
Hmm, maybe I'll do a kids one next week, this week I reckon let's let the non-human pets take the stage huh? I don't think people calling children my pet on the internet would be a good idea.

Lol most snowflakes will take offense to this. But I would highlight that pet people call their pets their children and sometimes even love them more than their own kids.

How has your week been and what are the plans for the weekend?

Yeah, they take offense from most things.

Been a good week really, had a detached day, a day just for myself, and got some other things done...signed a contract that will carry me forward in a multitude of excellent ways. For the weekend, some reading, writing, putting up my Christmas lights (on the front if my house), gardening, watching Formula One racing live from Las Vegas...a pretty good weekend I hope.

How about you? Much on?

Nice! I am just starting my work day! Had a training session this morning at 8:30, and the coach made me stay till 10. then I did a spot of shopping. Back home and cleaned up. Now it's time to push out some stuff before the real boss gets home!

Sounds like a pretty busy weekend on your side. My side is going to be chilled; no plans besides my kid's concert on Sunday, and I would like to do 1 run. but I am fine with that. I would like to chill. It was a busy 2 weeks, and I trained 5 days this week. My body needs some chill time.

I consulted the Oracle and the Oracle has advised a weekend of rest for you, no run, just chilling...and one ignores the Oracle at one's peril.

Get your last but of work done and enjoy your weekend.