Life is filled with What Ifs.
What if I was prettier, smarter, richer, what if I had a mansion or a 15-acre state in the country, what if I could discover a new element, or a planet just like earth where we could all live, what if I was a ballerina.
We all have What Ifs popping into our heads once in a while, then reality hits, or you just realize that you don't really want to be prettier or smarter or richer (I highly doubt that last one), or have a mansion (too much to clean) or a 15-acre state. You realize that it's not really your interest to find a new element because you don't even know how many are there already.
Then, sometimes those ifs translate to something else, "what if I could do this or that"Weekend Engagement Post:, and that thought evolves into action, we make a choice, we make a plan, and we go get what we want. Like the great @galenkp said in this weeks
Choosing to do nothing is a choice and choosing to do something is an opportunity...
He then brought to us some brain breakers for this weekend, four "If you could" options for us to pick and answer, some tough choices I must say, but really makes your head work for an answer. I decided then to try and give an answer to 3 out of 4, so here I go.

Option one: If you could change
If you could permanently change any physical thing about your body or face what would you choose and why or if you could change something about your partner's face or body what would it be and why?
How about a new body?? I'm kidding, or am I?
Ok, all jokes aside, this answer has to do both with vanity and quality of life. You see, I have a medical condition called Fibromyalgia, which basically means I live with pain 24/7. On top of that, I have another condition called Rosacea, in which my face has a propensity to redness and pustules, both painful and unesthetic.
Where I live is hot all the time and the sun is unmerciful, so no matter what I use, I get flare-ups at least once a month, so bad that it can be very painful, plus, I look like a tomato ready to be squished for sauce, and I can' wear too much makeup to cover it so, I have to live with it. So, if I could change this I definitely would, because it would give me back some confidence in my looks, it would ease up my pocket (the medication is expensive), and bye-bye flare-ups bye-bye pain, at least in my face.
The partner thingy, I don't have one, so I can't say what woudl I change about him if I could, snif snif.

Option two: If you could save
If you could save only one child from a burning house who would you choose to save and why? They are six-year-old twins, a boy and girl and the one you do not save will die. What is the logic behind your choice and possible implications moving forward.
How could one choose between two kids?
I know paramedics and firemen often have to make that kind of call in high danger situations. They usually apply logic and knowledge about the surroundings and their training, leaving aside whatever personal feeling they might have in regards to the choice they are making, for instance, if one of the people is reachable, they go in, get him/her, get him/her out, go back and try and find the other, sometimes they have to go out before finding them just because the house or building might collapse in any minute, so time is often not on their side. Another thing that might happen is that they actually find the other person, but is out of reach and again, time is not often on their side, and they have to leave him/her behind.
Now, I'm not a paramedic nor a firefighter, and if I go in a burning house to save the people inside, I wouldn't choose between either, especially if they are kids. I know I couldn't live with myself afterward, thinking what if I tried harder, or why did I go in in the first place, someone is dead because of me, etc. I just know I won't be able to handle it. I would prefer to die alongside them, keep them safe with me in a big embrace, telling them not to be afraid. If I can't get them both I don't get either.

Option three: If you could swap
If you could swap gender, (male to female or female to male), for one year what benefits or negatives do you envisage, what challenges do you think you'd face and would you consider staying that way permanently, if so why? Is there anything in particular you'd like to do as the opposite gender?
I actually wrote something about this a few months back on another blog. If I was a guy, what would I do, how would I act, what would my life be like?
Long ago I started to wonder how the life of a man is, and if they have a weight to carry as much as women do? Because let's face it, we as women are a force to be reckoned with, we are mothers, daughters, we work at home, we raise the kids, alongside with our studies, jobs, and personal lives, and not happy with that, we have the social standards that demand us to behave or be a certain way, otherwise, we don't qualify as women, like me for instance, I don't want to have kids, I'm not nor never will be a full woman.
But, I also wonder about a man and the social standard there is about them, the breadwinners, the alfa males, the ones that are as strong as the earth itself, the ones who cannot cry or cave, that's for women.
So, if I could be a guy for a year, I would fight for gender equality as well as the recognition that men also have had and keep having struggles just because they are men, I think it would be beneficial for both genders actually, and very challenging because I'm well aware that many people still see one side as the enemy, and don't see that together we can find what we all want, our rightful place.
In a more funny note, I would also like to see what it's like to pee standing up, that's a challenge. I would try out skinny jeans and if they don't hurt my newly found jewels, but I won't make the change permanent, although, the fact that men don't receive a special visit every month, could make me consider it.

That's it for me this weekend!
I don't answer option four because I just don't have the malice to plan the perfect crime, nor believe that there is such thing as the perfect crime.

See you next time folk's!

The Images are all from Pixabay and properly sourced.
The Gif Banner was made by me using Canva.

The Images are all from Pixabay and properly sourced.
The Gif Banner was made by me using Canva.
The Gif Banner was made by me using Canva.
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