I'll tell you a secret!

never too late to clean slate20240817_191242.jpg

I’m pretty upfront about my opinions on most things. In fact, I could likely give a 30-minute lecture to anyone who’d care to listen on the evils of government, the madness of the medical industrial complex, or the growing incivility of civil society, and these are just a few of my King Charles’ heads. However, there are certain opinions I find are better left unvoiced if one is to make friends and influence people.

Parents tend not to like it if you don’t appreciate their kids… and I can’t stand children! There, I’ve said it! I’m out of the closet. Good kids, bad kids, cutesy little sad kids, I loathe them all equally. When I see tantrum-throwing toddlers in the street, I am forever amazed that the parents don't just walk away and leave them. I mean, they're too young to know their way home, right?

Yes, I’m a child-hater and will cross the street to avoid the little blighters, lest one of their sticky hands should reach out and touch my person, forcing me to swat it away and possibly incur the wrath of the confounded pest’s doting parent.

A recent polite request to one such parent, seated behind me on a bus, to remove her toddler’s pesky paws from the back of my head, was met with a look of incredulity and a declaration that I was by far the most obnoxious person she had ever met.

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And while I’m in confessional mode, I’m racist, or perhaps that’s nationalist or maybe far-right. No, I don’t believe one race to be superior to another but rather that the land, culture, and values of each should be preserved. One of the best things about the world is the differences between us. I believe we are tribal and, for the most part, prefer people of our own ethnicity. I want to live among my own people, and if I go to Japan, I want to see Japanese people and experience their culture. I don’t want to travel all the way to China to see some Dublin jackeen dancing an Irish jig. Immigration by all means, but not in such numbers as to effect a complete demographic transformation, such as we’re currently seeing across Europe.

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And finally, something that is guaranteed to get me scratched from the dinner party list, I think there’s a fair possibility that we’re either living in a simulation or that our overlords, rulers, elites, or whatever are not human… no, hear me out. We need CO2 to live, humans and plants in a symbiotic relationship, yet we are waging war on carbon dioxide. Our air, water, and land are being poisoned as corporations pollute and strip-mine our planet. Is it plausible that even a psychopathic human would poison the air he breathes and the water he drinks?

Nah, I’m with David Icke. Lizards, the lot of them!


'What are three things you think but would never want anyone to know you think' Posted in response to @galenkp's Weekend Experiences prompt asking

Photos are my own


Ha, loved the ending - yep, in-bloody-conceivable we'd do that to each other.

I totally get why people are anti immigration and prefer to stick to their own. Still, I do love the diversity other cultures bring. We're in a different situation here in Australia than there though. Even if the pollies tell us to be very afraid, we've always been a culture of many cultures, which has always worked.

Kids - yep.. I'm with you. Unless they are closely related. My grandchild is obviously not like the other lizard children.

Diversity is all fine and dandy but if we continue to flood our countries with cultures incompatible with our own we'll end up with one homogenous mishmash monoculture, our past and traditions forgotten.

As to your grandchild, if you're anything to go by I'm sure she's a little darling:)

Aw shucks.

You know, I'm always seeing both sides. Tradition is good, but then we do change over history, it's inevitable. Digging our heels in and protecting 'tradition' at all costs can be counter intuitive when the new can enhance a culture. Again, Australia is very different in this regard but there's still white Australians getting massively pissed off that their culture is being tarnished by migrants. Wtf, we are only 250 years old and we STARTED as a mish mash of Europeans who massacred the people who were here to start with. Maybe we have something to learn from others? Anyway here we have politicians making us terrified of migration eg Sudanese youths which is frankly just fear mongering. Then you have migrants so bloody grateful to be here they're pretty much Aussie anyway in how they approach life here.

I guess I'm interested in what 'incompatible' is here. I imagine we agree if it's like the Taliban or whatever. But most of the time we are more alike that we imagine. We want good lives for us and our families.

But you know, as I said, it's a different kettle where you are and I totally get what an issue it is.

I get your point and I know there's a lot of scaremongering around migrants, but at the same time I know there's an agenda afoot to change the European demographic. These migrants are not coming, they're being brought here to live in tents pitched on Dublin streets. This is not a good life for them or us.

These migrants are not coming, they're being brought here to live in tents pitched on Dublin streets.

I don't know enough about it - that sounds like a nightmare though!


Wait, \that wasn't a selfie! :P

Hahah, oops!:)

Ah, Sir Cork, a personal appearance. I am honoured!

I'm more or less with you on this post.
I have kids but am very conscious that when we're out and about that other people don't want them up in their space as they enjoy a day out. Different in places designed for families then it's on you but in normal restaurants and outdoors you have to mind you children and keep them in line.

I have no problem with immigration as long as it's done in a measured and controlled way. As Irish we spread across the whole world in the same manner but to preserve a country and it's culture when letting people in it has to be in reasonable amounts and through the proper channels. Immigrants add a lot to the country when they come here to be part of our culture and to create a better life for themselves. Not to impose their own culture upon us.

We all know that the world is rules by a few very rich people with the right connections. They might not be lizards but they are very dangerous animals with very little morals.

I think immigration worked fine when we weren't paying vast sums to NGOs to traffic people in huge numbers with the promise of free stuff.

They might not be lizards ...but you're not ruling it out:)

I love your photos and although I am a mother I don't like sticky fingers in my hair either it's true if you ask the parent to try to make the little screaming monster more comfortable you receive a certain look.. not that it kills mine, but still... If my children have to sit in silence and not bother other people on the bus, plane or wherever we go I am allowed to expect the same. Teenagers aren't cool either.. lying stretched out in the bus, using 4 seats blocking the way, dressed weirdly and everyone feels annoyed and no one dares to say to switch off the music or at least use those earplugs because we already heard the noise for over 12 hours... besides that teenager (indeed a foreigner telling me I she calls the police because I am a guest in her country... hello, German bus and you got in the Netherlands) threw her seat backward and my kid had less place than a sardine in a can. In the end, I said: Pardon me, is it possible to turn off the music... Bang she turned around like a tornado (or was it a he, it's hard to tell if they dress like a fake soldier to look cool although they are not, must have been lousy staying in Amsterdam). So bang it was she planted her fist in my face while I was standing straight and kept standing there, my two children stood up and the elderly sitting next to that monster fled through the bus, somewhere to the front. I was surprised how fast she was (the elderly not that aggressive person).
Hush, someone gestured, Hush? Why? Is this normal behaviour? She nodded and hid in a corner (window seat).
I am afraid I have some issues, issues with normal, the normal, or whatever they claim is normal today. I have to admit I think about emigrating to a country far away, or a continent. Africa sounds great to me. I heard they have way more room than we do, you can live alone. For some reason all those once living there left.. they heard about some paradise, an island, or some tiny country where you get euros for free and a great comfy house because living in a hotel isn't cool. Like you, I go abroad to meet and greet the locals, the kind of locals I don't see at home (staying inside is an option did you try that?) but it's impossible today (I avoid the Dutch flag, bread, and pancakes abroad as well, no way I would ever go spend my money on those trying to make an income with dutch national dishes yuck... I forgot to mention we had a program for many years (National TV) called: I Leave, the fact they left was a relief but what we received back..).
Did your pm tell to you are sooo lucky because they are good for the economy and higher educated than we are ... chance pearls the former PM now head of the... calls them.. chance pearls...

It was good to read you but since you said those three things I wait till you tell me what it is you don't dare to say.

If I found my way to empty Africa you are welcome. For sure there's room enough and we don't have to meet those we don't like to see. Next time dirty hands dare to come near shout: Social distance, please if you don't want to be infected with the plague!

That's the comment of the week Kitty, a post unto itself and every word the truth.

It was good to read you but since you said those three things I wait till you tell me what it is you don't dare to say.

Hahaha, i was thinking exactly that while I was writing the post!

Is it plausible that even a psychopathic human would poison the air he breathes and the water he drinks?

as plausible as that a small landowner would pollute his own land, yet they are subject to onerous environmental regulations that eventually will allow those lizards to rob the humans of their own land.

I go back and forth on the simulation thing. There has to be something that is immutable, and so is always a factor in events.

I mean, they're too young to know their way home, right?

Funny funny, as usual in your posts, but this one has made me think seriously.

If you're interested in the simulation theory have a listen to Jason Breshears of Archaix. He's pretty convincing.
Thanks for finding me funny... someone's got to!

avoid the little blighters, lest one of their sticky hands should reach out and touch my person, forcing me to swat it away and possibly incur the wrath of the confounded pest’s doting parent.

This made me laugh!! 🤣🤣

In all seriousness though, in the words of Tommy Tiernan, "The world is fucked!!" Unless we can all collectively wake up and see the wood for the trees.

he world is fucked. Unless we can all collectively wake up and see the wood for the trees.

I guess we're fucked then!


I know, I know, my brilliance has rendered you speechless:)

Of course you have shared a special secret with us, we are seeing all these things happening around us that parents also make mistakes in the same places and if they do not treat their children the same, then in the coming time. Problems begin to arise.

"that the land, culture, and values of each should be preserved."

Indeed, I feel the same way.

A great post, one I agree with, all of it, so thanks again for taking the time. You don't disappoint.

It's not surprising we are in agreement, upstanding individuals of moral fortitude that we are:)
Thanks again for all the support.

Titans of humanity often gravitate towards Titanism and each other. Just ask Boomy.

Hahaha, Titan? Sure I'm barely 5' 1"!

Titans can be midgets.

But can midgets be titans?

Only if they're a Titan first.

Interesting question though, what came first, the midget or the Titan?

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