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RE: Help!

in Weekend Experiences7 months ago

I know. That's when people call me, when they are in pain. I treated Hazel with hypericum this week, whenever she started whining, and she almost immediately stopped.

For the needlecrafted, you might want the detox course. Seems to me everyone who got the jab is now sick with something or other. Lots of the jabbed are being tested for Lyme here, found positive (of course, just like covid) and doused with doxycycline. They do not get better, and say, "wow that Lyme disease really did a number on me."

I sent a deposit for the academy class of 2026 today.


I've preached detox at them but all they want is a pill to fix them.
Great idea to book for 2026 thus signalling to the oversoul that you intend to be alive and kicking:)

Oh I certainly will be!

all they want is a pill to fix them

Like the lethal injection was supposed to fix them? Do any of them even make the connection?

No, not one of them. Dazed and confused one and all.