 yesterday (edited) 

You know me Boomy, I like to throw in a curve ball and always hope someone has a crack at it.

I'm not sure if its just pure fucken brilliance on my part or due to the fact my fucken head fell off and rolled away one time. I caught up with it and put it back on, but that damned melon of mine took a mighty blow when it struck the pavement so who knows what screws may be loose up in my noggin these days.

I've been there dude. Head rolling off at the most inopportune moments. Still, just pick it up and pop it back on. Sometimes it can almost be good for you!

Look, some head falling off can be quite a wondrous and beneficial's when one's head falling off begins to occur regularly that the implications begin. I mean, where does one put one's sun glasses if one's head fell off and rolled down the fucken road?

Still, I like my head to fall off now and then, sort makes me appreciate it more when it's where it is supposed to be.

It is very true, sunglasses dont quite look as good on a stump as they do on a Titan head!

I like it too. I consider it like the occasional switch off and on again to keep your brain computer operating at peak efficiency!

Titans generally make good use of their noggins when they fall off...usually by kicking it around. Actually, that's where the game of football originated.

Incredible really, one almost shouldn't believe it, but it's a well known fact.

I make a point of believing hard to believe facts as they are told to me. I find it is the only way to survive in the 21st century 😃😃

Even AI knows this particular fact and you how humans love to rely on AI.