Couldn't agree more with everything you've laid out. We weren't sick as kids either, injuries yes, but illness, not so much. I agree with your take on the food chain, from nutrient dense whole foods that sustain our health to substances (can't even call it food) thought up by some jackasses in lab coats. Fake meat, fake milk and fake everything that they try to shove down our throats under the guise of healthier, more nutritious fare. No wonder cancer is rampant, along with mental and neurological ailments. I am fast becoming a proponent of 'If you don't grow it, you don't know it'. No way would I consent to clinical trials.
Good slogan that! Most of the food-like products offered in the supermarket would cause you less damage if you ate the packaging and not the contents:)
lol sad but true...maybe we should call them psuedofood? After all, they try to look and taste like real edibles, but they fail miserably.