Bingo! Original. From now on, give us the original with the translation, please. We can read the translation and check the original if the translation has problems. I strongly suggest that you not use Grammarly suggestions. This is not allowed. We only allow punctuation (commas, periods, etc.) and basic spelling. No word choice, order, etc.
I will curate your story now as Inkwell.
I believe in communication. I'm just a writer/blogger like you. I want to help people not hurt them. However, we do not tolerate AI at all, so that is the issue here. I'm glad this was resolved.
I ran the original story through DeepL and the translation was smoother than what appeared in Google translate.
Thank you for trying to verify. I feel relieved. Thank you for believing me.
Sorry because it little bit annoying you. I felt devastated at first. From now I will always put the original manuscript in Indonesian version into every prompt.
Of course, I will follow your advice. I will try using DeepL.
For me, this is very valuable. All of this, starting from the findings and suspicions until finally the proof was found because you did not give up to check and accept my complaint with humility.
I respect you and the entire curation team 🙏🙏🙏.
Believe me, please. I only curate to help people. That is true for the whole team. We're not perfect, but we do try to help.
wholeheartedly 🙏