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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 47: Favourite transport [answer and win hive]

That's an easy one!
I can't think of anything else than my bicycle. 😀
Of course, this is a tricky question, as it depends on the usage, I am writing this after a 50' commute to town in my car so to me, a car is just work and wasted time in traffic jams. On the opposite, I associate my bike with pleasure, vacation, nature, health, sport, and of course, friendship whenever I travel or go out with some friends and sometimes even with wine!!



I wouldn't say I like a bicycle, because my last experience wasn't really a fun one.
But I wouldn't mind learning how to ride it either, yeah I don't know how to ride a bicycle 😞

Good experiences come when you know enough to forget about the bike and enjoy the ride. What I love the most is how an easy and quite simple "machine" gives you so much independence and pleasure.

That's nice then
I wish to enjoy a ride some day

I know right?
I guess you wouldn't mind being my teacher with that too ;)

I would have expected your pushbike being your favourite...It provides more than just transport I guess, as you say! This is a cool picture too!


I will love to try kayaking with you sometime too!!!

A most legit mode of transport. Nothing quite like kayaking in the wilderness, pulling up on the shore, a ,spot of lunch, freshly brewed coffee on the JetBoil. Paddling some more. Nice way to spend a day.

What about mixing both for a weekend? 😃

I'm in.

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Bicycles are such companions. You can go anywhere with them and they also exercise your legs. What more could you want? ❤️. Loved that pic.

Gracias Laura!

A bike is the got to transport for a lot of people.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Ah, yes! Someone speaks my language. Nice wheels dude! See you at the other end.
