Ah yes the dogs. My favourite breed is the one that someone else owns! I too like to travel snd hare when there is any reaiatance to doing that…like areqnging expensive dogs sitting!
That being said, i am married to a veternarian technician so pets are mandatory. It is a wonder this one is the only dog in the house and that we dont have cata too. Here he is as i type this as he likes to hang with me during curstipn time.
The biggest miracle is that i have tsken over the daily walk duties. I invest an hour a day with him in the park for his immense happiness and for a little wife points taking the task off her hands. As much as i like to remind her of the altruistic donation of my time, it is great to unplug from work every day and get some fresh air.
A popular breed around here for grandparents translates as, "My child's dog" :D
There is no point doing anything altruistically, unless you are rewarded for it :D
When the sun is shining, the walks are great.
When I frame it as altruism, I (debatably) get more wife points which buy me wiggle room when I do something for me! I would do it without the wifepoints for my little dood but I know my secret is safe here on the blockchain.
I'll never tell!