Like the fire shot. I spun up our first fire of the year in the woodburning stove the other night when it got chilly here. Seems like it did a nice job heating up the place, but still early in the year to tell.
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Well if it heated up your place now, it will so later on wouldn't it? I wish I had a woodburning stove looking at the gas and oil prices here in Germany. We have reached 8.75 Dollar per gallon gas, that's freakin insane. No end in sight and people are freakin out here left and right on how to make it through the winter. As sad as it sounds, everyone hopes for a warm winter these days.
How do you like Vermont period? Have you guys settled a lil bit?
Well, it wasn't very cold.. only in the mid-thirties still a few degrees above freezing here. It seems like it will do pretty good job when colder, but time will tell. The house appears to be well-built and insulated well, but hard to tell what's in the walls until the cold winds come. We do have propane furnace as backup, but nice to save money with the wood for as long as we can.
That gas price is insane. We're still less than half that and complaining.
We really like it here so far, the fall has been beautiful. The leaves rapidly falling off now. Hoping to get work caught up and get some time outside this weekend.
People be prepared, the grass is not greener on our side anymore. Rent, food, everything is becoming rapidly super expensive here. You know, we have the Autobahn with partly no speed we can't afford high speed anymore 😂 .
Glad you enjoy your new home and I'm sure you guys will make it through the winter warm and cosy 😊.