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RE: Peachy!

Well I am from New Zealand but having been there for over 10 years, I am living in Massachusetts
I think I remember reading about the miles tax, seems confusing to me, if you pay tax based on miles driven you get a refund for and tax paid for Gas, seems a nightmare to manage to me

you to have a good Friday

 3 years ago  

What'll they think of next?

Oh Mass, cool! I saw your profile and assumed New Zealand. Looks like you're stuck with me for a minute.

What, how, why.. Massachusetts? How far outside Boston are you? Been to a Red Sox game? I don't watch baseball but I think I'd go to a Red Sox game in Boston if given the opportunity.

Interesting. 10 years eh? Ok, ok I'll stop. Your turn.

Who knows what crazy ideas they will come up with

I guess I should update my profile

I have only been here for about a year and a half after I retired and haven’t made it to Boston yet but hopefully with this year for some photo walks

Not sure about seeing a Red Sox game but maybe one day

I was working in NYC for almost 20 years and did make it to a couple of Yankees and Mets games

But my preferred sport is Rugby

Back to you

 3 years ago  

Right after I said you're stuck with me I got drug out the house. Wife's like "60 degrees and sunny, put your phone away!"

Good morning. Ok so were you in NYC the 20 years before moving to Mass? So you weren't too far out of your element then, you've actually been in the states for a long time, am I understand that correctly?

I take it work brought you here. Which reminds me, how rude of me, congratulations on your retirement. You call the US home then, yeah? Still got family in NZ?

I love this kinda stuff. Shut me up any time you want.

With the ups and down of winter this year I think your wife is right we have to make the most of the nice days :)

and I haven't lived in NZ for over 35 years now, Started with a Tour in Singapore with the NZ military, then after that I left the military to settle down supposedly, but then got a new job which had me travelling even more, have been to over 60 Countries, many places most people don't want to visit LOL, and yes that job brought me to NY, to the HQ, I didnt want to come, and insisited just for one year, but spent close to 20 working there till I retired.

thanks I timed it well for retiring just as the craziness of the pandemic started

Cheers and have a good weekend

 3 years ago  

What an incredible story. We'd break the coffee house if we sat down together.

I was able to retire before this mess, too. I engineered and climbed tower cranes for 22 years. Got my hours at age 41 and held them to their end of the bargain. My wife and I took off traveliving in 2017 (you can use that word btw) and then 2020 covid bla bla bla here we are.

We just booked our tickets to get back outta here though. April 21, "leavin.. on a jet plane.." Be nice to pick up where we left off.

60? Nice! We were able to tour 16 but lived 30 days or more in 13 of them between 17 and Covid 2020. What you learn by divulging yourself in the culture is what books don't teach.

Well dang, welcome to America. Make yourself at home. Lemme know if you need anything.

traveliving , thats a great word I must remember it
I didn't climb tower cranes but I did climb, build and dismantle many communications towers over the years

I think off the top of my head if I set a 30 day limit to count a country my number would be around 55
If I may ask where are you heading off to in April?

MY flying days are pretty much over, I got TB in 2007 and it did a fair bit of damage to my lungs, if I fly these days, well at least on longer flights, I often end up with Pneumonia so have given up on the idea of any long distance flights, but hope to do a few road trips here and there for a few days this coming summer

 3 years ago  

God bless your lungs then. That sounds terrible. Not the not flying part, big deal, they make boats that do the same thing. But the looming feeling must be a challenge.

UK. My wife is British. We'll go re-establish ourselves there at least and see what we can make happen in the first couple years. But she's chosen Greece. In a perfect world, we would have a few rentals in UK and I could inherit the rewards of being citizen there while traveliving between Greece and California. That's our 5 year plan.

I don't think anyone tuned in fails at executing the things we intentionally set in front of ourselves.

All I really want is to be somewhere I don't want to leave.