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RE: Weekend-engagement week 66: Teleport anywhere

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

He was, to my knowledge, shoving his face full of so much fish after flagrantly flashing fish eating forays in front of me....all the while knowing full well that I cannot have said fish and absolutely would die for fresh quality fish.

Darn you @dandays and your fish forays. I want fresh fish, lots of it! Now eat some grilled octopus like a good man. It won't kill you. Greek style it. While you're at it, eat some good sushi for me.


Clearly I missed a whole conversation here, which revolved around fish. You should come to Knysna @nineclaws there's fisheries everywhere here, you'd be in your element.

 3 years ago (edited) 

@nineclaws element consists of carousel doors, two way mirrors, one dull ass butter knife and a backpack fulla shit she don't need.

Hi. Hello. I really enjoy the feeling of being virtually missed, really, I'm being extremely expressive right now you just can't tell.

Good to know you're still with us bud. Hope it was a good one.

Well, a dull butter knife is still better than no knife, although spoons hurt more from my experience.

Cheers until next time, keep safe :)

 3 years ago  

Oh no. No no no no no. I'm here now. You have to talk to me. That's how this works. I haven't slept since sometime Friday morning or maybe it was Thursday night but that's not important. What's important is I'm here now.

How was your weekend?

Hello Dandays

Gosh, how are you still functioning on no sleep? You're gonna crash and be out for days!

My weekend was relatively good, it had some rough spots but overall ok thanks. Are you going to be sending us to posts related to your weekend craziness or is it a "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" scenario? 🤣

 3 years ago  

I pretty much laid around effortlessly all day yesterday doing nothing but collecting dust.

I'll put some things together for sure. Made quite a few nice memories and had a real good time. I didn't snap a whole lot of images but I got enough. I'm working on one as we type, maybe I can get it up today maybe.

I sure do appreciate your interest. <-- Autocorrect wanted to spLeL 'internet' SO bad.

Danget I just saw my excursion caused me to miss this amazing travel article you put together. Congratulations on the reward.

In case you haven't heard it today, Lory is lucky to have you.

Hey bud, thanks so much for the reply. It sounds like you had a smashing good time which is awesome!

I'll keep a look out for the post of yours. Autocorrect sucks so much, it's got me into sooooo much trouble in the past!

Yes we've been on some cool excursions since we've been nomading it out here. It's a very pretty place.

Aww thanks man, you know I feel the same way about having her 😄 it's always nice to hear it though, makes me feel like I'm doing something right for a change.

Have a great day chilling collecting dust dude, you're allowed to, it's required from time to time.

He tagged me about touching down into fish eating zones, so that's where it started. 😂

I'm not quite sure how to interpret that right I'm just going to whistle while I walk away lol

Yeesh! Everyone misses @dandays!

D and A, where are you? Playing hide n seek? 😂

i think @dandays said he was in Long Beach for the weekend visiting friends - right @nineclaws @kemmyb @andrastia ??

which is soooooooo close to me!
now that i know how close - i shall stalk properly :)

Oh really! Hahaha! No stalking please. 😄

Maybe he'll come online at some point to say hello.

On the bright side, I'm looking forward to cool pictures from him as I trust he'll dazzle us with some.

let the stalking begin!!!! hehehe

 3 years ago  

Let the record show I did not attach a photo of mushrooms nor 7-foot trees prior to deleting them both.

 3 years ago (edited) 

"Not it!"

I mean I found myself. I forgot what game we're playing.

I'm the biggest liar on the blockchain if I don't say it feels good to be missed. I've been in California all weekend, please forgive my absence. Insert all your favorite emoji's here_________________.

Is it Friday yet @kemmyb? What about now?

Ok, one more. 💖

😏 It's Monday, not Friday!
How was Cali? I'm sure you had loads of fun. Looking forward to those cool pictures!

Did you catch a glimpse of your stalkers? 😂

 3 years ago  

It was so nice. Too quick. I had to make a quick trip and that's the first time I've seen my friends since 2017. Way too fast. Pura and I will make another trip at the beginning of the year and stretch it to 5-7 days before we leave the country again. That and not sleeping for three days required a two day nap!!

What about you, what did you do this weekend?

Hardly noticed at all. No idea what you're talking about.


Yes, why the hell not. @dandays where you at bruv?

 3 years ago  


"Foul! Confusing question @andrastia!"

Rule 4, bullet B, exception #1 clearly states:

No content producer shall be expected to identify their geographic location when the producer in question is unaware what day it is.

I don't make the rules

Lol I clearly don't read the rules or have any clue where to even find them, so it's all good.

Psst: Don't worry, I also often don't know what day it is! It's ok, it happens to the best of us.

 3 years ago  

Does this mean it's not Monday yet? And if it's not Monday, how close are we? Is it Sunday right now or are we still on Saturday?

This place needs more signage. How did I get here? Where is here? I don't know these masked strangers with rolling case things in tow who are plotting terrible things against me and they're


I don't think I'm cryptic do you? I thought I was being helpful. Even made up for the missed Upvote by upvoting the shit out of one of his comments.

Some people are impossible to please.

oooooooo what is Greek style fishy fishes????

and sushi.

oh. oh my.

now you've done it.

I'm in Florida though. and their sushi is... meh.

need to wait to go back to Cali (YES I SAID CALI @DANDAYS!!!!) to get some proper sushi. mmmmmmmmmm now i am counting down the moments to fill my mouth with delicious sushi goodness!!!!!!!!!!

 3 years ago  

You're saying it wrong!


i not!

i don't like the little suckers on the octopi hehehehe

but i do love calamari - can i have my calamari greek style?!?!?! hehehehe

hahahahaha yes please have them visit me
he tells me that only people who are not FROM cali say cali hahaha

well - technically i'm from the other side of the country but have lived in Cali since 1999 hehehe

but he says i'm showing that i'm not a native LOLOL

i just tell him shush! hehehehe i can call it Cali! i love my Cali! hahahaa