Weird and more weird stories

Talking of weird experiences in this
week's Weekend Experience topic, one from many years ago immediately came to mind. When I finished writing it, I remembered another more recent weird experience so decided to go double today.

Dinner date

Let's call her W. She's one of my sister's best friend. I know her, but not very well, and normally only see her when my sister invites her to a family function, or when I bump into her around the community. One year many years ago, I bumped into her at the local grocery store. We stopped for a little chit chat. The type that develops to where she says we should have dinner sometime and I casually respond by yes, let's do that. You know the type of courteous meaningless conversations you have with acquaintances where you walk away and forget about it. I didn't give it any thought coz although I know her, I didn't feel we were that close to have dinner together. Turns out that W was serious about the dinner date, and was quite insistent hubs and I go over to hers for dinner one evening. The weirdest thing was that my sister was away during that week, so I couldn't work out why she wanted to invite us over for dinner. Anyway, we accepted the invitation in the end. I figured it was just dinner and she is a family friend after all. I just couldn't understand why the sudden eagerness.

Hubs and I turned up a few days later. I've never been to her house, but I know she lives with her husband, let's call him Y, whom we've never met before. Y wasn't in when we arrived and when he got home, he was clearly surprised to see two strangers in his house, let alone waiting to have dinner. He wasn't rude to us, just kept to himself. The mood was clearly very odd between the couple. I wondered why we were even there. After a while Y said he had to go out and suggested we have dinner without him. It was getting awkward. Somehow W managed to convince him to stay. Then W mentioned Y had some issues with his computer and asked if hubs could take a look coz she knew hubs knows his IT stuff. More weird exchanges between W and Y on whether hubs help was required, and don't forget we were there all the time. In the end Y gave in and the two guys went upstairs to solve whatever computer problem there was.

Finally it was dinner time. The food
was lovely, got to give Y that but I can't remember what we ate. It's very difficult to enjoy your food when you're at one of the weirdest and most awkward dinner you've ever had. W tried to get a conversation going with everyone, but Y barely uttered a word, like a sulky teenager made to sit at the dinner table by his mom. Hubs and I ate our dinner, trying to act as normal as possible but it was obvious something was off between W and Y. It's like we're there but we're not supposed to be there.

Finally we made it through dinner and excused ourselves at the first opportunity. As soon as we got to the car, hubs and I looked at one another in disbelief. What the heck was all that about!!

I told my sister about this weird dinner date afterwards. Apparently W and Y were going through a rough patch. We reckon maybe W thought having an external party at dinner would make Y loosen up. W couldn't ask my sister because she knew the couple too well, and hubs and I were the right people at the right time and right place 🥴

The missing turntable cover

Last month I got a new turntable. I missed listening to my vinyls these few years, each brings back nice memories from the past and I was slowly going through my catalogue every day. It's so lovely having music at home, with the occasional crackling coming through the speakers.

On day 4 I went to change an LP. When I picked it up from the turntable the protection felt cover underneath was missing. That's weird.

I'm certain it was there before. It's black with the brand name on it, as seen on the box. Plus I would never place a vinyl on the turntable without the protective cover as it would scratch it.

I checked the bottom of the vinyl that I'd just lifted up and it wasn't there. Then I checked the previous LP I'd listened to in case I picked it up and hadn't noticed. Not there. Then I checked all the other vinyls including those I hadn't listened to since I got my turntable. Nope, nothing. Underneath by the turntable. Nope. Next was the sofa. I pulled up all the cushions, looked behind and underneath the sofa, and behind the curtains. Nothing. I even went to check the laundry basket for the clothes I worn the previous day. Unlikely I know, but I had to check. Again nothing. We haven't had anybody else in the house since I got the turntable, so how can a 12 inch black thickish disc disappear into thin air? It was so weird.

I ended up searching the entire room including the drawers and cupboards. And you know what happened in the end?
I still haven't found it.


Oh no that first story is just awkward 🤦Your second story is also strange in its own way. I don't know what the protection cover looks like but is it something that could have somehow gotten tossed in with the laundry or something?

The cover is a layer of fabric that sits on top of the metal plate on the turntable. It looks exactly like that shown on the box and it doesn't move unless you remove it which is why it shouldn't disappear by itself. And its not flimsy either so won't fly away with a gust big wind. It's just mind boggoling

That's crazy about your felt piece for the turntable. Something like that would just drive me nuts! I can't even imagine. The dinner definitely sounded awkward, though I tend to be pretty quiet around strangers too, as well as unexpected surprises. I can kind of sympathize with Y.

I think the two real marriage issue between them, which I didn't make clear in my post, was that Y wasn't on speaking terms with W, so she thought having strangers around he would warm up instead of ignoring her

As for the turntable cover, it's just crazy. Luckily I got a replacement from Amazon very quick, it's not like the shops would stock them nowadays

Oh wow, that is sad if they are married. I feel bad for her that she would go to those lengths just to get him to talk.

That sounds like the most awkward dinner. That would be my nightmare. I get your point about them maybe wanting a third party over and it being a familiar face but maybe not a really close friend. That makes sense to me. So awkward though.

Maybe your husband accidentally ruined the protective cover and hid the evidence? Lol I'd be the same with searching everywhere for it. It's like you have to look in every place even if you know that it makes no sense being in there. It's like okay it's not in the dishwasher, or pantry, or fridge... hmm where is it!!! 😂

The dishwasher and fridge is the only place I haven't looked. Oh, and the washing machine, but we've done loads of laundry since and it has turned up either. I haven't unzipped the sofa seats and back, it would be scary if it's inside so I probably won't do that...

In the sofa seat 😂
Things like that cross your mind when you can't find something though 😆

Yicks. What an awkward dinner party!

The second story is easy: it was a ghost! (That is always my son's answer whenever something disappears)

Ha ha! Is that his answer when he loses something. That's so cute

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When you look at the dinner, although the reality between W and Y put your wife and you in a difficult situation, you tried to control the situation and have dinner in a normal atmosphere. Maybe W wanted to see that he got more confidence and strength from you rather than his sister.

Lost pickup cover, if you have an animal friend at home, he may have taken it outside.

No animals and no children at home, that's the weirdest thing. I think this mystery will never be solved

The dinner date story sounds like it could be straight out of a sitcom awkward and unexpected.

It probably could!! If it wasn't my sister's friend I would be pretty annoyed to be put in that situation

The hair on my neck would have been standing up during that dinner. I could feel the tension thorugh this screen coming from W and Y.

The felt piece is one of those mysteries. Like the missing sock after you do laundry.😀

Missing socks is another weird thing. I always chuck a spare sock back in the laundry basket and they tend to sort themselves in out afterwards.

Oh dear, that must have been very uncomfortable, I can just imagine the relief when you left and got back home!
As for the lost felt, it will pop up sometime, unless it somehow landed between a newspaper and was tossed in the bin; hopefully not!
Arthur hid a dongle for an engineering program in a 'safe place' when we went on holiday about a year before he passed, was so frustrated as he used it to design projects that he still wanted to do. I still haven't found it, it's so tiny!
Hopefully, your felt cover turns up one of these days!

I know what you mean. When you hide things you always think that's the perfect and logical place, but then you forget what that place is afterwards. I hope you will find the dongle as well, it will be nice to solve the mystery for Arthur.

That first is one is super duper awkward, but at the same time, super sad for the couple. I feel like Y is running away from W and saw the opportunity when you visit the place woth your hubby as an excuse to escape. But I feel like W really plan it all, inviting you two even though you are not that close to her - and for Y to stay and eat with you all. She's also maybe want to really work things out between her and Y but Y is really good at running away. I hope W and Y is okay and that no X or Z is getting in between, I just think of it, lol.

But where did that cover go? Maybe someone accidentally misplaced it somewhere, hope you uncover this mystery soonest ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

You're spot on with W and Y, and I think we were part of her plan to help mend the relationship.

I just wish I could resolve the turntable cover. I have bought a new one now but it's very annoying not knowing what happened to the original one

Everything was strange. I think they were very nice and polite while keeping their sanity. It's a bit uncomfortable to eat in a somewhat hostile environment. The record player thing, for me it's a universe. Finding an explanation for it is a bit difficult.

I think it was a bit of a strange night at that dinner. What goes on in a marriage between two people is a mystery and that's certainly true here. As for the record protection cover, if you buy a new one, you'll definitely find the old one !

I don't understand anything. I thought strange things were happening to me but you win me over.... About the couple, I don't know what to say 🤐. And this missing thing on the turntable... maybe one day you drank too much whiskey? 🤣 and you took it out to clean it in the middle of the party. 😅 Did you look in the garden? 😁

Could they make it more awkward 😌🤣 Yikes hoping I never have to go through this. I’d just not go back.

Could they make it more awkward 😌🤣 Yikes hoping I never have to go through this. I’d just not go back.