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RE: Sleeping Dogs

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

You did 25 or 30 thousand steps on dawdling walk?! I wore a fit bit for a few days, and, even though I take long walks with my dog, I never got over 4000 steps. Maybe the device wasn't working properly. Not that I care really. I get plenty of steps, I don't feel the need to know exactly how many.

How nice to have a day in the park. There's nothing like a puppy to cheer one up, if you ask me. Well, maybe a couple of kittens.

Sounds like a lovely day you had there.


My daughter takes 30,000 steps - she is called "Smallsteps" after all! :D
She also moves a lot. I got to about 12,000 the same day (just checked).

Counting steps is a bit silly, but we have made a game out of it for Smallsteps, so she likes checking the numbers and thinks about why it is lower on some days than others.

Probably a great math lesson too, applications of large numbers and quick calculations with lots of zeros. Experiential learning. Nice!