What a great information you submitted right here man.
I am a man that usually benchmarks my passion with my deliverables. Most times the reason why one don't deliver his duty according might be due to work you report to. Imagine you work from morning till night and happy to submit your report but it has been watered down by your so called superior because of his ego, your passion starts dropping gradually. In your pursuit not to fail people, you look forward to a better place or better environment where you can recondition your mind and stay focus on your deliverable.
I believe what is important is never fail in your responsibility and watch out for yourself, especially your state of mind when delivering your duty. As what you responsible for is important, so is yourself too... Balance things and be excellent in your delivery.
I don't know if I make sense 😆
It makes some sense, yes.
I particularly liked, "be excellent in delivery."
Many people think that seeking or striving for perfection is the way but I completely disagree because perfection does not exist. It's better seek continual improvement or, as you put it, excellence.
I always enjoy your article. Thanks for this weekend drop.