I made fire muhahahahhahaaaa...wait a minute...86'd?
I showed up with good intentions when I logged in today. I seriously wanted to share my last weekends...
I made fire
...story, accompanied by these great pictures of mine.
I would have even shared my thoughts on why being online was a luxury to me, as I had the time and muse to do so compared to nowadays.
But I logged in and took a look at the little red numbers above the little bell first. Screwed up my post though.
Now, instead of making a comment on the mention of me, I dedicate my post to the one who got a badge in the cheapest way.
Ja, you know who you are and which badge I'm talking about...
Very clever I have to admit...Chapeau so to say.
Here's the little attention whores famous post.
I admire his way of treating people online, how he brings out the best and worst in all of us.
@ bulldog-joy - Proceed with caution. Choir singer by day, cat lady at night and 86'd from everywhere.
I got confused with the choir side of his sum up if I might say...and the cat side but I agree on the Proceed with caution part of it.
Ohhhh and talking about being...
Some might wonder, does she really got 86'd from everywhere? What does this mysterious number mean?
Well folks, little smart assing by me:
Indeed 86d is part of a German law that I have to learn in connection to my new profession which hopefully will happen as things are still in the loop, but I have started already. Just for the records ;).
§ 86d Most likely was he referring to my bartenders background. To be 86'd is short for Your pick. He might as well could have referred to my little military background. 86 is an article in the Uniform Code of Military Justice and stands for Absent without leave. Or did I shoot someone down? During Korean war, when the USAF used the F-86 Sabre fighters to get rid of the annoying Soviet MiG-15s it was said to be said that to be 86'd meant dropping from the skies like a load of shit from a United Airlines plane...or a Lufthansa one. Unfortunately only those in the MiGs got 86'd...as a born GDRler that kinda hurts my socialistic communist heart ...JUST KIDDING NSA ;) and @dandays We luv u 4 being dorky, how are the bones? :)
Verpflichtung zum vorläufigen Tätigwerden
Steht die örtliche Zuständigkeit nicht fest oder wird der zuständige örtliche Träger nicht tätig, so ist der örtliche Träger vorläufig zum Tätigwerden verpflichtet, in dessen Bereich sich das Kind oder der Jugendliche, der junge Volljährige oder bei Leistungen nach § 19 der Leistungsberechtigte vor Beginn der Leistung tatsächlich aufhält....but that's not what he meant right?
Here's another.
You're not getting shit! or We're out of it! or Get the fuck outta here!
Guilty as charged.
Last weekend I made fire muhahahahaaaa
How did I read this twice And still barely understand anything 😅
I've always wondered the origin 86'd.
Things I understand from here
Gotta read between the lines or dandays post incl the comments 😉 but you got it anyway 😄
Click here for the word of the day.
Yay! 🤗
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Like the fire shot. I spun up our first fire of the year in the woodburning stove the other night when it got chilly here. Seems like it did a nice job heating up the place, but still early in the year to tell.
Well if it heated up your place now, it will so later on wouldn't it? I wish I had a woodburning stove looking at the gas and oil prices here in Germany. We have reached 8.75 Dollar per gallon gas, that's freakin insane. No end in sight and people are freakin out here left and right on how to make it through the winter. As sad as it sounds, everyone hopes for a warm winter these days.
How do you like Vermont period? Have you guys settled a lil bit?
Well, it wasn't very cold.. only in the mid-thirties still a few degrees above freezing here. It seems like it will do pretty good job when colder, but time will tell. The house appears to be well-built and insulated well, but hard to tell what's in the walls until the cold winds come. We do have propane furnace as backup, but nice to save money with the wood for as long as we can.
That gas price is insane. We're still less than half that and complaining.
We really like it here so far, the fall has been beautiful. The leaves rapidly falling off now. Hoping to get work caught up and get some time outside this weekend.
People be prepared, the grass is not greener on our side anymore. Rent, food, everything is becoming rapidly super expensive here. You know, we have the Autobahn with partly no speed limits...now we can't afford high speed anymore 😂 .
Glad you enjoy your new home and I'm sure you guys will make it through the winter warm and cosy 😊.
Lol..."just kidding NSA!"
Dork?! Hey I resemble that remark!
Which bones? More specific, please. Thank you.
Does this mean I don't have to reattach that design I made you and never heard back? Reminds me of some of the daily users here who got mentioned in that lil piece and..... :crickets:
I would've painted the firey response no other way cat lady. Of course the one with the biggest balls is you.
Getting to know is a pleasure.
Ummm dorky in a very friendly way ;)...and is dorky like offensive? Bones = skull, neck, spine ;). Not sure about the biggest balls though lol. But I like my response since a plain comment wouldn't have brought value to your piece of art. :)
No heck no not offensive.
Ok, just wondering cuz I'm only a mess between the tips of my hair and toenails, only hurts when I'm awake though so that's cool. The rest of me however remains in original factory settings.
Dear @bulldog-joy,
You never disappoint.
Sucks with the pain. I would prefer if you only feel pain when we exchange snippy comments and mine are more snippy.
Dear @dandays, my pleasure and glad we decided to push our 'Follow' buttons ;)