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RE: Weekend-engagement week 66: Teleport anywhere

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Here we are… so many options! So many places to visit!

I’m going to go with the teleport to time and place option here and my first choice is…
Machu Picchu – Peru, Inca kingdom, sometime in the 15th century (cause that's when it was built)
Visiting this place has been an absolutely magical experience and I’m glad I got to see it. But imagine if I could see it while it was still in use, while it was being built, imagine seeing the whole civilization, the customs, the interaction… Yes, you hear many stories, but this is more the 600 or 700 years ago so who really knows what it was like…

Option 2,
Havana, Cuba, 1958
If you walk around old Havana you will see these amazing buildings… Sadly most of them are in decay.
But I couldn’t help but imagine what Cuba would have been like in it’s hay-day! Why 1958? Because if I can trust the history books, that when Cuba was booming. I'm not getting into any politics, just imagening and amazing period of time to be there..
The architecture, the art, the social scene..the cars!!! I’m getting excited writing about it!


Look at you looking all cool and suave...Making the ladies swoon I'm sure. Lol.

Going to a place like Machu Picchu in its heyday, or during it's design and construction, would be amazing - Just to learn about the culture first-hand would be awesome, but to get involved with it, live it, would be something else again.

This is a great use of teleportation, both options in fact.

Look at you looking all cool and suave...Making the ladies swoon I'm sure. Lol

Hahha this was my display pic for at least 6 months, worked fine 😎

I know Machu Picchu has been on your list for the longest time, so 2022 sounds like the year!? 👀

That's make me pretty happy but I don't know if 2022 is going to be a good year to travel for a few different reasons. Who knows, things might work out. It's definitely on my list though. No doubt.

How thee hell can I goof around with your post?

It is just to good to clown around with.!!

But I will teleport some hotdogs and !BEER to these times and places and meet you there.


This picture is what I want from life right now, beer and hotdogs!

Yeah, I know what you mean. It is lunch time here, Beer and Brauts would be Sooooo good. Or a Philly Steak and Cheez. Or Chicken Wings... Or an all we can eat crab legs and seafood buffet...

Oh man I am dying over here..lmao.


Man now I am dying too, all of these things sound amazing! Or a piping hot fresh pizza would be nice too!

Hahaha my bad!
Bring on the beer and hotdogs! They are welcome on my trips!

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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

That's really cool idea. It would be amazing seeing some historical locations at their peak. Great idea.

Cuba in 1958, that could be really interesting. I'm keen to read this in a post @gvkanten - why don't you write it and the adventure you will go on?

 3 years ago (edited) 

Hahaha interesting... Sounds like a challenge!
I might just do that

Machu Picchu looks lovely and I can't imagine how it was when it was built. I can imagine your fascination with it.

No one wants to return to the past when it's not booming! 😄

You look good in these pictures and Cuba looks serene in the evening. I see people hanging around. Is this place a relaxation spot?

Haha hey hey I added the booming part just to be clear!
But on the other hand, you might have people wanting to teleport back to more tumultuous times... Like the French revolution or maybe a famous battle on Genghis Khan or something...🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

You look good in these pictures and Cuba looks serene in the evening. I see people hanging around. Is this place a relaxation spot?

Thank you!
It's a famous bar, it's been around for years, so it's like one of those spots where you 'have' to take a picture 😂

... you might have people wanting to teleport back to more tumultuous times... Like the French revolution or maybe a famous battle on Genghis Khan or something...

For real? Huh. Not me though! 😂

The man of the hour and his amazing photos in amazing places. Those are some legit options. About Cuba, I think that going any point before the Revolution would show you a thriving country.

About Machu Picchu, could you go while it was being built? That's one of the big mysteries of life. Those guys made that thing without using any mortar between blocks and their geometry is so neat!

Haha thanks!

Agreed, Havana itself would be great...but I'm also curious about other cities in Cuba.. And the culture!

And true, I'm still in awe of Machu Picchu, and I mean it's all on a mountain, in between other mountains. The patience/persistence they have must have had....

Where would you go?

I said over my comment that I would visit Canada. But I bet I could go to every country where I know a HIVER. That could be an amazing experience. Hivers are such amazing people.

About going back to the past maybe I could try living in this country before the socialist revolution to see all the fuss about the old Venezuela and if it was actually a thing.

Now imagine you arrive at Machu Picchu, put in charge of cutting the stone then getting them onsite, that is one mean feat!


Havana, Cuba, 1958 sounds a lot more fun!

Machu Picchu would definitely be a fantastic place to visit. In particular I'd love to be at a point in time to watch them build and see how they did it. Great idea!