
Well, I lied. I said I got the stuff but in truth I missed one thing, super glue, and so couldn't get the build happening.

And if you believe that you're bloody bonkers! The G-dog always has super glue to hand! That was a test. ☝️

When can we have a turn in the machine?!?!

Once it's build everyone can have a go.

Then let's get busy :)

Hey, I have every type of super glue known to mankind and a few versions not released to the public unworthy also. I could stick humpty dumpty back together again for sure...But nah, screw it, that fucker needs to fend for himself.

Feel free to edit fucker out of my comment.

Practice manifestation

Or do you mean infestation?

Lol...It's come up a time or two.

You ever had one of them in France? So damned good! I might teleport there now and get one.

I made them once.

Ok, that was a lie. Never made them. Ate them though.