I love your photos and although I am a mother I don't like sticky fingers in my hair either it's true if you ask the parent to try to make the little screaming monster more comfortable you receive a certain look.. not that it kills mine, but still... If my children have to sit in silence and not bother other people on the bus, plane or wherever we go I am allowed to expect the same. Teenagers aren't cool either.. lying stretched out in the bus, using 4 seats blocking the way, dressed weirdly and everyone feels annoyed and no one dares to say to switch off the music or at least use those earplugs because we already heard the noise for over 12 hours... besides that teenager (indeed a foreigner telling me I she calls the police because I am a guest in her country... hello, German bus and you got in the Netherlands) threw her seat backward and my kid had less place than a sardine in a can. In the end, I said: Pardon me, is it possible to turn off the music... Bang she turned around like a tornado (or was it a he, it's hard to tell if they dress like a fake soldier to look cool although they are not, must have been lousy staying in Amsterdam). So bang it was she planted her fist in my face while I was standing straight and kept standing there, my two children stood up and the elderly sitting next to that monster fled through the bus, somewhere to the front. I was surprised how fast she was (the elderly not that aggressive person).
Hush, someone gestured, Hush? Why? Is this normal behaviour? She nodded and hid in a corner (window seat).
I am afraid I have some issues, issues with normal, the normal, or whatever they claim is normal today. I have to admit I think about emigrating to a country far away, or a continent. Africa sounds great to me. I heard they have way more room than we do, you can live alone. For some reason all those once living there left.. they heard about some paradise, an island, or some tiny country where you get euros for free and a great comfy house because living in a hotel isn't cool. Like you, I go abroad to meet and greet the locals, the kind of locals I don't see at home (staying inside is an option did you try that?) but it's impossible today (I avoid the Dutch flag, bread, and pancakes abroad as well, no way I would ever go spend my money on those trying to make an income with dutch national dishes yuck... I forgot to mention we had a program for many years (National TV) called: I Leave, the fact they left was a relief but what we received back..).
Did your pm tell to you are sooo lucky because they are good for the economy and higher educated than we are ... chance pearls the former PM now head of the... calls them.. chance pearls...
It was good to read you but since you said those three things I wait till you tell me what it is you don't dare to say.
If I found my way to empty Africa you are welcome. For sure there's room enough and we don't have to meet those we don't like to see. Next time dirty hands dare to come near shout: Social distance, please if you don't want to be infected with the plague!
That's the comment of the week Kitty, a post unto itself and every word the truth.
Hahaha, i was thinking exactly that while I was writing the post!