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If I could choose my own death, falling from a plane is a no-brainer!
Choosing to fall out of a plane might seem like an extreme decision to some, but when compared to being eaten by a shark or trampled by elephants, it becomes a much easier decision to make...
I've never gone skydiving, but ever since I was a child, my favorite dreams have always been the ones where I'm in freefall, watching the Earth get closer and closer, then waking up startled and confused in a pool of sweat when I finally reach the ground.
It's exhilarating, and if I'm on my way out, I'd prefer those last moments be spent in absolute bliss rather than in the jaws or under the foot of an animal. The feeling of weightlessness and the scenic views of the earth below would make it an unforgettable moment, and the adrenaline rush would be incomparable. In contrast, being eaten by a shark or trampled by elephants would certainly be an excruciatingly painful and terrifying experience that I'd not wish upon my worst enemy.
It is also important to consider the duration of the suffering in these scenarios. Falling from a plane would result in an instantaneous death upon impact, ensuring a quick and painless end. It'd be easy enough to get yourself into a nice little dive to ensure your vital parts break first. Do you know how long it would take elephants to trample you to death? One might crush your skull on the first blow, but we both know neither of us is that lucky. I also can't say fighting a shark has ever been close to getting added to my bucket list.
I think I'll just give the planet a really fast hug, thanks.

Your image is legendary 🤩