A shared weekend with my 90 year old self? Certainly, if I will even live that long. If I would meet my 90 year old myself, then I would learn so much about the future that I could change the financial situation of both myself, and my family members, and friends too. Probably this is the best choice from the listed options. And even if you are rich/wealthy, you could still learn many things.
I will be 30 years old on 2022.09.17, but if I could go back five years, I would do many things differently. I would do everything to save our own house, so I would not have to suffer with rent years later, including the present. I am in front of moving again, and theorerically I will not have to pay rent in the new house. Soon I will see. And I will see other things too.
Either way, I would do many things differently in the past. Especially as a child (approximately 20-25 years ago). Including spending more time with my mother. Being more kind to her. Being more helpful to her. I was very far from a good child. My mother did everything for me and for my brother. She would have deserved much better. Both from me and from life itself too.
I have a lot of regrets about my behavior and about my actions. And not just/only in my childhood age, but as an adult too. I am trying to be(come) a good person.
Regret doesn't make very good company and this question is designed to make people think about their lives now, what they Ould be doing differently to mitigate the risk and impact of possible regret. I think if we were able to speak to our 90 year old self we would learn many things, some of which you've mentioned.
But yeah, you'll probably be dead, and I certainly will be by then. I've got maybe 20 years ahead of me, probably little more. That's why I live well now.
Life is fickle and we don't know when it'll expire, you or I could be dead in 24 hours, you know?
I don't care about Jesus forgiving me, it's me that needs to forgive my mistakes and failings and then move forward with the intention to continually improve on life. To do otherwise is wasteful I think.
I have a post about this very thing ready for tomorrow based on a conversation I had a few days ago.
Best to make it count whilst we have it.