Man these are getting DEEP lately. This one is almost as hard as your last one!
As I've noticed some others talking about, I am only going to use things that I already have. I doubt my dog counts as an "item"-- but, fortunately for me, he has a "to-go bag" of his own!
Last year I bought Raiden(doggo) a little hiking "backpack". This was mainly due to the fact that normally when we hike I, obviously, carry all of our supplies. It's really no big deal, but as my backpack is always chock-full for work purposes, it either meant dumping out the whole thing and reassembling it after OR, the worst case, glass breaking when coming into contact with my tools. This is because I really don't have any well-sealing plastic jugs for water, and I always cut up or recycle any potential solutions for that and don't realize until we're setting out on a hike. My go-to used to be a half-gallon glass ball jar- not the best.
So, item number 1 is Raiden's bag. In it, there are his things; a collapsable doggy double-dish, a collapsable water pouch, some dog food, and his light and a reflective bandana. Additionally, I have a multi-tool in there at the moment with a pretty decent knife on it. There's still plenty of room in the bag and things go in and out.
Number 2 is MY bag. It is usually chock-full of hand tools, including a sheaved machete and a hatchet I found at a flea market years ago. Occasionally my Milwuakee drill is in there as well; which would probably come in handy but the drills kill those batteries pretty quick. But there's a socket set in there in case I need to handle anything with my vehicle and even a spool of twine for fashioning shelter/things of that nature. And, of course, ZIP TIES!
Luckily I already have a gas canister in my car so I won't need to waste number 3 on that. I always have a lighter in my pocket. So, I suppose number 3 would be a cast iron pan. I decided that I needed something to cook with. I thought about a tent as well but figured I would be living in my vehicle. If something should happen to my vehicle, well, given the circumstances I'm sure there would be abandoned vehicles peppering the landscape and I could switch off. But I have to eat. I can make fire with what I have, and fashion surfaces to cook on; but the pan would really bring everything full circle.
I'm sure if this situation did hit I'd be throwing a hell of a lot more in the car and my bags. But, if I had to pick up and go right now, I'd really only need to grab our two bags and a pan! Not so bad!
Lol...When my knucklehead noggin works properly it deep-dives on occasions.
Doggo-go-bag + personal go-bag = Total legitidity! 😂
I like your answer and the way you think. I know you're a fairly practical dude, good with your hands and probably quite smart also based on your posts so...Yeah, I'm not surprised at your answer here.
A tarp is a good alternative to a tent and there are so many good cooking devices around, more light-weight than cast iron, but if you have the ability to carry iron then do it as they are better overall to cook on. I use JetBoil stuff for cooking when travelling without my camper trailer...Light and effective.
There's so much one could/should/would take and that's why I only wanted three items...Yours are great...Everyone's have been to be honest.
Oh yes a tarp! How could I forget that haha. I stand strong with my three choices above but maybe I should put a tarp in my backpack anyways.. that could always come in handy.
It's funny how these prompts really stick with you in your head.. I just took my dog out for a walk and looked in the recycling and saw my room mates orange juice container and thought back to my plastic/glass dilemma. And now! I'm already thinking of putting a tarp in my backpack just based on this situation haha.
I appreciate the kind words haha. I had so much fun reading people's responses. I spent a solid hour reading through them before I realized it was Sunday and the store was closing early.
I definitely think I'd stick with the cast iron. One pan, super versatile, I have a fairly small one that isn't TOO heavy.. and then again I'm a bit of a monster; 6'3", pretty used to lugging around heavy shit up and down mountains.. so I don't think the pan would kill me haha.
Raiden could stand to lose a few pounds. Maybe if I get sick of the cast iron I could attach it to his backpack 😂
Cast iron pots are good for cracking heads too, especially when they come from 6'3" up in the air. Lol.
The cool thing about talking about this stuff is that there's always something to be learned, adapted or implemented. Constantly honing skills in this area is a good way to be. For me it's fun too!
Definitely! To all of the above, including crackin skulls 😂
I always kind of passively think about these things but it's nice to actively think about them. And it's especially nice to read other's thoughts on the subject and learn from those!
tokens.Nice choices here man! I didn't even think of cookware so having a pan would be huge. Cooking that rabbit or squirrel you caught on a nice pan would be a lot easier and taste better than just skewers lol.
A mechanic at heart! I used to drive around with all my tools in my trunk or back of my truck when I had one. Weighs about 250 pounds so it reduced my gas mileage but I didn't care. You were good to go with something that broke while out there. Great choices man! Love the dog backpack lol
I used to keep all my tools in my car too but the car I have now is tiny and I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't fit anything in my car if I even just had my dog with me haha.
Thanks man! It was a tough go but as soon as I remembered the dog backpack that was a no brainer haha. The pan came to me last minute. Definitely haven't changed my options haha