I promised myself I'd sleep all weekend to catch up on lost sleep; I've been busy doing things that have caused me to have a sporadic sleep-cycle and one can only survive for so long without good sleep as it effects performance; I determined this weekend I'd not work and spend it catching up. It sounded like a good plan.
I awoke (way too bloody early) and enjoyed a relaxing breakfast as the sun came up on what was going to be a partially cloudy day and started thinking about doing nothing, relaxing, snoozing in my hammock, reading, listening to music and...I started feeling guilty. Typical!
As I ate and sipped coffee my mind wandered to documentation I have to complete that will spread throughout the entire organisation and be relied upon for accuracy of information and will form operational process and procedure. Part of me thought, fuck it, that can wait, but another part of me thought, do the work you lazy fucker, people are relying on it and you. So that's what I did.
The document is lengthy, convoluted and technical from an operational perspective and eventually kinetic operations will be performed whilst following it as standard operational procedure - All that means I have to get it right which I know how to do, but...it's fucken Saturday and I've been on it for weeks now! Oh well, no rest for the wicked responsible huh? I finished breakfast and got to it after setting myself up outside in my alfresco area; if I have to work today at least I can do so in a nice environment and with my plants, fresh air and birds singing all around me. (Coffee too.)
We all have responsibilities, not least of them is to ourselves; what I mean there is that whether our responsibilities are professional, personal, social, familial or anything else how we approach them impacts upon us personally.
Yes, there's implications from a broader perspective if we don't meet our responsibilities but also to ourselves; thoughts, feelings and attitudes. Just in the same way we feel good about ourselves for a job well done we often feel bad when we shirk our responsibilities and those feelings can be incredibly damaging to our self-esteem and feeling of self-worth.
That's why I've decided to work all weekend, to push forward with that documentation and get it completed despite not actually being on the clock for work. I don't want to let the organisation down, those I call my colleagues and I don't want to look back later and call into question my sense of responsibility, ownership, discipline and personal and professional integrity. That's a slippery slope.
Do you feel the same in respect of the responsibilities you have in your own lives, professional or personal? Have you taken action and responsibility when the easy option was to leave it for later? What was the situation and outcome and how did it make you feel? Maybe you chose noy to take the responsibility...how did that work out? Feel free to comment below.
Now...I'm back to it for a few more hours before my next coffee break.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
The image is my own - Falmouth, UK
Another slippery slope is working without breaks and then people getting butthurt because you had the audacity to actually not work when you technically didn't have to be and they were fully expecting you to push through and get things done so that they didn't have to XD
I have never had that happen before
Hope you felt better after finishing it :)
I did plenty of leaving it til later when I was at uni. Almost never ends well but I guess some people have to tell themselves that everything worked out just fine even if they're stressing and swearing to nerver leave things til the last minute again when desperately rushing to get that assignment in on time only to rinse repeat because having fun now was infinitely more desirable and important than doing boring stuff XD
These days I have to choose what isn't getting done today/this week/month/year/ever and I feel like I'm always getting in trouble for the things that get left regardless of whether that actually happens or not x_x
Getting butthurt in general is a slippery slope, but yep I agree, organisations and corporations can have unrealistic expectation. How dare you not work on your weekend when you're not getting paid?! Been there.
It's not finished, it'll be another week or so, maybe two...it's a big document and much rests on it. It'll get done though and is coming together nicely.
We've all left things for later and often get away with it, sometimes not. I guess I don't like to make a habit of it as later may never come, or opportunities could be lost in the meantime. I'm not the leave it to the last minute guy really.
Like you say at the end of your comment, it comes down to prioritisation and a person who can do that well is ahead of the game.
Get it done, then you sleep better at night is what I have maintained most my life, yet of late it slips through the gap sometimes !LOLZ
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I've been working all day, with a break or two for coffee and food...time to relax now, watching a series tonight, and I'll get back to it in the morning Sunday. I've got a BBQ happening Sunday afternoon so have some prep to do. Enough to keep me busy. 😉
Sounds all good enjoy!
Rest and especially sleep is restorative. But sometimes we cannot forget the obligations. Beautiful place where you have breakfast.
Have a nice weekend.
Sleep is important as you say, it helps us think better and of course act better. I had a small sleep in this morning which was nice.
I grew up and was brought up with the mantra: "Don't leave what you can do today for tomorrow", so I can understand your desire to finish work that affects others.
However, as times change, new generations come to work where I work, with different upbringing and thinking, I change too.
I avoid "bringing home" work, mostly I finish everything from business obligations that I need to do during working hours.
The exception can only be some projects, when I am proactive and encourage my colleagues by personal example and then I agree to work over the weekend (fortunately for me and my employer, those are rare moments otherwise we would have gotten into a problem 😀).
I remember a situation from a few years ago. My new director asks me when I can prepare a report for him. I look at the clock, Friday 14:00 and working hours until 16:00. I ask him: "Do you mind if I send it to you in 4 hours?" He tells me: "Great, so you're sending me tonight." "No", I tell him, "I'll send it to you in 4 hours. You have a report on Monday at 10 a.m., in 4 working hours. Tonight I'm with a company at a celebration, I have the whole weekend planned, I don't have time to turn on the business laptop and only on Monday, I'm here again, for the needs of work and the company".
What could he do, he accepted my comment and received the report on Monday at 9 a.m.
Anyway, he only needed it on Tuesday 😀 That's when he realized what my attitude was about working on weekends on some less important activities...
We later had a lot of days together on weekend projects, but one thing is work from the domain of expertise that can't wait, and something completely different is administration, which doesn't matter, which is not important...
if he called me today, what would I say to him? I've been shopping all day, preparing some dinner and drinks for the company that's coming tonight... and I'm writing a story...
I don't have time for unplanned business activities 😁
There's often demands from employers in respect of after hours work that generally goes unpaid as happened to you. I don't generally respond well from it and do not expect people who work for me to do it. However, sometimes I want to do the work, like this weekend, as I may be feeling in a good head-space to be productive and that saves time later. I'm lucky that my role is flexible, I basically set my own schedule, unless it's an operational thing, and have the ability to be flexible.
So, this with I'm doing, whilst I'd rather not be doing it, is something I'm choosing to do. Had it been forced on me I'd probably feel less inclined to do it. The other thing is, I get paid commensurate to the work I do no matter where I do it, meaning whether I'm at an office, cafe, home...doesn't matter, I get paid if I'm working.
When you have flexible working hours, i.e., you work when you want and how much you want, and in total you have the agreed scope of work fulfilled, it gives you a lot of freedom...
And when you have working hours from 8 am to 4 pm every working day, in an office without the possibility of working from a remote location, then the situation in which you are asked to do something over the weekend seems like blackmail 🙂
When you are the owner of your business (in other words, the boss...), then you decide for yourself, when and how much and it all depends on your wishes and needs.
In my experience, (as the company Director/owner) I was always working, I guess that comes with the territory but, thankfully, not anymore.
My own brother moved to Glasgow and worked as a chef in a restaurant for years.
He worked for pay.
When he decided to open his restaurant, he told me: "Ginally I should rest a bit".
"My little brother, I'm sorry, but as a private business owner, you won't rest. Unfortunately, you'll be working even more, and you'll also be doing things you didn't even know existed - bookkeeping, purchasing goods for food preparation, looking for and hiring staff, sick days , injuries, loans, salaries...".
It turns out I was right. The only thing is that when he works full time, he earns a lot more than when he worked for a salary. And that's why he decided to work as hard as he could. because when he works, he has a good profit.
You're right, it's a pay-off between more (endless) work and worry but there (usually) comes an increased income along with it, maybe not immediately but if the right work is done often enough things will work out.
Chef's work so hard whether they work for someone or own the business, not a job I'd like to have - One must be quite passionate I think.
I can’t believe I feel the same. I don’t wanna let anyone down but I feel like lazing around. 😂
There's a time for work and a time for rest, I think it's good to know when each is applicable.
Hahaha, that is something interesting here. I want to do it earlier every time but my laziness never allowed me to do it.
Like whenever I am provided with an assignment to write, I decide to complete it on time but then days pass and I get to know about it only a day before the last date, that I haven't done it yet. Lol
Laziness never got anyone anywhere which is why I chose not to be lazy in my own life. I guess it works out ok for some though. Or not.
I knew you'd be working at the weekend, something told me Galen will hahaha.
And it's the same for me, I can't leave things to do, to enjoy without doing anything, everything has to be done, otherwise I start to turn my head around and in the end I don't enjoy the day, I prefer to finish the tasks and then, even if it's just time to rest, but with peace of mind.
Keep up the good work, hug! Ah, don't miss the coffee.
I usually get enough done during the week (long hours) so that I don't have to work on the weekends, it's actually quite rare that I have to; the last few weeks have been demanding though so working Saturday made sense. I'll do the same for half of Sunday and then have some guests to entertain at a BBQ lunch I'm hosting. Half a day as my weekend...I'll take what I can get.
Sometimes it happens, I hope that half day is great.
In my case, my plans changed two hours ago, news that I sensed but wasn't sure about was confirmed, about my aunt's health. A sad situation. Although there is no solution here, she is being very well cared for.
Hopefully that situation plays out as well as possible for all of you.
I hope so... that she doesn't suffer too much. Thank you Galen, thank you.
Sat Morning.
4 am: yawn, scratch scratch... Coffee Brewing
5 am: coffee being drank while watching an old John Wayne movie called The Shootist
6 am: cats fed, outside table sawing, ripping some old fence posts into runners for fencing
7 am: roller painting the cutoffs with used oil from prime to lengthen life span.
8 am: Fencing boards cut and screwed to posts that were dug and placed last weekend. (Raining Dammit)
10 am thru 1pm: about 75 board's cut and attached.
2-3 pm: Off on a road trip to Bigwood BBQ.
9 am: Joined by @pooky-jax and the fence repairs/replacement from hurricane damage. 3:42 pm. Typing this to my bro @galenkp and nibbling on fried cheese sticks as we await a blackened chicken sammich, baked beans, fries. Kel is awaiting mushroom jack steak hoagie, fries.
That food sounds scrumptious! Seems like a productive day all round. Did the Mustang get a run?
Sitting in it as I type this. Kel is in the store grabbing some christmas lighting strands. We add a little each year.

Rain. It'll need a wash.
Hi Galen, I'm glad to see you recovered and with a sense of humor. I loved reading your internal dialogue. In my case it is difficult for me to put myself in your place, I have no responsibility with other people in my work, or if there is any it is in another way. In my family, when it has been necessary, I have sacrificed my health for the people I love, and I have certainly not left for later, what could be done at the moment. Best regards
I'm a fairly intense but affable guy so often (not always) see the lighter side of things; besides, no one wants to see me complaining all the time, including myself. I could have left that work today but feel good that I did not (am finished for the day now) and will get back to it tomorrow for a period of time. It will help me in the next week or so as I bring it to a conclusion and present it to the other HoD's and I think it'll be well received. (Head of Departments).
We've all sacrificed something at one point even if that's health as you say; it comes with being human, sacrifice I mean, as does the need for responsibility...although it seems to be the trend for people to try and avoid it these days.
I know young people who are very responsible and whom I admire. But as a culture I think you are right, we live in a world where values are in the image and in the search for gratification without effort. I looked up the origin of the word sacrifice and found this: "The word sacrifice comes from the Latin: "sacro" and "facere", that is, "to make things sacred". We live in an age that has lost the sense of the sacred. Sometimes I think I am an old curmudgeon, hahahah!!!!!
I also know such young people, quite a few actually, but generally speaking I think it's not common. Reward for effort has been (generally) replaced with reward for no reason and I disagree with that ethos, the expectation-ethos; nothing will make me change my mind on that, literally nothing.
On the Latin (which I studied at school actually)...it's so cool that you looked that up and so relevant what you say about society having (generally) lost the sense of sacred...the sense that there is something larger than themselves...Selfishness seems to have supplanted other more productive traits.
Curmudgeon? probably not, just someone with the enough life behind you to see perspective, understand the effects or regret and to have seen a lot of change for the worse. It's called wisdom.
I also studied Latin for two years, and from those years I still use the dictionary. It seems important to me to know the root of the concepts we use. About what you say about me, I am very grateful for your generosity. It is usual that behind some nice words there is only personal interest, at least that is my experience. Thank you very much for your kind words.
I just call things as I see them and you've demonstrated, in your communication with me, that you're intelligent, self-reflective, humble and kind and also wise.
Now I don't know what to tell you, other than to thank you again and wish you a life as you have had so far, full of meaning. Of course, you'll take care of that, hahaha!
Have a great weekend
What a great information you submitted right here man.
I am a man that usually benchmarks my passion with my deliverables. Most times the reason why one don't deliver his duty according might be due to work you report to. Imagine you work from morning till night and happy to submit your report but it has been watered down by your so called superior because of his ego, your passion starts dropping gradually. In your pursuit not to fail people, you look forward to a better place or better environment where you can recondition your mind and stay focus on your deliverable.
I believe what is important is never fail in your responsibility and watch out for yourself, especially your state of mind when delivering your duty. As what you responsible for is important, so is yourself too... Balance things and be excellent in your delivery.
I don't know if I make sense 😆
It makes some sense, yes.
I particularly liked, "be excellent in delivery."
Many people think that seeking or striving for perfection is the way but I completely disagree because perfection does not exist. It's better seek continual improvement or, as you put it, excellence.
I always enjoy your article. Thanks for this weekend drop.
If the responsibility will affect others, I tend to prioritize it. But if it is just for me, then I have a habit of pushing it back due to laziness. For my work, I think that set up worked well. I got good ratings, and was promoted.
Yep, that's the responsible ting to do; it's important to have the ability (judgement) to know what's required and what is not. I often push back things in my own life (like sleeping today) as I tend to be good at prioritising. Of course, that will catch up at some stage so it's also important to know one's limits.
Even the fastest Formula One car needs to come into the pits for fresh tyres, fuel and general service right?
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For me, responsibility is the quality I admire most in human beings and whoever works with me must be responsible.
In his case, he could not fulfill his sleep plan because even if he tried to leave everything for later and be faithful to his weekend sleep plan, he would not be able to sleep because not fulfilling his obligations or letting his colleagues down would make his head explode and he would not be able to sleep.
Have a great weekend, finish your paperwork and catch up on some of the sleep you have lost. Cheers and best regards.
How have you used responsibility to your advantage? How has it worked well for you?
In my case it has worked very well for me.
In fact, the people who have come to work with me and I have not been there, the other workers have told the applicants that if they are responsible they have won part of the battle.
For me, responsibility is vital.
I like how you think and agree that having and displaying) responsibility is of such great value; it's one of the elements on which a solid foundation to build upon relies.
Absolutely true.
If human beings were more responsible, the great natural disasters, pollution and extinction of species, to give just one example, would not be affecting our planet so much.
In my walk through life and in the education of my loved ones I have been faithful to this and I have also tried to be an example in it. Greetings and salutations.
Sleep has been elusive for me lately as well. My wife would disagree, but our dog has had some issues that necessitate I get up with her in the middle of the night, then it is tough to get back to sleep. I am lucky that my profession allows me the ability to kind of detatch during the weekends and shut things off. My wife isn't so lucky. She will be working on paperwork all weekend.
I've had to work 15-18 hours days to get things done lately, the various elements of my role meaning I have to find time for work in the field and then doing administrative type duties; it's really quite diverse and, of course, I don't want to say too much here. The causality (lately and often) is sleep - I don't always get a lot in one session. It's all good though, I make it work, like you do, and days like today don't seem as hectic due to the environment I'm in.
My weekends are usually used in the same way yours are, but sometimes I've got to make a call on it and go in a different direction.
I used to have long days like that, but now that I have another person on staff it isn't too bad. We keep up on things quite well. Weekends are interesting. Usually we are running around watching our nieces and nephews play sports. Right now I am here replying to you, and my wife is next to me on the couch working.
I don't mind the long hours when they present themselves...as long as they're balanced out. It's when they are not that things tend to get out of control.
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