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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 45: Only three items [answer and win hive]

There are nearby damns on the river that prevent a lot of boat traffic and I am set back in the trees, Most of the year you can't see the house from the water. Defense? Probably not me alone, depending on the circumstances.
Don't forget to bring boots and a parka! The snow gets deep.


I'd have to steal them. I had an Eddie Bauer extreme parka and a pair of bunny boots when I moved here but when I realized I wasn't going back I donated them :)

The best defense is just not being seen. Sounds just about perfect. Near Lake Superior I'd guess that it's winter when you can see your house. Shouldn't be much traffic in a big time pandemic.

 4 years ago  

When we move to Florida or Texas I'm up in the air if we will be donating some of our winter gear. I have snow boots that can handle -20 degrees, the things are intense but do I keep them in case of this stuff happening? I can't decide lol. Good that you donated the things, we've been doing that a lot lately!

The all time forever low temperature here in Yuma is 24f (-5C) so really cold weather stuff just isn't needed.

 4 years ago  

Yeah that’s not bad at all lol