For a bit of a different weekend, we have been dog sitting a five month old puppy dachshund - which is pretty darn cute! I feel it has had an enjoyable time with us and I know that Smallsteps has absolutely loved having it around, but we (me) are not quite ready to jump back into pet ownership again. I'd like to travel as a family a little first, as well as spend some time away from home and having a puppy that requires to go out every 2 to 4 hours during the day and not having anyone accessible to dogsit for us, it isn't quite time. But he is a cutie and has convinced me that next time, we might get a shorthair instead of the wirehair version we had earlier.
The other thing is, that while they have been walking together a lot (Smallsteps did 30,000 steps yesterday, 25,000 today), the weather is really nice. It might be quite a different story if it was raining and cold and no one wanted to volunteer to take the dog out - so they have to be voluntold.
We all went for a nice little walk together today, along a ridge that separates the two lakes that our city sits between. It is a sliver of forest that overlooks the water and the surrounding areas and it has a tower on it that was used as a surveillance point for air defense during the winter war with Russia. When the weather is good, it is a very popular area with locals and tourists alike - though there aren't that many tourists here.
The goal was just to get out of the house a bit and also, see how our guest would behave in more unfamiliar surrounds with strangers. He is a bit of a barker at times, but he is young and with a little training, will be less reactive to his surroundings. He did well and for a puppy, is surprisingly well-behaved and calm.

I think it is important to train dogs well enough that they can be taken into public, around other people or down to the beach without them freaking out and getting stressed. It gives a lot more freedom for both owner and pet and means that more things can be shared together. It also tends to lead to getting outside more, even if like today, it is for a walk in the park. Of course, he was leashed the entire time, as were all the other dogs we saw, as is the law in Finland - even for small dogs.
Though, depending, people do let their dogs of the leash from time to time and it tends not to have too many issues. I don't mind this, as long as the dogs aren't dangerous dogs - as they are still animals. If a small dog "snaps", it can do very little damage, a big dog however and especially some of the breeds, it can be devastating. People might trust their dogs, but I don't trust people.

What the tower is really known for are the cinnamon donuts it makes fresh. They are one of my favorite things, but instead of those and a coffee, we decided to have ice cream instead. It is great they have a couple lactose-free options so Smallsteps can eat too and on the warm days, we tend to go this route instead. It is one of the rare things I enjoyed with my family as a child, and I am glad that we are able to do it now. I count myself pretty lucky that I have a family at all.
After a pretty tiring start to the weekend with the company sports day, after party and after party tiredness, it was nice to spend Sunday chilling out with very little timed schedule, dawdling walks, a play in the park with Smallsteps and a really simple barbecue to finish it up - just sausages and corn on the cob. If we can't travel this summer, as long as it is warm, we will be doing more of this kind of thing, whether we have a dog or not.
How was your weekend?
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Daschunds are so cute with their little stumpy legs. Next door has one and it's so freaking adorable. And I remember one time I was out playing Ingressmon while waiting for some parking spots to free up at the kids' gym (my daughter was doing a super crowded class at the time) and these two daschund puppies came scurrying up to me in the clumsiest fashion and they were so cute I completely forgot to tell them to get down when they started jumping up on me and indiscriminately showered them with adoration.
Pets >> travel XD (I actually love checking out new and interesting places but the degree to which I so deeply and absolutely loathe transit especially of the air variety makes it almost not worth it)
You can see them a mile away, as none of them know how to act well! :D They are cute dogs and great with kids ;)
We usually have big dogs (though we did have a big dog/small dog pair last time as the "little fat dog" Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was in need of a new home which we provided). Current chaos on legs puppy is a bull arab x catahoula and I have some vague plans to get a mastiff puppy from a friend in a few years, though a Jack Russell cross is also a possibility.
I was not exposed to pedigree dogs when I was growing up, apart from the big ones like Rottweilers, German Shepherds, and Dobermans. I went on a holiday to Havana, and there was a dachshund dog at the Guest House where I stayed. I kid you not, I was so pitiful and nearly cried, thinking that the lovely dog was deformed. I even took photos so I would never forget the dog. Years later, I discovered that they are a breed of dogs.
I stumbled upon the photos a few days ago and had a good laugh. So you know that I've classed that as #MyMostStupidMomentEver.
:D :D
Best story ever!
Ah yes the dogs. My favourite breed is the one that someone else owns! I too like to travel snd hare when there is any reaiatance to doing that…like areqnging expensive dogs sitting!
That being said, i am married to a veternarian technician so pets are mandatory. It is a wonder this one is the only dog in the house and that we dont have cata too. Here he is as i type this as he likes to hang with me during curstipn time.
The biggest miracle is that i have tsken over the daily walk duties. I invest an hour a day with him in the park for his immense happiness and for a little wife points taking the task off her hands. As much as i like to remind her of the altruistic donation of my time, it is great to unplug from work every day and get some fresh air.
A popular breed around here for grandparents translates as, "My child's dog" :D
There is no point doing anything altruistically, unless you are rewarded for it :D
When the sun is shining, the walks are great.
When I frame it as altruism, I (debatably) get more wife points which buy me wiggle room when I do something for me! I would do it without the wifepoints for my little dood but I know my secret is safe here on the blockchain.
I'll never tell!
Dachshunds can be temperamental and not known for being the best dogs to have for kids. I have tried taking our monster out for walks as he has seriously grown being a male Boerbul and even though he is gentle you have to always be aware. I say tried as he takes you for a walk and now need a proper chain leash as the one we had is not strong enough. He must be 70 kg's already and is still a puppy. Not surprising no one wanted to adopt him as he is a daunting prospect and even I had my doubts for the first month.
I couldn't handle a dog that size, if it decided to make a dash for it, there is nothing I could do! They definitely have to be well trained, but if they snap, they snap big.
Dachshunds are temperamental in the sense that they are very sulky. Great with kids in my experience :)
Yes they are good with kids and why my grandson has one as his puppy, but think there is a mix in there as well. I have always had large breeds and know how to handle them by making sure they are trained. Even then they will test you from time to time. This one was not planned as he was a stray and would have been put down otherwise and why I reluctantly agreed.
I was walking our past dog once and there was a woman walking an American pitbull and it was fighting her to get to our dog. She wrapped the leash around a tree and was pulling as hard as she could. If the leash broke, there was no hope, nor if there were no trees around.
Lol. That is kind of scary as the dog should be listening to her and never end up being like this. Pitbull's have that lock jaw effect when they bite as well so definitely not a breed I would ever consider as mine are pussy cats compared to those dogs. Guard dogs over here are a must as one of my dogs in the past foiled an armed house robbery by preventing the thieves from getting inside the house. If I was a thief and saw my dog I would never even contemplate climbing the wall. He is in the back yard so he is more of a surprise package deal if you make it that far.
haha, this is a funny term!
does this mean using milk cream without lactose or a non-dairy substitute altogether like almond or cashew?
Mostly relaxing with a few club nights mixed in. I definitely get my steps in when I spend 4 hours out on the dancefloor. Saturday was our day to relax, slept in, big homemade brunch, and a walk to the park to watch other people's dog in the dog park. Here in Brooklyn, we have some special park areas where dogs are allowed to play off-leash, and there is a separate dog run for big and small breeds. This is about as close as we're going to get to a dog unless a friend brings one over for the day. I do enjoy traveling and the freedom that comes with not being responsible for any other living beings (besides my low-maintenance plants), so I will continue to push against adding a puppy until we finally have a homestead to call our own.
It is cream without lactose for these things normally, or a sorbet. They taste okay.
Do you ever wear a tracker? :D
I think it is wise not to rush into pet ownership for most people. I know plenty who have impulse taken a pet and then two years later, regret it a bit because of the restrictions it brings. A friend has a massive St Bernard type, so finding a sitter is difficult.
Although not a Christian, my favorite Christmas album has to be Sia's all-original album from a few years back. One of the songs on there is "Puppies Are Forever" and she sings about how a puppy is more than just a gift but a full-time commitment. Very sweet song and album.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend, we do the staycations all the time and love them! We don’t travel more than a hundred miles really, most of the time. There’s always stuff to explore, parks to see, beaches to visit and things of that nature.
I kind of want an animal as well, but know that it’s not the time for it. I wanted a big dog before but we live in a small place so the poor thing would not do well. If we get a bigger house a dog would be a nice companion not only for me but for the little man. He enjoys his time with my wife and I for sure but I think it would be special for him to have his own companion since we aren’t having any additional kids (unless by accident lol but that also requires a particular activity to occur..) so I think a dog would be a good substitute.
Staycations are good, though it has been 7 years for us without getting very far and Finland isn't exactly full of diversity :)
Ina few years, your son will be a bit older and would likely be able to do some of the care himself, which is a great learning tool for kids and, it is awesome to have a partner in crime :)
Petting an animal is a real problem when you have to leave home for a while. Let alone feeding it, missing in both side is also a problem. Thus, I suggest you not having one if you are not ready :)
Yep! Not ready just yet - a few more years for me and it would be okay again.
My wife and I love our dog, but I often wonder if we shouldn't have done things in reverse and travel more before we got a dog. We still try to get out, but we don't travel as much as we would like due to our dog. She is worth it though.
This is why I want to wait a few more years. We had our dog earlier, but it made it hard at times and now the grandparents are much older, it is even harder again to get away.
Yeah, that makes sense. I have a feeling in a year or two we aren't going to have to worry too much anymore, but it's going to be hard. She turns 14 this year.
I think dog and cat hair is bad for Smallsteps' asthma.
I remember you said that she has her allergies.Dear @tarazkp !
She does, but allergies are for specific things. :)
You know what they say, “if you want a friend, buy a dog”
Do you buy all your friends? 😉
Cute doggo :)
Here's my bestfriend. I do agree that petting a dog is a lot of challenge and responsibility. It's like taking care of a kid as well. What's more challenging is that these doggos cannot speak..
My weekend ended up good. It's not totally joyful like the other weekends but still I am happy to got some rest,... cuddle weather.. 🤗❤️
They do speak.. you just have to learn their language.. 😉
Yet they seem to be pretty expressive!
This is good weather ;)
You did 25 or 30 thousand steps on dawdling walk?! I wore a fit bit for a few days, and, even though I take long walks with my dog, I never got over 4000 steps. Maybe the device wasn't working properly. Not that I care really. I get plenty of steps, I don't feel the need to know exactly how many.
How nice to have a day in the park. There's nothing like a puppy to cheer one up, if you ask me. Well, maybe a couple of kittens.
Sounds like a lovely day you had there.
My daughter takes 30,000 steps - she is called "Smallsteps" after all! :D
She also moves a lot. I got to about 12,000 the same day (just checked).
Counting steps is a bit silly, but we have made a game out of it for Smallsteps, so she likes checking the numbers and thinks about why it is lower on some days than others.
Probably a great math lesson too, applications of large numbers and quick calculations with lots of zeros. Experiential learning. Nice!
My weekend not over get but was amazing ! Doing rap and skating in other city, Will post the resume soon. But ur pictures bro! Amazing job (and Nice dog btw) cheers.
What kind of rap?
Glad to see that I didn't get a massive tag image ;)
Mostly freestyle, im part of the judge team u can find vids like this here;
👉🏻 right here 👈🏻
I don't use Facebook ;)
Ohh, damn facebook is ok hahaha u should, if not watch out the small resume in my skate weekend, cheers broda 🤜🏻🤛🏻
Dog's can be trained but it'll take some time. I'm happy that after a tiring start of weekend you went out of house with family and had a good day 😃
It does take some time to train dogs, but it isn't that bad if you do it consistently. Have you ever trained a pet?
I never trained a dog because i never keep it as pet but yes i trained cat
Actually i feel fear from dog 😐
Wow! What a lovely day you had together with your family and the cute dog there. The sun is shining perfect for a great walk with them as well. Take care and God bless.
What did you get up to?
Such a cute dog. But having a pet is a great responsibility. I don't like to take this responsibility but if I saw pet of others, it really seems good.
This one is little cute good that hardly walking.
They are a responsibility and if not up for it, definitely don't get a pet. It is terrible when people abuse their animals.
Wow I love dogs this one is so cute 🥰🥺
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what beautiful photos, looks like it was a very beautiful day
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Wow that pup is adorable! I love dogs but totally agree that they are a bit high maintenance and can make it difficult to travel or schedule full days. I guess that's why I ended up with a cat that acts like a dog lol.