Over my dead body!

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"Sick or not sick, everyone works today," my father would say, quoting James Cagney in the movie One, Two, Three, if we kids attempted to feign illness. And unless my memory fails me, we were rarely ill. I had measles when I was around four, and my brother had chickenpox, but otherwise, I can’t recall any of us spending a day in bed sick. My father believed that illness was all in the mind, and give him his due, though a heavy drinker, he never missed a day at work through illness. Thus, we grew up largely without medical intervention and with a healthy suspicion of doctors.

So, if invited to do a clinical trial for a new medical "cure" for an illness, my answer would be a resounding no. In truth, I don’t believe that the pharmaceuticals peddled by the medical-industrial complex can cure anything. The best they offer is treatment, or in other words, suppression of the symptoms. At worst, they have side effects that require yet more medication, and round and round we go.

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I’ve always had a keen interest in health and what makes one person get sick while another doesn’t, and to me, it’s about nutrition and toxicity. No nasty little viruses hiding around every corner waiting to attack, no sneaky germs lurking in the dark ready to pounce. The more toxic our environment, the more poisons we inject into babies from the moment of birth, and the more devoid of nutrition our food becomes, the sicker we get. We compound the problem when we take more poisonous substances in the form of medicine. Can our bodies really malfunction for the want of pharmaceuticals produced from petrochemicals?

In the future I think we’ll look back at 21st-century medicine as barbaric, poisoning, radiating, and hacking off pieces of our bodies and calling it healing.

There has to be a better way.


Posted in response to @galenkp's Weekend Experiences prompt asking ' you were invited to do a clinical trial for a new medical "cure" for an illness you had but the possible side-effects were completely unknown and there was no guarantee of improvement would you do it or not?

The images are my own'


Couldn't agree more with everything you've laid out. We weren't sick as kids either, injuries yes, but illness, not so much. I agree with your take on the food chain, from nutrient dense whole foods that sustain our health to substances (can't even call it food) thought up by some jackasses in lab coats. Fake meat, fake milk and fake everything that they try to shove down our throats under the guise of healthier, more nutritious fare. No wonder cancer is rampant, along with mental and neurological ailments. I am fast becoming a proponent of 'If you don't grow it, you don't know it'. No way would I consent to clinical trials.

Good slogan that! Most of the food-like products offered in the supermarket would cause you less damage if you ate the packaging and not the contents:)

lol sad but true...maybe we should call them psuedofood? After all, they try to look and taste like real edibles, but they fail miserably.

That's what I'm talking about, right here. Allow me to step up onto my soap box.

Our best chances of living long and healthy lives come in staying away from today's conventional medical treatment altogether. We must only use those products and services if absolutely necessary, not for every little thing like we do today. There are many alternatives that we are told are bunk. One would think the industry wants us to be sick.

Our medical system is nothing more than the devil wearing an angel's clothes.

Hear! Hear! Sure I'll get up on that soap box right beside you...if there's room for two.

Eat wild food packed with nutrition! Start with nettle @deirdyweirdy, haha!

As Socrates said, "Thy food is thy medicine." I believe our bodies heal best when given the right nutrition and care. Modern medicine has its place, but true health starts with what we eat and how we live. I lean toward natural remedies whenever possible, using herbs, nutrition, and traditional methods to support health. The body has an incredible ability to heal when given the right conditions. 💗😊

I agree that modern medicine has it's place... and that place is in the bin!
I do think the body is self healing if given the correct conditions and that medicine took a wrong turn somewhere with all this slash and burn stuff they practice. And I put nettle root in my smoothie every day!

It's a risky thing.

This topic was because I know someone who has just begun a clinical trial about six months ago and they're worse off by a long way. They're not cures, just a way to test side effects on people sick enough that the result doesn't matter.

I think they need to be more honest about them, tell people it's not a cure.

I'd consider the thing I guess, but it's extremely unlikely I'd agree, so I'm with you on this.

Perhaps if you had a fatal illness and had no other hope, I could see some sense in it, but healthy people taking part in these trials for cash, that's craziness. There was a famous case here in 1986 when a diplomat's son died taking part in a drugs trial at Sir Patrick Dun's hospital which was close to where I lived and when I was in college I knew of students who earned a few bob that way.
I won't even take a headache pill if I fall over a chicken and hit me head on a rock...which happened to me last year.

Yep, exactly, it's all about the circumstances and only when in the situation is one able to come up with the right answer...fun to speculate and consider though, and interesting to see people's perspective.

There's little more fascinating in this world than other people's perspectives. They are often proof positive that everyone's crazy except me...and you... and of yourself, I'm not so sure of late:)

It's a well known fact I'm bonkers.

I own it.

You are and you do...just two of the things that make you so adorable:)

Naww...now we need to hug.

Indeed the food we eat nowadays at supermarket is crap and just sickness you... Doctors and medicines rarely fixes completely a problem, they just put a piece on the hole, like for cholesterol if you take the pill once you are doomed for life

There should be a sign over the door of every doctor's surgery...'abandon all hope ye who enter here':)

totally agreed. you remind and prompt me to work on something i have been putting off. thanks!

Don't tell me. You're putting together a hit squad to take out the medical-industrial complex in one fell swoop. Good man yourself!

non-violence is so much more powerful! also i am weak, a pacifist and don't have access to firearms

well- medicines can b divided into 3 groups: 1-medicines that do cure like that for treating cancer ("chemotherapy" & "yes it has side effects" also "yes it won't work all the time as it depends on the stage of cancer that's why early discovery is crucial"), 2-medicines that do a function that the body stopped doing like that for diabetes ("insulin injections control the amount of sugar n the body when the pancreas is defective & can't produce enough insulin"), 3-medicines that hide the symptoms like that for flue & pain-killers. the 3rd has the largest share because it's easier to make & it's "commercial" but still it's legit, there is a group that isn't a medicine rather it's a pseudo/fake-medicine ("they literally don't try to solve any problem nor hide any & n many cases they r rather harmful") usually n the fields of "skin care" "hair care" "weight loss" this group isn't medicine rather it's "scam". unfortunately the health care sector is becoming more "commercial" n many parts of the world where only those with much money can b treated while those with less money r left to die as n the case of cancer.
"I’ve always had a keen interest in health and what makes one person get sick while another doesn’t" i've also always had that question n my mind & i had the same answer "nutrition and toxicity" but + "genetics", "nutrition and toxicity r the only answers that make sense for answering questions like the crazy increase n diabetes & cancer incidents compared to the past "even not the far past like 80s". have a great day

I believe cancer too is a symptom of a toxic body and to treat it by adding chemo to the toxic load seems counterintuitive. I'm not a great believer in the theory of genetics, particularly with regard to disease.

well, many cells n our body have a lifespan where they age & get replaced with newer ones "like hair" as long as the process is balanced where 1 aged cell get replaced by 1 new cell- everything works fine as it should b & no problems- but f the number of new cells outnumber the aged cells to b replaced- things get out of control & uncontrolled proliferation develops what we know as "cancer"- so the question would b what cause this ? it's caused by our body being malfunctioning- our body just like pc/mobile-apps it's made of a code that control our gender & our general appearance + it tells our body how to function & do the things that r "automatic by default" like our heartbeats, breathing, immune-system- that code is called "genes" & a faulty gene will cause our body to malfunction or not to function just like codes n pc/mobile-apps, a faulty gene is caused by a bad mutation- so the question would b what cause the bad mutation ? here ur answer comes "nutrition & toxicity- smoking, alcohol, unhealthy foods & drinks, pollution, stress, trauma, shocks, lack of sleep, lack of nutritional elements, low water intake""although some suggest that random bad mutation do happen" but hence genes r transmittable from the upper generation to the lower- a malfunction n the body of the new generation can b caused by a bad mutation that happened n the older generation "that can b ur direct ancestors or ur ancestors who lived centuries ago", unfortunately we didn't develop a better cure than radiotherapy & chemotherapy for cancer treatment yet they r used n younger patients, while for elders "usually 70+" they r given painkillers & "medicines" that reduce the symptoms for as many years as possible. this is how genes r transmitted across generations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mendelian_inheritance & this is an example of an inherited genetic disease https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haemophilia & this is the incident of making the 1st genetically edited human to b HIV-resistant which happened n china https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/He_Jiankui_affair . didn't plan to b that long- i hope that wasn't boring! haha. have a nice day

Thanks, but I know all about the theory of genetics. And as with germs and viruses, it's just a theory, one that is beyond either you or I to prove or disprove. Thus we shall have to agree to disagree.
Radiotherapy & chemotherapy are not cures, they are treatments that kill most within 5-10 years.