Yes, impactful. I was 20 when similar happened to my father. As you stated certainly life altering. I didn't realize how much until 15 years later, and how other life choices and situations complicated that even more. Great for you to be able to share now with others and maybe we all don't feel so alone.
For me, much study, therapy and research helped. I no longer fear it, but certainly will not go that way myself. Such a blessing that many states in this country now allow a person to make their choice of when with dignity and not drag it out unless they choose to. Amazing it took years of legislation to grant our suffering people the same options we would give our beloved dog or cat, but a welcome change for sure.
Here's wishing the best for you, and for me, well my research has taken me from a strong skeptic to a firm believer in that our soul lives on and we are born again to experience several lifetimes.
Some of my favorite interesting reading for those inclined:
Living your Past Lives - The Psychology of Past-life Regression
The Karma in Your Relationships
both by Karl Schlotterbeck
Best to you!
I'm sorry to hear that ksteem, it is a tragic loss at any age and nothing really ever fills the void, try as we might.
You refer to euthanasia, a very contentious topic, however I believe each person should have the right to choose for themselves. I'd vote for it if it came to that, I have seen enough people suffer needlessly.
Thank you for your kindness, it is not always easy to open up like this as you may know and I appreciate your careful comment and for sharing a little of your own experience. Thank you for the books too. You are a gentleman.
Becca 💙
Yes, everyone needs to find their own way. Glad to hear you are open to personal choice, no matter which side people are on. If we could all believe in that the world would be a much better place!
"And it harm none, do what ye will shall be the whole of the law". -- Wiccan Rede
Blessed Be
A lovely quote, thank you for sharing it.
Have a lovely weekend.
Becca 💙