these topics of this weekend of commitment to you and everyone.

Hi there, I hope you have a good weekend and have something fun planned.

Big up, hope you are ok, not sure we will do a cooking post....but we got some live jazz on the agenda..

It sounds like you've got a jazzy weekend...I can only assume you deploy jazz hands also.

Have a good one.

Hi, happy weekend. This week has been a smooth week for me, busy with my baby's school but all in good spirits. And with this week's themes, I think I already have something to participate this time.

I'm glad you had a nice week and hope you also have a good weekend no matter what you do. 😊

Hmmmm....I feel a distinctive shift in your choices of choices. Why is that? Or, based on the offerings and comments can I guess?

Your photo is glorious. Do you know I grew up on the (South African) south coast. Whenever I am back at the ocean I realize how much I miss it. Back in my childhood as I spent hours of almost every day in the surf I never would've imagined I would raise my own kids so far from the sea. There is something about that vast stretch of crashing waves that talks to me. If I could choose to be anywhere this weekend; it would be walking the beautiful coastline with the waves lapping around my feet, feeling the salty spray and hearing the voice of the waters

Hi there, I hope you're well.

The topics I assume you mean, yeah I thought I'd make them directly weekend-related for a while rather than more general. There's no reason really, that I'll mention here.

I live close to the coast, (95% of the country's population lives within an hours' drive), and enjoy walking there, I'm sure you understand why. I'm not sure how far away you live but hope you can find your way there soon, I get the feeling you need the feeling.

We're 350km away. Which is about 349km further than I am used to. It's amazing that you are so close. I didn't realize. I guess those of us who are so much more alive in nature need to be close to something. I love the mountains so while I have lost the ocean, if that's possible, I have gained mountains. My home is beautiful. I wouldn't change it. But being able to walk to the beach wouldn't hurt either

Yep, I'm close. The thing about Adelaide is that everything is so accessible be it mountains, the ocean and so on, and yet it's a cosmopolitan city.

Greetings to everyone who celebrates Friday today :-)
How tiring this week was, let it finally come to an end.
On monday i sold my old car, spent the rest of the day after work doing administration. On Tuesday and Wednesday dealt with some incorrect financial calculations. On thursday I was on the business trip from morning to evening, all day...
Only today, when I reconciled those incorrect calculations, I could breathe a little... And to welcome Friday afternoon and the proposal of topics. @galenkp thanks for the great topics. I'm still thinking what I'm going to write about this weekend :-)

That definitely sounds like a busy week, but the weekend is here and I hope you find a little time to relax. Happy weekend.

The relax phase started as soon as I left the office :-)
Thanks to the topics you have come up with, it is very likely that there will be some picture in the post as a representation of how I rest and relax over the weekend.

That's the way to do it for sure, I do the same although...sometimes it starts before I leave the office. 😉

I'll keep an eye out for your post.

I decided to cook today. you don't believe? take a look:
Cooking - My luck, that what I do on weekends, I like to do https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@duskobgd/weekend-cooking-an-obligation-necessity-or-passion

Good stuff mate, I hope it was tasty...and your weekend is going great.

This is going to be a lot of fun. hahaha

Will the second part of the gelarepas arrive? I don't know... maybe.

Only time will reveal the answer.

We can ask Robocop 😂

You're old enough to remember Robocop?

I am Tutankhamun. Didn't you know? 😁 You will understand later...

Lol...now that piqued my curiosity. I'll wait for the big reveal.

Hi Galen, congratulations for having a good week and may your weekend be even better. Good topics for this engagement. Thanks. Have a nice day.

Hello there, thank you for your nice message, and I hope your well. Also, have a nice weekend.

We don't have any plans for the weekend yet, but we are not giving up hope that we will make something good happen. My week has been challenging.

We hope that the momentous thing that has happened to you, right now, soon or at the end, will be for your well being 💫 Greetings to Cleo 😺

I'm sorry I missed this comment earlier.

Cleo says hello back, or she would have had she not been sleeping like always. #catlife

I hope your weekend is going well.

Managed to join in..., by way of a change, have an amazing weekend and thanks for keeping topics running for fun weekends.

I saw that, thanks for taking the time. Happy weekend to you too!

Nice photograph of clouds I love it🙋🙋🙋

Yep, good huh?

Oh, seems like it's an ideal topic for me I hope I create one. Have a happy weekend @galenkp and everyone. 😊😉

No worries, if you do I'll see it...if you do not I will not.

happy weekend.

No matter if you're coming into winter or summer weather will alter what you do with your weekend. Give us a snapshot of the things you do (or have done) over a weekend

how far can we go back in the past for this

To the Jurassic period and beyond.

Awesome thanks 🥳🤩

That was me being sarcastic..., I can't help it, I'm Australian. It's ok to go back in time if you have to, as long as it all fits the topic.

Haha ya I know this time! Australians are super chill I think. I was in a podcast recently with some Australians. Super nice and chill. I actually studied an Australian degree. Got a bachelors in business management & innovation for Victoria University. Never went to Australia though because it was expensive to study there but there was a time when the Australia lecturers would come over and teach a lesson. They were super chill and nice compared to my local lecturers.

Ya I'm thinking of going back on time on this one possibly but I need to see if I can find photos for it or maybe ill have to ask my mom or see if she has any cuz she took photos and i didnt really take much photos of myself at all in the past

Well done on your degree , that's a good achievement.

Haha to be honest though I feel nowadays most people already have a bachelor's. It's like the standard now I think so I didn't feel like it's an amazing achievement. Thank you though. What about you did you get to a masters or PHD? Are you secretly a Dr Galenkp

Hi @galenkp! These are nice suggestions for the weekend.
Tomorrow is my birthday, I won't be celebrating though.
I'm feeling somehow because I know tomorrow is important for me, but I'm alone at a lodge in school with no plans at all.
Should I just keep silent and let it pass? I'm confused.
Anyhow it goes, I'm sure gonna take some pictures and share it here.
I wish you a wonderful weekend!

That certainly sounds like a conundrum but one I hope you'll find an answer to.

Happy birthday, and I hope you have a nice week.

Hello there. I think I could share my activity this weekend. Actually, this is my best weekend(Saturday) ever.
Thank you for the topics sir.

I'm glad you're having a great weekend, they're the best sort of weekends to have.

Hello everyone! This week engagement topics are great, but I picked the last one! Thanks to @galenkp for hosting the contest. This is my entry:

Thanks, I appreciate you being involved and that your weekend has been a good one.

I love that we get to talk about cooking this weekend.
My entry


Wao! What a great topic to crack our memory with. Happy weekend guys.

Have a good weekend too.

Hello, and greetings,here is my entry for weekend-engagement

Thank you.

Some great topics, once again! I'm so excited to participate 🤩 It's been such a long time! Thank you for making weekends even more fun, @galenkp 👏🏼

I'm glad you like them and hope you're enjoying your weekend.

I am, thank you. Hope you are as well!
Decided to participate in the end so adding my entry here:


Nice work, thank you.

Happy Weekend to everyone. Here is my entry ;


Thanks for letting me know. Have you had a good weekend so far?

Oh I sure did. How about you ?

It's still going and seems to be a pretty good one. I'm content with it. Thanks for asking.

Thank you, and have a good weekend.

Hello I present my participation of this week, as usual the proposed alternatives give us many ideas to post, happy weekend to all:


Thanks, I appreciate it and hope you're enjoying your weekend.

Thanks, I hope your weekend is going well.

Thank you. Hope yours is as well.

Here's my entry mate....

Hope you're having a great weekend 🤠


Now curiosity is climbing! And looking forward to reading why this week has been so special for you!

It's not something I'll talk about on the blockchain actually, I don't feel comfortable divulging everything from my personal life here. It was momentous though.

Happy weekend.

Here is my entry. Hope you are all having a great weekend:



Greetings from here. I hope you have a good weekend. This way I bring my participation:


No worries.

Hi @galenkp
Hope you had a great weekend and here is my participation.


Thank you so much

Oh, excellent, another initiative. But I was late... Next time!

Yeah, new topics will be available on Friday.