These wines look good, I am not a wine person though, not even an alcohol person in general but I am learning to be more open.
Also about people dragging you out, it happens a lot to me, I like doing my thing but then again my things aren't as interesting as yours so maybe I need the dragging out.
I'm not one to go out too much either and certainly not to wineries. Having said that, my guests were my brother and his new wife so I made an exception. I had a decent day and the highlight was St Hugo's and the tour of the kitchen garden and orchard...with some taste testing of the produce picked right off the plants.
well, that sounds fantastic, sometimes exceptions are needed and in the end, you enjoyed it which is very important.
I think I want to do more things outside of my comfort zone this year, I barely do.
Just do a few things here and there, see how you feel. You can always pull it back if you're not feeling comfortable.
I will try to do that but I always feel bad if I agree to something and back out.
Yeah, I know, but I do that all the time! 🤣
You don't feel bad at all?
If it was a situation that made me feel bad I'd not do it; I pick my moments to decline and my moments to go. But, if doing something, going out, wasn't going to make me feel good then why go in the first place? So, if it's something that I don't think I will enjoy I will not go.
My life, my choices.