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RE: Why don't I want to have children? - Weekend Engagement #158

Yes, you're totally right, and I see that too. Sometimes I feel in strange position because to be honest, taking care of a child is hard. My eldest nieces are at home, and although my mom was the one who took their responsibility to bring them here, I am the one who has to take care of them, supervise them, teaching them, helping them with their homework.

And my sister is Caracas, trying to "solve" her economic problems. Also, I'm many people criticized me because I don't have children. The first thing that comes to my mind when it's about kids is money. Money cal solve a lot, but I also know that being supportive with their feelings, helping them to grow, raised them to be a good person, that's very important too.

Thank you for your words, prof❤️.
Big hug for you. 🤗❤️


I don't know about your sister, but listen, you're already being a mother to children that are not yours. Not fair. I don't mean to intrude, but that effort, time, love, and more should go to your own children first. Just make sure to use your life to live the life you have chosen, the life you have worked for. Everyone has to take care of their own children.

I'm sure you'll sort this out the best you can as a family.

I know it isn't fair. I'm just waiting for they to leave because they're about to move to Brazil in a month or two. Right now, I set a goal to myself to grow economically, since teaching seems like a hard option. I associated with my little sister to make clothes and sell them. I'm already learning how to sew in her sewing machines and I really hope this work out for us.

Again, thanks for your advice. I really appreciate your wise words.

Best of luck in your new project! ❤️
