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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 50: The natural world

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Picture 58 Playfulfoodie Extra Small.jpg

For me, there are many pictures I took years ago which I love a lot. This one for example. It reminds me of the beautiful place I grew up in. It was an area with lots of forest all around and I feel so lucky to have grown up in such a small town, instead of a big, dirty city! We got to play in the bushes and forests, instead of a small strech of grass inbetween houses :-)

I love the big nature I saw in Scotland, both the highlands and the lowlands, each very different. Here in the Netherlands, everything is flat. But the forests around where I grew up were great too!


Space...Elbow room...we all need it and few appreciate it. A very nice picture it can lead the imagination to stray of stories yet told, and those that remain untold.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Scotland. I can't help but think of the Scot who crossed a road with me each time I'm reminded of Scotland. I was looking for the bus time on my phone when I crossed the street, he was coming at me. We're in England, if you could imagine my American accent..

(pretend you can hear his Scottish accent) Dude said "wh'doncha watch where'da fuck'yer goin!!"

Well, you see, I pray daily God keeps my mind sharp and mouth quick cuz I've yet to be bested when it comes to a battle of words. So my reactionary response went like this...

'Looks like you're doin a good enough job for both of us.'

Him: "th'fuck you say'ta me?!"

'Oh now you don't know fuckin English?!'

He stopped... stared... speechless... he turned away and continued his life so I could continue repeating this story.


 4 years ago  

Hahaha completely baffled!
Oh gosh, I wish I was quick with a comeback like that. Mine would come to me later in the day, when there's no use for it anymore :D

 4 years ago  

I enjoy that memory, it's a good one. Glad you agree.

Can't wait til you guys ease up over there, until UK reopens we're stuck!

Mist always intriguing, allows the mind to flow into any realm you feel inclined to go. Growing up with plenty of outdoor space to explore was amazing, I too am grateful for similar opportunity.

Oehh moody shot!
In my mind this can go either way... It's either a sunrise breaking through morning dew/mist bringing lots of blessings.... Or or like a kind of horror movie where things come crawling through the mist...
I know I've watched too many movies 😂

 4 years ago  

Haha, luckily for me, it was the first one :D

Wow!! It is very beautiful this photo, I love it, when I've seen movies filmed in Scotland or images was always impressed by its beautiful scenery. Thank you for giving us this beautiful view

I grew up way out in the country and understand the feeling of security and peace that comes with space.

It's a gorgeous photo, thanks for it!

There is always beauty to be found in nature, we just need to see it. Clear day or misty and grey can be equally beautiful depending on our attitude towards it. This is a nice snap, moody...Makes me think of a cottage in the woods, wood fire, soup and crusty bread. 😁


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Scotland is so beautiful! Funny to hear you now live in the Netherlands, me too and I can imagine you miss the Scottish landscape :)

 4 years ago  

Scotland is beautiful indeed! It's the most beautiful landscape I've visited so far, but yeah, I never lived there. It's always been the flat Netherlands :-)

My, my, my foggy meadow looks amazing. I used to attend college in a place where fog could get so thick you couldn't see more than what was at arms lengths. Something incredible for a tropical country. I bet you get a lot of fog and interesting landscapes around in sweet Scotland. That's a country in my visit list.

 4 years ago  

Oh wow, that must be hard to navigate through such thick mist! We have that here in the Netherlands sometimes aswell, but luckily not often. Quite scary to drive through.
We found some of misty mornings while we were on vacation in Scotland, but I'm sure there are better seasons for mist there. I hope to return there some day. Hubby hasn't seen it yet, so worth another vacation :-)

It was. It looked like something out of a horror film.

Hubby hasn't seen it yet, so worth another vacation :-)

Any excuse is good to go back to a nice place :D

 4 years ago  

Just thought I'd tell you again that's a really cool photo.

 4 years ago  

Oh that's so sweet, thank you! It is one of my favorites :-)

🤣🤣🤣 a big dirty city.. thanks for reminding me of my misery 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Beautiful image though

 4 years ago  

Haha, I'm so sorry!

Nah it's alright.. I take no offense I just thought it was funny how rural is beautiful and urban is well.... Not it

 4 years ago  

I guess it depends on the person aswell. Even though I find it hard to understand, there's plenty of people who would hate the thought of living rural! People who want all the 'happening' from the city. It is convenient to have everything you need at walking distance.

Doesn't it get boring and mundane though and how do you deal with your own ambitiion

 4 years ago  

What gets boring and mundane?

Living in a rural setting.. and seeing the town you were born in day after day