 last month  

The Galloway Hoard...worth seeing man, so when it gets back from Adelaide (and wherever else it's going) I'd recommend getting it done. It's here until July and then maybe it's going home or somewhere else; not quite sure. Check it out though, it's worth seeing. (Although, if it had the choice to stay here or go back to Scotland and your shit weather...well, one might have to come to Ausrtalia to see it.

It's coming back straight after Adelaide! Going to Kirkcudbright which is a cunt to pronounce.

Me and the missus have talked about heading down that way as we always go north and haven't been to many places down the bottom end. Will defo need to check it out!

 last month  

Ah, Kirkcudbright (that cunt of a place) I have such fond memories of all the times I've never been there.

Get ye to Kirkcudbright and check out the Viking board and other things down in Kirkcuddlebright.

I will be cuddling the 'bright and probably will get chased out of town for mocking their southern Scottish ways 🤣🤣

You two and your banter make me laugh, and roll my eyes, at the same time.

Becca 🌷

A bit of eye rolling from partners let's a man know he's on the right track! 😃😃

The thing about eye rolling is that it can mean many things although sometimes I wonder if you two would recognize the subtle nuances of the eye rolling especially when you two get rolling on your comment threads. it's funny though and I think Hive needs more of it; it's altogether too serious or scammy around here.

Becca 🌷

 last month  

Bloody southern Scotts, it's well known, even here, that they and their ways are questionable. It's like those from the Australian State of Victoria (mostly the capital of Melbourne). Very dubious indeed.

Questionable ways should always be eye with the greatest of snark!!

Southerners in every land mass... Tech 😃😃

 last month  

Snark was the order of the day at work today; I'm amazed I didn't kill someone. It's not all bad, one must use snark when possible just so one's snark is on point for when one comes across a southerner.