Yo estudie 11 años en un colegio catolico, creo en la existencia de Dios, pero lo que han hecho sus representantes en la tierra es mas que sacrilego, vi como se utiliza el comercio en nombre de Dios, y como las altas esferas sacerdotales del colegio siempre favorecian a quienes tenian mas recursos. Presencie humillaciones hacia sacerdotes que de cierta manera disfrutaban su trabajo, pero al ir en contra de reglas absurdas fueron destituidos de sus cargos y en varias ocasiones ahorcaron sus habitos, sin dejar de creer en Dios. Las religiones dividen y siempre me he preguntado porque un cura o una monja no pueden tener pareja, ellos son seres humanos como todos, y que yo sepa en ningun escrito biblico esta escrito que esto es obligatorio. Eso lo invento otro humano, no es palabra de Dios.
I studied 11 years in a Catholic school, I believe in the existence of God, but what their representatives have done on earth is more than sacrilegious, I saw how commerce is used in the name of God, and how the high priestly spheres of the school always favored those who had more resources. I witnessed the humiliation of priests who in a certain way enjoyed their work, but when they went against absurd rules, they were removed from their positions and on several occasions they hanged their habits, without ceasing to believe in God. Religions divide and I have always wondered why a priest or a nun can not have a partner, they are human beings like everyone else, and as far as I know in any biblical scripture is written that this is mandatory. That was invented by another human being, it is not the word of God.