Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 246

in Weekend Experienceslast month
Countdown terminated on Feb 24, 2025, 6:30 AM

If I wait for the genius to come, it just doesn't arrive.

- Ian Fleming -


Happy weekend folks; yep, it's finally arrived. Well, it has for me because I'm in Australia am ahead of most of you...but don't worry, yours will arrive eventually and I hope you'll make the most of it. Feel free to tell me what you're up to in the comments if you want to.

WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community then read below, and I hope you all have a great weekend.If you'd like to get involved with the #weekend-engagement topics as hosted in the

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Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community - follow all community rules found here.

250+ word minimum and you must use your own photos - no stock images

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  • What historical event would you prevent if you had the ability to go back in time and do so and how do you think the future would have looked if you did. Use your own photos.

  • If your head fell off and rolled away, would you miss it or do you think you'd be able to live your life without it? Explain. Use your own photos.

  • Are you greedy and selfish? If you are, write a post about why and what you gain from being that way. Use your own photos.

  • What's in your refrigerator? Take us on journey using words and images of what's in your fridge this weekend. Use your own photos.

  • Why do you feel the need to take responsibility for your own life and work towards better outcomes? Or why do you prefer to entrust your present and future to others by not taking ownership? Explain and use your own photos.

  • What does the word intelligence mean to you in the human context (yourself or others) and why? Do you feel you are intelligent or not, explain in either case. Use your own photos.

ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 06:30 UTC Monday 24 February 2025

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Only original content is acceptable and no AI-generated text or images. Curation is based on quality, effort and personality and and all photos must be ones you own, not stock images.

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Countdown terminated on Feb 24, 2025, 6:30 AM

That head falling off and rolling away. Someone has to do that one!

 last month (edited) 

You know me Boomy, I like to throw in a curve ball and always hope someone has a crack at it.

I'm not sure if its just pure fucken brilliance on my part or due to the fact my fucken head fell off and rolled away one time. I caught up with it and put it back on, but that damned melon of mine took a mighty blow when it struck the pavement so who knows what screws may be loose up in my noggin these days.

I've been there dude. Head rolling off at the most inopportune moments. Still, just pick it up and pop it back on. Sometimes it can almost be good for you!

Look, some head falling off can be quite a wondrous and beneficial thing...it's when one's head falling off begins to occur regularly that the implications begin. I mean, where does one put one's sun glasses if one's head fell off and rolled down the fucken road?

Still, I like my head to fall off now and then, sort makes me appreciate it more when it's where it is supposed to be.

It is very true, sunglasses dont quite look as good on a stump as they do on a Titan head!

I like it too. I consider it like the occasional switch off and on again to keep your brain computer operating at peak efficiency!

Titans generally make good use of their noggins when they fall off...usually by kicking it around. Actually, that's where the game of football originated.

Incredible really, one almost shouldn't believe it, but it's a well known fact.

I make a point of believing hard to believe facts as they are told to me. I find it is the only way to survive in the 21st century 😃😃

I was trying to figure out if my head was rollin' how was I gonna...

"Explain. Use your own photos."

I liked that, use your own photos bit for that one especially 🤣🤣

honestly, i'm seriously anticipating

Hope your weekend is going great! I know yours is halfway through already😔 Remember, it's not always about how loooong it is, it can still be memorable 😂

Ooo, I really hope someone shows their science experiments for the #weekend-engagement, I could use some new ideas

It's not the size that matters huh?

It'll be a good weekend I'm sure and I'm hoping there's some good posts from the #weekend-engagement too...I'm looking for some decent content to drop some one hundred percenters on...and speaking of which, here's one for your comment above.

It's not the size that matters huh?

lol,ya..they say it's all in how you use it

Thank you lol...I was just looking at the topics and there looks to be some really good ones. The rolling head and fridge tour sound like pretty good options.

One could put their head in the fridge and make a combined post I guess. 🥴

It's probably the only way to know for sure what exactly you have in the fridge.

Probably best kept in the crisper section to keep it in top shape for longer.

Right! I mean, who doesn't like a little head in the crisper drawer??

Now you're just getting crazy😂

It's been known to happen.


No broccoli?

My refrigerator is RUNNING..!

Can you help me catch it?

Kelly said Broccoli 🥦 Eeeeewe.

I imagined my head rolling... it would be... the headless rider... no problem, I can do without!!!! Very funny topic! The others are great too.

Hope you have a great weekend!

You seem like someone who's head has fallen off a few times.

Totally and I don't mind hahaha I think I've lost a few screws along the way!

This weekend I am preparing dinner for guests on Saturday, as well as preparing myself for visiting friends on Sunday.

All in all, socializing and relaxation 🙂

Sounds enjoyable so...umm, enjoy!

My plan this weekend is to do a whole lot of nothing! We have had a really busy week and I am looking forward to just relaxing at home a bit finally.

I have too, busy week, so I understand completely. I hope you enjoy nothing! 😊

Falling head and rolling away on the road remind me about the severe bike accident of my Aunt, After the accident she stayed in the ICU for three to four days and then died ..... It was the worst accident that she lost her life without her head.....

Oh yeah, that's bad, I'm sorry that happened.

Every time my head falls off I just pick it up and put it back on...after chasing it down the street as it rolls away. I've died a few times but always managed to brush it off and be ok again.

Ohhh i never died like this you mentioned your situation

It seems like a very interesting topic. Looking forward to seeing the creative responses people come up with.

Seems so.

This week's topics are quite interesting

That was the plan.

En algún momento de mi vida se me cayó la cabeza y rodó, pero afortunadamente la recuperé.

Beautiful views!


Inspired by DeirdyWeirdy, who is not to be outdone
