Yeah I totally understand. My 17 years old younger sister @pejupops is like that. In fact, I'm tired of giving her reasons to be active. I went as far as making a deal with her by paying for her phone bills every month only if she can be active. Upon everything, she didn't fulfill her part of the deal 😅.
I'm patiently waiting for her data subscription to finish and she should finish watching all the movies she has watched on her phone. Then I will remind her of our deal she did not fulfill.
I guess everything is because they are still young and maybe doesn't know the value of doing plus getting noticed on Hive is not an easy thing. Takes serious work 😢.
Oh man, I reckon everyone here knows people like that... My own Daughters are the same... They could be here, they should be here, being here would help them to grow as people but nope!
I quit making deals now lol. Hopefully she finds her own way here, you've done your job by opening the door.
Look at how you have grown! Proof that commenting, makin' friendships and being a cool respectful guy works... BTW you are gonna smash that 10k goal before the end of 2021 man.
Wow thanks for motivation. I hope I do. I am close to 6k HP atm. Seen you have gone through my profile. Thanks for that I really appreciate.