I don't believe in religion because it often prioritizes dogma over individuality and critical thinking.
Don't get me wrong, I respect people's right to believe in whatever they want, but for me personally, religion has never been a source of comfort or guidance. Growing up, I was raised in a Catholic household and attended church and some of its celebrations, such as Holy Week, but as I got older and started to question certain aspects of my faith, I found that I didn't agree with many of the tenets of the religion I was raised in.
One of my biggest issues with religion is the way it can be used to justify harmful or discriminatory behavior. Too often, people use their religious beliefs as an excuse to discriminate against others who don't share their beliefs or lifestyles. This can be seen in everything from the way some religions treat other religions or non-believers. I believe that it's important to treat everyone with respect and kindness, regardless of their beliefs, and religion can often be a barrier to that.
Another problem I have with religion is the way it can stifle critical thinking and individuality. Many religious institutions have strict guidelines on what is considered acceptable behavior or thought, and those who deviate from those guidelines can be ostracized or punished. I believe that it's important to think for yourself and question the world around you, and religion can sometimes discourage that.
And while I understand that religion can bring comfort and a sense of community to many people, I don't believe that those benefits are exclusive to religion. There are many ways to find community and meaning in life that don't involve subscribing to a particular set of beliefs. For me, I find comfort in spending time with loved ones, pursuing my hobbies, and learning about the world around me.
In the end, I don't believe that religion is necessary for a fulfilling life. While it may work for some, personally, I find more value in individuality, critical thinking, and kindness toward others.
It's worth noting that not believing in a specific religion doesn't necessarily mean that one can't believe in God or spirituality in general. In fact, many people can find meaning and purpose in life through their belief in a divine force or connection to something greater than themselves.
Smart faith involves questioning and exploring personal beliefs, rather than simply accepting what we've been taught without thinking about it. Smart faith means having an open mind and being willing to learn and grow from new experiences and knowledge.
Someone can find their own truth and belief in God or spirituality without being affiliated with a specific religion. By following their own spiritual path, a person can form a personal relationship with God or the divine that feels authentic and meaningful to them.
Ultimately, what matters is finding what works for each of us and makes us feel connected and at peace with ourselves and the world around us. Whether through organized religion or individual spiritual seeking, smart faith can help us find purpose and direction in life and allows us to live more fully and authentically.
The photos were taken by me
Yo estudie 11 años en un colegio catolico, creo en la existencia de Dios, pero lo que han hecho sus representantes en la tierra es mas que sacrilego, vi como se utiliza el comercio en nombre de Dios, y como las altas esferas sacerdotales del colegio siempre favorecian a quienes tenian mas recursos. Presencie humillaciones hacia sacerdotes que de cierta manera disfrutaban su trabajo, pero al ir en contra de reglas absurdas fueron destituidos de sus cargos y en varias ocasiones ahorcaron sus habitos, sin dejar de creer en Dios. Las religiones dividen y siempre me he preguntado porque un cura o una monja no pueden tener pareja, ellos son seres humanos como todos, y que yo sepa en ningun escrito biblico esta escrito que esto es obligatorio. Eso lo invento otro humano, no es palabra de Dios.
Es un tema que abre muchos espacios de discusión. Es verdad que la religión ha servido para promover situaciones de discriminación. Sin embargo, en el proceso de desarrollo de la cultura humana la creencia en una entidad superior al hombre, sobrenatural, con otras cualidades distintas, fue la base para establecer normas morales y principios éticos para la vida social.
Una idea como amar al prójimo tiene poco chance de prosperar cuando el ser humano está centrado en sí mismo, cuando el centro de la existencia es él, sus placeres y sus necesidades. La apertura a una exterioridad inasible, como puede ser Dios, proporciona una referencia desde la que podemos vernos de otra manera, y podemos conectarnos en una idea común que nos haga más amables. Allí veo un gran valor del pensamiento religioso.
Gracias por compartir estimado @janaveda. Un fuerte abrazo desde Maracay.
Thank you for sharing dear @janaveda. A big hug from Maracay.
This is very true. People hold onto a set of believe and any person who doesn't believe is going to get punished.
Personally,I hate it when people impose their beliefs on others. You go to ask for help and the person tells you that you have to become a member of their church before they can render any form of help. I wonder which century such people are from.
Going to the church/mosque/ shrine doesn't mean you're Holy. After all, armed robbers still go to church to pray for a successful heist.
The rate at which people carry religion on their heads is alarming. It would take a miracle to change such mindsets.
Hello @wongi
It is unfortunate what you say, but it is the harsh truth.
We live in dangerous times, not even in the temples of the major religions is it safe. Evil is in people's hearts, where God has been excluded.
Do have a wonderful weekend ✨