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RE: The book I'm reading - Men are from Mars, women are from Venus / Week 241

It was not easy for me to understand, but now knowing that it is not a personal behaviour but that men behave in the same way has made it easier for me to coexist.

Oh, WOW!👏 That's a positive takeaway. Maybe I ought to go read this book. After all, I've seen this book on so many bookshelves (the first time seeing the Spanish version though).

Happy Sunday!


It's a good read to understand that we are different, I used to think that my husband's behavior was personal and that surely he was the only one who was like that and other men were not. But by reading the book I understood that men are like that, he does nothing else but what is in his nature. So that has helped me understand and of course it has made everything easier for me because now I don't worry about his attitudes but I wait for them to pass or I know at what point I can get in.

You have to read it to see that what he says reminds you of situations you have already lived through.

Thank you very much for the support 🫂